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Me lo acaba de pasar Mr Batty ahora mismo y yo es que me parto directamente.
Recogen el incidente en la web del Camelot Project, si alguno teneis mas info, por fa plis ponedla y si teneis vids pues ya ni te cuento.
Si esta el mismisimo Rafa, ya que nos lo cuente el directamente...
andaaaa que....
En resumen, resulta que algun investigador en motoros de energia libre, se acerco durante una cena, a enseñarle algun dispositivo al doctor Greer, y por lo visto este le debido decir el tipo "es que te mataba", en plan de "mira que venirme ahora en mitad de la cena...."
Que viendo lo amanerado que es, le pega muchisimo la expresion y digo amanerado por que yo soy hetero, pero tambien soy muy amanerado, una cosa no tiene nada que ver la una con la otra... pero vamos, que ha debido decirles el Greer, algo asi como
Pero , por otro lado, otros dos inventores, tambien han sentido que no les ha hecho mucho casito el Greer, y al juntarse los tres, se lo han ido a contar a....
....y por lo visto se han calentado entre unos y otros, se en encanao... y se han subido al escenario a preparar el number ....Rafapal y los otros por ahi, reclamando sus 15 minutos de fama
....acusando al Greer de no sabemos que.
Yo quiero vids ya!!!
Recogen el incidente en la web del Camelot Project, si alguno teneis mas info, por fa plis ponedla y si teneis vids pues ya ni te cuento.
Si esta el mismisimo Rafa, ya que nos lo cuente el directamente...
andaaaa que....
En resumen, resulta que algun investigador en motoros de energia libre, se acerco durante una cena, a enseñarle algun dispositivo al doctor Greer, y por lo visto este le debido decir el tipo "es que te mataba", en plan de "mira que venirme ahora en mitad de la cena...."
Que viendo lo amanerado que es, le pega muchisimo la expresion y digo amanerado por que yo soy hetero, pero tambien soy muy amanerado, una cosa no tiene nada que ver la una con la otra... pero vamos, que ha debido decirles el Greer, algo asi como
"Jooh caris!!, superoseaaaa, es queee os mataria aqui mismo, no veis que esto de dinner..?"
Pero , por otro lado, otros dos inventores, tambien han sentido que no les ha hecho mucho casito el Greer, y al juntarse los tres, se lo han ido a contar a....
.... a well known and respected radical journalist who is known in Spain as Rafa.....
....y por lo visto se han calentado entre unos y otros, se en encanao... y se han subido al escenario a preparar el number ....Rafapal y los otros por ahi, reclamando sus 15 minutos de fama
....acusando al Greer de no sabemos que.
Yo quiero vids ya!!!
6 July 2009 - update 2
• Regarding the incident at the end of the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit, we have investigated it to the degree possible. We interviewed the inventors who felt they were threatened, we talked to observers of the events, and we met with Dr Steven Greer and his bodyguards and assistants.
We understand that what happened was largely due to a lack of understanding of the language (for the inventors, English is a second language) and something said during the Speaker's Dinner by Steven Greer himself in response to a request by an inventor to discuss his invention. When Dr Greer was disturbed at dinner, his first response was "I could kill you", which his entourage explained was a joke but was taken seriously by the inventor who had approached him.
Two other inventors claimed that when they approached Greer - in entirely separate incidents - he admonished them that unless they worked with him it was unlikely that they would get anywhere with their device. This they took as a threat rather than as a realistic statement from someone who has spent years working to break through the secrecy surrounding Free Energy.
These three inventors approached Greer independently during the conference. When the person who approached him at dinner heard the American "I could kill you" joke, shaken and shocked, he shared his experience with his friends. The others also compared their interactions with Greer and, now united in their upset, they all went to enlist the assistance of a well known and respected radical journalist who is known in Spain as Rafa.
Rafa took their accusations seriously, and together they became determined to go on stage, tell the conference what had happened, and ask Greer to confirm what he had said. The group were not given a chance to speak on stage, and so their questions to Greer were never answered.
One could easily see how antiestéticar might be motivating the confused perceptions of many of those involved. And after asking Dr Greer to account for what had happened, it seems clear that he made no overt threats of any kind.
However, we can sympathize with the inventors who made these claims. We understand that they well may have perceived Greer (who is knowledgeable, self-assured, and often very verbally assertive) as threatening in a non-verbal way which when combined with the very sensitive subject of Free Energy, about which all are very passionate, fueled this misunderstanding at a cultural level.
It's important to state that we do not know enough about Dr Steven Greer and his business dealings concerning Free Energy to conclude what else may be going on behind the scenes to create this misunderstanding on many levels... not just the physical reality.
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