Peterborough grooming gang


8 Ene 2020
Parte de la serie Sacrificados en el altar de la multiculturalidad

The Peterborough sex abuse case involved 10 men who committed sensual offences against under-aged girls, some as young as 12, in the English city of Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.[1] In a series of trials in 2014 and 2015, they were found guilty of rape, child prostitution and trafficking for sensual exploitation.[2][3] Police had been alerted by the Rotherham and Rochdale child abuse cases to the possibility of abuse taking place.[4]

The victims were of Czech, Slovak and English origin[4] and typically vulnerable girls,[5] some in local authority care,[4] who were groomed with gifts of tobacco, free meals and apparent displays of affection and friendship by the older males who were targeting them. They were then persuaded to drink vodka or other strong alcoholic drinks and coerced into sensual acts. Some were subsequently trafficked as child prostitutes. The man whose activity prompted the police operation, Mohammed Khubaib, a 43-year-old restaurant-owner of Pakistani heritage, was described during his trial at the Old Bailey as having a "'persistent and almost predatory interest' in teenage girls".[4] Khubaib also owned a lettings agency and took under-aged girls to flats under his control, where he and his friends would give them alcohol[4] and play them sexually explicit music videos[2] as part of the sensual grooming.[4]

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