Suecia: Niña de 14 años secuestrada por una banda de criminales chilenos y amada sin consentimiento múltiples veces por un africano

Ernesto o lo otro

Será en Octubre
5 Mar 2014
Los hijos de Salvador Allende han sido condenados

Pero el africano parece que ha sido absuelto, a pesar de aparecer su adn en los restos del esperma encontrados en el cuerpo de la niña, porque dice el juez que no están seguros si fue violación o no

Five people, three men, and two women have been convicted for the kidnapping of a 14-year-old girl in Haninge. However, a sixth man, who had sex with the kidnapped girl, has been acquitted of a rape charge. The Södertörn District Court made this decision.

On February 15th this year, a 14-year-old girl was kidnapped at Vega station, a commuter train station in Haninge, south of Stockholm. The reason was that she was accused of owing 30,000 kronor to a criminal gang.

The girl was then held captive for two days, being moved between various addresses in the Stockholm area. At one point, she was locked in a basement, where she was forced to relieve herself on the floor.

The girl’s father raised the alarm on February 16th after receiving text messages from his daughter about her kidnapping.

Five Convicted Now, five people have been convicted for involvement in the kidnapping of the 14-year-old girl.

20-year-old Benjamin Flores Tilleria, a citizen of Chile, has been sentenced to five years in prison for attempted extortion and kidnapping. He had previously been convicted several times for drug-related crimes in Sweden. His 26-year-old accomplice, Alexander Navia Celedon, also from Chile, has been sentenced to four years in prison for kidnapping. He was also already known to the police

In addition, a 16-year-old Chilean boy has been convicted of aiding and abetting kidnapping. At the same time, two women, one with a Chilean and the other with a Kurdish background, have been sentenced to conditional sentences and fines for failing to report illegal deprivation of liberty and failing to report kidnapping, respectively.

All the convicted individuals are all immigrants. None of them will be deported

Acquitted of Rape However, a sixth accused, a 26-year-old man from Gambia, who had sex with the kidnapped girl, has been acquitted of the charge of aggravated rape. The girl reported that the man raped her over a few hours on February 16th.

“I was just quiet and cried,” she said in an interrogation

The court’s ruling states, “The technical investigation shows that in the victim’s panties, crotch area, pants, swabs taken from the victim’s hands and vulva, sperm with DNA from the 26-year-old African was found.”

However, the judges at the Södertörn District Court questioned some of the information provided by the kidnapped girl in her testimony, including about being strangled and threatened with a pistol. They thus concluded that it cannot be excluded that she had voluntary sex with the twelve-year-old African man.

“The victim’s statements do not appear reliable,” they wrote in their judgment. Therefore, the 26-year-old man was acquitted of the rape charge

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