Tres voluntarios de Sri Lanka muertos en Ucrania. La OTAN es el bando de los marrones


19 Ene 2023

Three Sri Lankans serving in the Ukraine Army killed in Russian attack (

Three Sri Lankans serving in the Ukraine Army killed in Russian attack

Written by Zulfick Farzan 06 Dec, 2023 | 4:58 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Three Sri Lankans who were serving in the Ukraine military have been killed in a Russian attack.
Reports from Ukraine, and Russia note that the attack took place on Tuesday (5).
A Telegram channel operation by Russian military personnel revealed this morning that Sri Lankan mercenary Andrew Ranish Hewage with the call sign Dentist from Sri Lanka was killed in a Russian Attack.
It also added that two more Sri Lankan mercenaries that were fight for Ukrainian regime died beside Ranish Hewage.
According to the Telegram channel, the three Sri Lankan mercs were killed in an Russian attack when they attempted to evacuate dead and wounded Ukrainian soldiers.
A comment on a YouTube video said that Andrew Ranish Hewage was killed in Bakhmut, a city in Ukraine.
The comment was made from a YouTube account that goes by the name Lahiru Kavinda.
Translation of the comment:
"Dentist, you breathed your last on my shoulder. You are a hero. I brought you as far as I can. I did everything possible. You made a name, and the name resounds in Ukraine. You deserve an honorable end."
Who is this 'Captain Dentist'?
An inquiry from the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry revealed that Andrew Ranish Hewage famous as Captain Dentist in Ukraine was once a member of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry of the Sri Lanka Army.
He had legally left the Sri Lanka Army on the 30th of September 2012, as a lieutenant, and also left the entire military service officially.

En RTVE se decía que había 5.000 mercenarios tailandeses el 2022, es probable que este criando malvas todos ellos.