Daily Mail : Una soldado israeli dio la alarma de que algo pasaba el dia 7 en la frontera : y fue AMENAZADA CON UN CONSEJO DE GUERRA si daba el agua


31 Oct 2023

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Israeli troops 'warned about Hamas attacks: Female soldiers reported suspicious activity on the border with Gaza in weeks leading up to October 7 attack - but were threatened with court martial'
By Nick Pisa In Jerusalem
Published: 13:19 GMT, 19 November 2023 | Updated: 14:33 GMT, 19 November 2023
Pictured, still from footage showing fighters training ahead of Hamas' operation into Israel
Worried soldiers who raised concerns about suspicious activity in the days leading to Hamas terror raids on Israel were threatened with court martial, it has emerged.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet have faced stiff criticism from Israelis who have accused them of being caught out by the raids which left more than 1,200 dead.
A further 239 people were taken hostage and although a handful have been released there are dozens of worried families still waiting for news on loved ones.
Now Israel's leading Channel 12 news programme has broadcast claims from female soldiers they were threatened with court martial for raising concerns before the October 7 attack.
One said: 'We were told that if we continue to harass on this issue, you will stand trial.'

Israeli soldiers remove the body of a compatriot, killed during an attack by Hamas terrorists in Kfar Aza, on October 10

Israeli soldiers remove the body of a compatriot, killed during an attack by Hamas terrorists in Kfar Aza, on October 10
Del creador de "la chavala alemana la mataron los alubio*s" ahora vuelve con un "los alubio*s sabian que los terroristas iban a por ellos y pusieron el ojo ciego".

De verdad que asquito que das.