Viena, terrorista islámico llora, otro TERRORISTA ISLÁMICO que ATROPELLÓ y ASESINÓ 3 personas conden


28 Ene 2016
Muslim auto attacker cried to his Mum

06 Oct 2016

A Muslim accused of terrorism when he allegedly tried to run over a man with his car and was heard shouting "Allahu Akbar" is said to have cried after his arrest, his mum says. The young man's parents revealed the news of their son’s collapse in custody after his arrest, saying that he was no terrorist, and had simply been singing along to rap music and that the words ‘Allahu Akbar’ were part of the song.

The incident happened one week ago on Thursday in the Austrian capital of Vienna, and took place just hours before a Muslim amok driver who killed three in the Austrian city of Graz was sentenced to life. According to reports the 21-year-old Turkish man named Ibrahim C. tried to drive into a group of pedestrians while shouting "Allahu akbar" from the open car window. After he failed, he is said to have hit wildly around him and attacked police officers. Police spokesman Thomas Keiblinger said: "He drove straight at the pedestrians. It was very dangerous for them, they only managed to narrowly escape by quickly jumping aside." He said that even during his arrest the suspect still shouted "Please, Allah, help me, please, Allahu akbar." According to local media the police found a Quran in the car, which he allegedly borrowed from his father. But the parents of Ibrahim, Aysun and Mehmet, said that their son is not a terrorist and has no sympathies for IS. According to them, their son only went out on a drive to get a takeaway pizza. Mehmet said: "The pedestrian crossed the street when the light was red, my son did not drive in the pedestrian zone." Local media reported that Ibrahim was unemployed, although his parents said he had a new job in sight and he is not an aggressive type. It was also reported that Ibrahim had his driver’s license taken away one year ago because of cannabis possession, although it was not made clear if by the time of the incident he had already got it back.

The incident took place just hours before a jury in Graz found a man guilty of killing three people in the southern city last year by driving his 4WD at high speed down a crowded pedestrian street. Alen Rizvanovic, 27, killed three and injured 36 before police were able to finally stop him. At one point during the attack on 20th June 2015, Rizvanovic is said to have got out of his vehicle and stabbed passers-by. Some Austrian journalists and Balkan terrorism experts have said that the Graz attack was in fact an act of Islamic terrorism, which the Austrian authorities have allegedly covered up or were unwilling to investigate.

Rizvanovic was said to have radicalised in the days prior to the attack, including testimony of his wife who said she was forced to wear a headscarf and would get beaten if she would go out in shorts. The use of cars to run people over ***owed by a knife-attack afterwards has been a common terrorist tactic by Palestinian terrorists in Israel. Both the incidents in Vienna and Graz also have many similarities with the terror attack in Nice on 14th July which killed 86.

Muslim auto attacker cried to his Mum - The Local

21 Jun 2015

Bosnian 'with history of beating wife' accused of ploughing car into Austria crowd

Alen Rizvanović, a father of two whose wife had just left him, is accused of killing a newlywed, a four-year-old boy and a cyclist, when he ploughed his car into a busy shopping street

Man kills three after ploughing car into shoppers before getting out and stabbing bystanders - Telegraph
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Yo, wassup

I am drivin' down the road
with the stereo blasting shit
yo, muthafucka,
all the sand niggers in the block say
muthafucka muthafucka muthafucka