Por que TRUMP en 2024 ya es DISIDENCIA CONTROLADA en 64 puntos y 1 video.

6 Feb 2024

Por que TRUMP en 2024 ya es DISIDENCIA CONTROLADA en 64 puntos y 1 video.

sobre todo disidencia chancha y controlado por la MASONERIA
que parece que es la que controla la "Marca Trump" y ha estado preparando el concepto durante mas de medio siglo

Trump Red Flags & Grievances 1- Warp Speed jab delivery (war seed) 2- Jesuit Schooling (entire family) 3- Gave more money to Big Pharma than all past Presidents combined. 4- Signed vaccine EO before el bichito 5- RED flag gun laws 6- WEF member along with children 7- Inverted children/wives 8- Jan 6th trap and letting patriots rot in prison 9- Abandoned office while America and Democracy was under attack (Election) 10- Said America won 2 beautiful world wars 11- Married kids to jews 12- Called Albert Pike’s statue a beautiful piece of art and asked it be rebuilt. 13- Town renamed after Trump in Israel. "Trump Heights" 14- Noahide Law Champion 15- Signed “Cares Act” That’s the act that sent everybody around 1200$, convinced most losers to stay home and never work again, and: FUNDED MAIL-IN BALLOTS 16- Family Donated land and money for Talmudic Torah Jewish Centre 17- Kabbalah initiate (his book) 18- Trump Tower symbolism 19- America’s first Jewish president 20- Zionist Awards 21- Casino business 22- Beauty Pageant owner (including TEEN pageant) 23- Promised to reveal the truth about 9/11 if elected 24- Called himself “The Chosen One” 25- Refuses to repent 26- Promised to lock up Hillary 27- Bailed out by Rothschild (Wilbur Ross) 28- Foreign Policy mentor is Henry Kissinger 29- Business mentor Roy Cohn was a known pedophile and “worse person ever profiled” according to FBI 30- Sent Ivanka to get mentored by known sensual predator Casablancas to help propel modelling career at age 13 31- Israeli Trump Messianic coin 32- Funded GAVI 33- Blocked Kennedy files disclosure 34- Pardoned a bunch of sh!t bags 35- Still proud of and pushing “His Vacc|ne” to this very day 36- Space Farce (Space Hoax) 37- 15 days to slow the curve 38- More Zionists in his cabinet than any past President 39- Incessant reciting of Snake Poem 49- Gold plated penthouse (66th floor) with Apollyon symbolism (666 5th ave) 50- Art of the Grift (Sneakers, NFT, Coins, merch & donations) 51- 60+ years of predictive programming (Trump pop culture) 52- His spiritual adviser is basically Lilith (Paula White) 53-His favourite pastor is a 33rd degree Freemason (Norman Vincent Peale) 54- Proclaimed King of the Jews 55- Donald Trump was given the 'Torah Crown' by the Israel Heritage Foundation whose mission is “to await King David's descendant to rule the land…” 56- His persecution being deemed Jesus-like 57- Attended Al Smith charity dinners, a Jesuit function, his entire life as his father was a lifetime member. (Dinner he roasted Hillary) 58- Signed 2 Executive Orders mandating biometric surveillance at all ports of entry. 59- Didn’t repeal Obamacare 60- Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the American embassy there 61- Signing of Abraham Accords 62- 63- ….. you can take it from here Ps: You can find evidence supporting most points just by searching my X or TG pages(link in bio) - and what you can’t find there is readily available if you’re up for a little detective work.