Antonio Blackgooines

Si te pones la 33ª dosis ayudas a Ucoñia
18 Feb 2022
Gai Ben Hinnom

1) Your child wants to play a real-life guinea pig.

2) You’re too busy to research the potential risks of a novel gene therapy that lacks long-term safety data.

3) You weighed the zero-mortality rate and microscopic risks of serious complications from el bichito to children and thought, why not increase the likelihood of being hospitalized by 74 percent, being injured by twenty-five times, and dying by twenty times?

4) You’d like to boost your child’s chances of catching el bichitomultiple times.

5) You want to downgrade your child’s natural immunity to antibody-dependent enhancement.

6) You think keeping your child’s vaxxport up-to-date with the latest injection (Germany is encouraging every ninety days—as is Canada) will circumvent the need for masking.

7) You believe informed consent is passé.
8) You Trust The Experts™—not science.

Bob Moran: Because Science

9) You think life is boring and want to spice it up with some tragedy.

10) You’d like to add to the 54,697 adverse event reports received for children (out of 1,394,703 reports) through August 26, 2022, for conditions such as encephalitis, Bell’s palsy, aneurysms, cerebral hemorrhage, myocarditis, thrombocytopenia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, appendicitis, heart disease, and death.

https://openvaers.com/el bichito-data/child-summaries
11) You wish your child could enjoy a life of chronic illness from a progressively damaged immune system.

12) You think your toddler would benefit from periodic seizures.

13) You believe less than a month of efficacy after the second dose is worth giving your teen myocarditis.

14) You would like to go bankrupt covering the medical bills the government is shielding pharmaceutical companies from.

15) You want to keep protecting manufacturers from liability once their emergency use authorizations expire thanks to Reagan’s 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act, which gives them a pass as long as the product is administered to kids.

16) You think it would be fun if your child developed turbo cancer.

17) You believe becoming paralyzed from the waist down and relying on a feeding tube like Maddie de Garay would be a good life lesson for your kid.

Maddie de Garay: Highwire, Rigged

18) You’d like your child to go from looking like this:

… to this:

Milo After COVID Shot

19) You wish you could feel like this father did after his son got vaxx-induced myocarditis, which comes with a five-year life expectancy.

20) You want your child to experience the adventure of a heart attack.

21) You think playing Russian Roulette with your child’s life is exciting and are already planning the funeral.

Ernesto Ramirez Jr. Lying in Casket

22) You want casket manufacturers to sell even more bulk orders of child-sized coffins so they can surpass the 400-percent increase since December 2021 reported by one North American company.

Funeral Industry Tweets

23) You want your child to wind up like three-year-old Ámbar Suárez, thirteen-year-old Jacob Clynick, nineteen-year-old Simone Scott, seventeen-year-old Sean Hartman, and sixteen-year-old Ernesto Ramirez Jr. so you don’t have to worry about paying for college or any other expenses associated with being alive.

24) You think you could use a good, lifelong cry like this Trinidad mom who lost her son:

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1) Your child wants to play a real-life guinea pig.

2) You’re too busy to research the potential risks of a novel gene therapy that lacks long-term safety data.

3) You weighed the zero-mortality rate and microscopic risks of serious complications from el bichito to children and thought, why not increase the likelihood of being hospitalized by 74 percent, being injured by twenty-five times, and dying by twenty times?

4) You’d like to boost your child’s chances of catching el bichitomultiple times.

5) You want to downgrade your child’s natural immunity to antibody-dependent enhancement.

6) You think keeping your child’s vaxxport up-to-date with the latest injection (Germany is encouraging every ninety days—as is Canada) will circumvent the need for masking.

7) You believe informed consent is passé.
Informed Consent To Parents Contemplating el bichito-19 Injections For Their Infants and Toddlers
8) You Trust The Experts™—not science.

Bob Moran: Because Science
9) You think life is boring and want to spice it up with some tragedy.

10) You’d like to add to the 54,697 adverse event reports received for children (out of 1,394,703 reports) through August 26, 2022, for conditions such as encephalitis, Bell’s palsy, aneurysms, cerebral hemorrhage, myocarditis, thrombocytopenia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, appendicitis, heart disease, and death.

Child Summaries - OpenVAERS
11) You wish your child could enjoy a life of chronic illness from a progressively damaged immune system.

12) You think your toddler would benefit from periodic seizures.

13) You believe less than a month of efficacy after the second dose is worth giving your teen myocarditis.

14) You would like to go bankrupt covering the medical bills the government is shielding pharmaceutical companies from.

15) You want to keep protecting manufacturers from liability once their emergency use authorizations expire thanks to Reagan’s 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act, which gives them a pass as long as the product is administered to kids.

16) You think it would be fun if your child developed turbo cancer.

17) You believe becoming paralyzed from the waist down and relying on a feeding tube like Maddie de Garay would be a good life lesson for your kid.

Maddie de Garay: Highwire, Rigged
18) You’d like your child to go from looking like this:

VSRF call this week: The vaccine injured
… to this:

Milo After COVID Shot
19) You wish you could feel like this father did after his son got vaxx-induced myocarditis, which comes with a five-year life expectancy.

20) You want your child to experience the adventure of a heart attack.

21) You think playing Russian Roulette with your child’s life is exciting and are already planning the funeral.

Ernesto Ramirez Jr. Lying in Casket
22) You want casket manufacturers to sell even more bulk orders of child-sized coffins so they can surpass the 400-percent increase since December 2021 reported by one North American company.

Funeral Industry Tweets

23) You want your child to wind up like three-year-old Ámbar Suárez, thirteen-year-old Jacob Clynick, nineteen-year-old Simone Scott, seventeen-year-old Sean Hartman, and sixteen-year-old Ernesto Ramirez Jr. so you don’t have to worry about paying for college or any other expenses associated with being alive.

Letter to a Holocaust Denier
24) You think you could use a good, lifelong cry like this Trinidad mom who lost her son:

Another tragic sudden death