Londres - Detenido por publicar en Facebook este video relativo a banderas palestinas colgando de todas las farolas


5 Feb 2019
Este británico hace este video y lo sube a Facebook

Hago mi propia transcripción de lo que dice:

Just come on Bethnal Green road this morning
And this is the kind of shit that's going on, yeah... so it doesn't...
Look at this! Yeah? Do you see that? Then over here, to this one, we've got this crap going on as well... Yeah?
Then you come along to this pole here, and then the same kind of crap here as well.
Look at that. Did you see that? That's what we are dealing with.
That is not fucking London in here... And next one here... Do you see that? Same shit here as well.
None the less, that's us what we are dealing with it.... And this cunt over here on the floor...Oi!
Look at that shop restaurant...On the shop... A DA NA... Fucking restaurant... Yeah... Look at that shhhh... Oi!
That is the kind of crap we were dealing with... This is a kinda of nonsense...Yeah?
That is a kinda of nonsense we are dealing with at Bethnal Green
You let them into the country and this is the shite they come over

Luego la policía lo detiene dando como motivos que el 17 de Octubre a las 10:04 hizo un video en Bethnal Road y dijo:

Why are they over here? Why do we let them into our country? etc...

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¿detención politica o religiosa, o ambas, politico-religiosa?
Si cuelgas una bandera israelosa o usana... también te detienen??!!
Vaya bestia que está alimentando el ****o-sionismo en toda la región, luego se quejaran de que los morillos se comieron a los judillos.