Según un estudio, uno de cada 4 pinchados con Pfizer sufrió efectos no deseados por un fallo de su cuerpo al procesar el mejunje


9 Sep 2011
in Martian orbit
Uno de cada cuatro que recibió inyecciones de Pfizer el bichito experimentó una respuesta inmune no deseada

Las banderillas de ARNm se vieron afectadas por el fallo, pero no se crearon efectos adversos, afirman investigadores de Cambridge

Joe Pinkstone, CORRESPONSAL CIENTÍFICO6 de diciembre de 2023 • 17:17
Más de una cuarta parte de las personas a las que se les inyectaron banderillas de ARNm de el bichito sufrieron una respuesta inmune no deseada creada por una falla en la forma en que el cuerpo leía la banderilla, según un estudio...

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No adverse effects were created by the error, data show, but Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes ["sometimes" es 25-30% de los casos] led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired el bichito “spike”, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production. ["desired" también lo podrían haber puesto entre comillas...]​


It was thought the minor tweak to uridine caused no problems in cells, but a team of researchers at the University of Cambridge’s Medical Research Council (MRC) Toxicology Unit have now found when this partially synthetic code is read, the protein-making machine in the body sometimes struggles with the uridine analogues.
Because it is not a perfect fit for what is expected, there can be a momentary pause which causes the process to stutter and a letter in the code can get skipped, much like a bike slipping a gear.
This process, called frameshifting, throws out the way the code is interpreted as it relies on groups of three bases, known as codons, being read in the right order.
This issue, caused by the jab’s code, throws the process completely out of sync and the entire subsequent code becomes garbled.
In the case of the el bichito jabs, the end result is a nonsensical and harmless [???] protein, the team found, which the body attacks and leads to an immune system flare-up. The new study, published in Nature, found this occurred in around 25-30 per cent of people.
Rogue protein antiestéticar
The vaccine is read well enough to create the strong protection against the cobi19, the scientists say, but the frameshifting issue creates what was, until now, an unknown off-target effect.
The code relating to the el bichito vaccines was harmless and no issues were created. However the team say that subsequent mRNA vaccines used for other diseases or infections could, in theory, lead to viable proteins being created that are active in the body.
In this scenario not only is the vaccine not making the right protein, it could lead to a rogue protein being produced.
There is no evidence of this occurring in the el bichito jabs, the authors stress, and they say any trials on other mRNA therapeutics would detect any such problems in early stages.

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