Un marine ha quedado marinado

24 Ene 2024

In late October Harris was shot in the right arm and took shrapnel from a grenade to his left side during a fierce fight with Russian troops, said his father Richard B. Harris, a retired Marine colonel.

After recuperating, Harris was killed in a Nov. 24 car crash while on the way back to the front line. He was 33 years old.

“While we are devastated by the loss of our son, we are proud of him and his service to freedom,” his father and mother Suzzanne said in a statement to Task & Purpose.

“We are grateful that he was happy during his last days when he wrote to us that: ‘This is so much better than my old life. Every day, I get chills. I am so happy. Having saved [my battle mate] Gino’s life is the most rewarding feeling, and being loved by the team is the best feeling ever. I have never been so proud to be an American or a Marine.’”

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