Telford grooming gang


8 Ene 2020
Parte de la serie Sacrificados en el altar de la multiculturalidad

The Telford child sensual exploitation scandal is an ongoing scandal spanning over several decades in the United Kingdom involving a group of Pakistani men who were convicted of engaging in sensual contact with local female minors between 2007 and 2009 in Telford in the English county of Shropshire.[1][2][3] While media reports had suggested there were 100 or more victims[4] and around 200 suspects,[5] the Sunday Mirror reported in March 2018 that up to 1,000 may have been affected, with some even murdered, in incidents dating back to the 1970s.[6] Social workers and police cast doubt on this report, denying that Telford had a "discernible problem compared to other towns".

In a series of trials stretching over two years and concluding in May 2013,[11] seven men were convicted of sensual offences against four girls aged 13 to 16. The offences included rape, controlling child prostitution, causing child prostitution, and trafficking for the purpose of prostitution.[12][4] The ringleader of the gang was Ahdel "Eddie" Ali, alongside his brother Mubarek "Max". The pair offered their victims cannabis, alcohol, and money, to encourage them into having sex.[13]

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