Project Dunbar: ya estan creando el exchange megacentralizado para las CBDC´s....

Skull & Bones

Maestro Madmaxista
8 Mar 2010

Project Dunbar: international settlements using multi-CBDCs

Project Dunbar brings together the Reserve Bank of Australia, Bank Negara Malaysia, Monetary Authority of Singapore, and South African Reserve Bank with the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub to test the use of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) for international settlements.

Led by our Singapore Centre, it aims to develop prototype shared platforms for cross-border transactions using multiple CBDCs, allowing financial institutions to transact directly with each other in the digital currencies, eliminating the need for intermediaries and cutting the time and cost of transactions. The project will focus initially on the development of a common platform for multi-CBDC settlement (Model 3 – mCBDC arrangements based on single multi-currency system) that fulfils the needs and requirements of central banks and financial institutions.

The project will work with multiple partners to develop technical prototypes on different distributed ledger technology platforms. It will also explore different governance and operating designs that would enable central banks to share CBDC infrastructures, benefitting from the collaboration between public and private sector experts in different jurisdictions and areas of operation.

This work will explore the international dimension of CBDCs design and support the efforts of the G20 roadmap for enhancing cross-border payments. Its results, expected to be published in early 2022, will inform the development of future platforms for global and regional settlements.


Project Dunbar brings together central banks with years of experience and unique perspectives in CBDC projects and ecosystem partners at advanced stages of technical development on digital currencies. With this group of capable and passionate partners, we are confident that our work on multi-CBDCs for international settlements will break new ground in this next stage of CBDC experimentation and lay the foundation for global payments connectivity.

Andrew McCormack, Centre Head of the BIS Innovation Hub Singapore Centre

Related information

Multi-CBDC arrangements and the future of cross-border payments

BIS Papers | No 115 |
19 March 2021
by Raphael Auer, Philipp Haene and Henry Holden
PDF full text

| 23 pages
Cross-border payments are inefficient, and technology could play a role in making them better. One means could be through interoperating central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), forming multi-CBDC (mCBDC) arrangements. This paper explores dimensions of payment system interoperability, how they could antiestéticature in mCBDC arrangements and where potential benefits lie. These benefits are especially relevant for emerging market economies poorly served by the existing correspondent banking arrangements. Yet competing priorities and history show that these benefits will be difficult to achieve unless central banks incorporate cross-border considerations in their CBDC development from the start and coordinate internationally to avoid the mistakes of the past.
Carstens lo explicó en blanco y zaino para los duros de pensar en una mesa redonda del FMI sobre el tema de las CBDC en octubre pasado:

No sabemos quién usa un billete de $ 100 hoy y no sabemos quién usa un billete de 1,000 pesos hoy.

La diferencia clave con la CBDC es que el banco central tendrá control absoluto sobre las reglas y regulaciones que determinarán el uso de esa expresión de responsabilidad del banco central, y también tendremos la tecnología para hacer cumplir eso".
Léelo de nuevo.

O mejor aún, míralo decirlo por ti mismo...

Ok, una plataforma futura de intercambio de CBDCs

Valen. Me gusta el proyecto pero si se hace bien no veo la forma de sacarle pasta

Y si se hace mal y un meten un token de gobernancia o cualquier token excusa pues ya paso

De todas formas adelantarse al mercado de las CBDCs me parece muy buena idea

inciialmente no, pero tendran la herramienta para que los que estan fuera de la media pueden ser objetivo de todo tipo de "reencauzamiento", xej, los no medicados o los malos ciudadanos que no se endeudan
hombre, terminarian con el blanqueo (en su CDBC) de un plumazo, xej

a dia de hoy tienen una infrastructura brutal antiblanqueo....