To The Pink Moon.......

Skull & Bones

Maestro Madmaxista
8 Mar 2010

PinkMoon Protocol
The next frontier in community driven value - Auto locking LP to enable contract driven passive rewards. Simply hold the token to join the journey and reap the rewards.

Total Supply:
1,000,000,000,000,000 PinkM (CSupply: 999,999,999,548,810.053229)

51,528 addresses

Market Cap: (Includes locked, excludes burned)

Hold and Earn

Every tras*action incrues this fee of 10% to the benefit of all, of which: 5% are distributed among all diamond hands holders. 5% are locked away in the liquidity pool, to create a steadily rising price floor.
Anti whale trades, tras*actions (sell/buy) that trade more than 0.05% of the total supply will be rejected.

Liquidity Locked

The Liquidity of PinkMoon (45% of total supply) will be locked at launch with Unicrypt.
The contract owner has been renounced, leaving the contract trustless for the community.

100% Community Driven

Community driven & fair launch. Dev burned all team tokens and participated in the fair launch with everyone else.
PinkMoon holders will receive more and more power to steer the project. Holding to get allocations and vote for your favorite idos as well.


To The Pink Moon Protocol

esto es serio???
@Skull & Bones creía que me tenía en el ignore y por eso ya no le veía por aquí.

O se fue a la luna con una shit de esas, o se ha pegado un tiro.