Posible llegada del "anti-cristo", priorato de Sión , protocolos de Zión, etc Beware!!


12 May 2011
Was Jesus Married? Ancient Papyrus Mentions His ‘Wife’

Was Jesus Married? Ancient Papyrus Mentions His ‘Wife’ - ABC News

The Lost Tomb of Jesus by James Cameron Part 1of 12




Allied to this the 2000 book "Rex Deus" stated that a Jesus Bloodline was part of a dynasty called "Rex Deus" ('God King') (Asmodeus), that descended from 24 priests of the Jerusalem Temple and Jesus himself. Last year "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" was produced by James Cameron of "Titanic" fame, and Simon Jacobovici, which said that what is known as the Talpiot Tomb near Jerusalem was likely to be the Jesus family tomb and that it contains his bones and that of Mary Magdalene. The "Bloodline" movie claims that this tomb near Rennes-le-Chateau may well contain not just the bones of Jesus and Mary Magdalene but also a cache of what might be Templar treasure or the fabled treasure of Blanche of Castile, (Queen and Regent of the Crusader Louis VIII of France, and granddaughter of Eleanor of Aquitane).

Aliado a este libro del año 2000, "Rex Deus" declaró que un linaje de Jesús era parte de una dinastía llamada "Rex Deus" (' el Rey de Dios ') nota mía: (Asmodeus), que descendía de 24 sacerdotes del templo de Jerusalém y a si mismo Jesús. El año pasado, el film "la Tumba Perdida de Jesús" fue producida por James Cameron , director de Titanic, y Simon Jacobovici, que dijo que que saben como la Tumba Talpiot cerca de Jerusalén probablemente fue la tumba de la familia Jesús y que esta contiene sus huesos y los de María Magdalene. la película "de Linaje" demanda que esta tumba cerca de Rennes-le-Chateau bien puede contener no solamente los huesos de Jesús y María Magdalene, pero también un escondrijo de que podría ser el tesoro de Templar o el tesoro fabuloso de Blanca de Castilla....


Was Jesus Married? Ancient Papyrus Mentions His ‘Wife’

Was Jesus Married? Ancient Papyrus Mentions His ‘Wife’ - ABC News





Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The DaVinci Code prop up the pagan foundations of Knights Templar and I don't think it is a coincidence. At the heart of the heresy is this "secret" and the secret is held by the Lodge at the highest levels. Holy Blood, Holy Grail best tells the sordid and false story. The interesting thing is that to someone who KNOWS their Bible, ALL their (HBHG) "facts" about the Gospels looked like they might have spent a couple of hours reading them and much less trying to understand what they meant. They spent years researching the historical facts of medieval history and the movement of the tribe of Benjamin and the Zarahite kings to central Europe. They also spent much time tracing the migration of the Bethany household (Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene) into southern France, as well as the Diaspora in 70 AD and migrations of Jews into southern France. I have previously written about all this in one of the sections of The Lost Tribes. The material of Holy Blood, Holy Grail is almost certainly used by the authors of The DaVinci Code and that is why The DaVinci Code is quite compelling IF you don't know what is being foisted upon you as a Christian. I have submitted adequate information on the Defense of the Resurrection.

The DaVinci Code builds upon the previous book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, as if it were absolute truth and accepted as more authoritative than any Biblical account of anything, including the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I encourage you to read both books but you really need a foundation in both the removal of northern Israel from 737 to 722 BC to Assyria-Persia and the Diaspora of the Jews after 70 AD. You also need to know some of the secular history lying behind and ***owing the awful and terrible events in Judges 20, when the tribe of Benjamin was nearly annihilated (ultimately for the Benjamites' defense of the worship of Baal) and they fled in large numbers to the area of Sparta and settled among the Danites who were already there. (History shows that these Danites were interrelated to the Spartans in the wars of Trojans and the Spartans.)

The Benjamites' subsequent migration to Europe is the basis for the claim of the Merovingians as being descendents of a royal line of Judah through intermarriage between the sons of a royal line of Benjamin and a daughter of a royal line of David. Remember there was dispute over David moving the capitol to Jerusalem as it was the territory of Benjamin and the FIRST king of Israel, Saul, was a Benjamite. This was the fountainhead of the Merovingian line ***owed by the cult that became the Priori who tried to keep this bloodline in position to retake their former position as the royalty of France after Charlemagne took it away from them. The protection of that line is a large part of the story behind these secrets of the Priori. The addition of the cult of the Knights Templar and Mary Magdalene is the other facet of this most unusual story. Out of it all came the romantic stories of the Knights of the Roundtable, King Arthur and the search for the “Holy Grail” depicted in all the legends and poems concerning this “Grail” thought by some to be an actual artifact such as the cup from which Jesus drank at the Last Supper and extends to this secret held by the Priori of a real blood line of Jesus that is represented in the “real” and “rightful heirs” to the throne of France.


Los libros, "Santa Sangre, Santo Grial" y El Código Da Vinci apuntalan los cimientos paganos de la Orden del Temple y no creo que sea una coincidencia. En el corazón de la herejía está este "secreto", y el secreto está en manos de la casa de campo en los más altos niveles. "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" mejor cuenta la historia, sórdida y falsa. Lo interesante es que para alguien que conoce su Biblia, TODOS sus (HBHG) "hechos" sobre los Evangelios, parece como si hubiera pasado un par de horas leyendolos y mucho menos tratando de entender lo que significaban. Se pasaron años investigando los hechos históricos de la historia medieval y el movimiento de la tribu de Benjamín, y los reyes Zarahite a Europa Central. También pasaron mucho tiempo trazando la migración de la casa Betania (María, Marta, Lázaro y María Magdalena) en el sur de Francia, así como de la diáspora en el año 70 dC y las migraciones de los alubio*s en el sur de Francia. Ya he escrito sobre todo esto en una de las secciones de las tribus perdidas. El material de la Santa Sangre, Santo Grial es casi seguro utilizado por los autores de El Código Da Vinci y es por eso que El Código Da Vinci es bastante convincente si usted no sabe lo que está siendo impuesta sobre vosotros como cristiano. He presentado información suficiente sobre la Defensa de la Resurrección.

El Código Da Vinci se basa en el libro anterior, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, como si fuera la verdad absoluta y aceptada como más autoridad que cualquier relato bíblico de cualquier cosa, incluyendo la resurrección de Jesucristo. Os animo a leer ambos libros, pero que realmente necesitan una base tanto en la eliminación del norte de Israel desde 737 hasta 722 aC a Asiria, Persia y la diáspora de los alubio*s después del 70 AD. También es necesario saber algo de la historia secular que está detrás y después de los acontecimientos horribles y terribles en Jueces 20, cuando la tribu de Benjamín fue aniquilada casi (en última instancia, por la defensa de los de Benjamín "de la adoración de Baal), los cuales huyeron en gran número a la zona de Esparta y se instaló entre los danitas que ya estaban allí. (La historia muestra que estos hijos de Dan estaban relacionados entre sí a los espartanos en las guerras de los troyanos y los espartanos.)

Los hijos de Benjamín migración "con posterioridad a Europa es la base para la reclamación de los merovingios por ser descendientes de una línea real de Judá a través del matrimonio entre los hijos de un linaje real de Benjamin y una hija de una línea real de David. Recuerde que hubo disputa por David moviendo la capital a Jerusalén, ya que era la tierra de Benjamín y en el primer rey de Israel, Saúl, era un hijo de Benjamín. Esta fue la fuente de la línea merovingia seguido por el culto que se convirtió en el Priorato de Sión que trató de mantener esta línea de sangre en condiciones de recuperar su antigua posición como la realeza de Francia después de Carlomagno llevó lejos de ellos. La protección de esa línea es una gran parte de la historia detrás de estos secretos de la Priori. La adición de la secta de los Caballeros Templarios y María Magdalena es la otra cara de esta historia lo más inusual. Fuera de todo esto vinieron las historias románticas de los Caballeros de la Mesa Redonda de Arturo, el rey y la búsqueda del "Santo Grial" se muestra en todas las leyendas y poemas acerca de este "Santo Grial", pensó por algunos como un artefacto real como la copa de la que Jesús bebió en la Última Cena y se extiende hasta este secreto en poder del a priori de una línea de sangre real de Jesús que se representa en el "real" y "herederos legítimos" al trono de Francia.



Al Gore is a descendant of Edward I, Roman Emperors Louis I, II, and Charles II and is direct descendant of Charlemagne which makes him a distant cousin of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. So the top “democratic” candidates against Bush in 2000 and 2004 were actually his cousins!”

-Michael Tsarion, “Where History Ends DVD”




Armand Hammer , AL GORE

Indicios dentro


Left to right: Senator Al Gore Sr., Armand Hammer, Mrs. Pauline Gore,
daughter Nancy and Little Albert Gore Jr.




The Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor after 1400.


Interview with Priory of Sion Ambassador Nicholas Haywood on Night Vision Radio


Secondly, Haywood admits that political power broker/industrialist Armand Hammer was a member of the Priory. For those interested in the Priory, it is defiantly worth a listen... The interview with Nicholas Haywood can be listened to by clicking this link.


Gore sensitive about Hammer connection

Rey del Mundo « Podcast d'Andreas Faber-Kaiser

Sintonia Alfa – Els amos del món

“El amo del mundo es alguien que espera. La gran diferencia que hay entre los súbditos del mundo y el amo del mundo es que los súbditos tienen prisa. El amo no tiene prisa ninguna.” (André Malby).

El Gran Viejo es Armand Hammer, 92 años, multimillonario norteamericano que maneja la gran banca, la gran industria y todo lo demás. Hasta donde yo sé es el hombre de más relieve a quien yo puedo señalar.” (Víctor Girauta) »



Armand Hammer, the controller
Documents in EIR’s possession from the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, State Department Security and Intelligence,
and the Military Intelligence Division, cross-gridded with reliable
published sources, first-hand testimony, and Sen. Albert
, Sr.’s private papers, confirm that he was “in the
back pocket” of Armand Hammer.
One recent account of this is by Neal




símbolo con la mano de Jah-bul-on, del rito del "royal arch"

confesiones de Alesteir Crowley

Hermetic.com » Crowley » Confessions

5. The Scottish Rite, the degrees of Knight Templar, Knight of Malta and others in England are definitely Christian, e.g. the point of one degree is the identification of prophet, priest and king, three in one, the Trinity of the Royal Arch, with Christ; and in the Rose Croix degree, Christ is recognized as the "corner stone" (piedra angular - link - el secreto del santo grial) of earlier symbolism. But in America, the Christian elements have been removed so that wealthy Jews may reach the summit of masonry.

6. I once attended a Lodge whose Master was one of the two local bankers. He used his influence to get business for his bank. The other banker promptly obtained a charter from some "clandestine" body and started an opposition. In this district, the clandestine Lodges greatly outnumbered the orthodox.

7. I have visited Craft Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters in Fraternal Accord in England, where the "raising" and "exaltation" were carried out in shirt sleeves, while cigars were smoked and the legs conveniently disposed on other chairs, and only employed to kick the candidate as he went round.

iniciado por Telenon Extractado de Alexis Hatman, Diccionario Masónico, Barcelona, 2007, p. 151-157.

Simbolismo de la piedra


Simboliza el principio dominante del edificio. Al estar situada en el domo de la cúpula que lo corona, tiene una forma especial y única que la diferencia de todas las demás y que hace que los constructores no puedan comprender cuál es su destino. Sólo una categoría de constructores diferente a la de aquéllos, los que han pasado «de la escuadra al compás» (masonería de Arco Real) conoce su función. En alquimia se asimila al éter, así como a la «piedra filosofal». Por su forma, sólo puede ser colocada desde fuera. A veces se representa con forma de diamante.

Se relaciona también con Lapsit exillis, «piedra parlante» (oráculo) y con la Lia Fail o «piedra del destino», piedra de consagración de los antiguos reyes de Irlanda, y más tarde de los de Inglaterra. Luego pasó a ser la piedra setiyah (o ‘fundamental’) colocada en el Templo de Jerusalén debajo del lugar del Arca de la Alianza, marcando el centro del mundo. Esta Piedra debe ser asimilada a la Clave de bóveda del Cosmos completo.

En cierto sentido, puede identificarse con la Palabra perdida que buscan los Maestros al simbolizar la identidad verdadera y secreta del G.’. A.’. D.’. U.’.



One theory of the name is that it represents the words Beta alpha phi eta mu eta tau epsilon omicron sigma , the baptism of wisdom; another, that it is a corruption of a title meaning "Father Mithras"


The word chi eta phi alpha sigma ,1 the mystic title given by Christ to Peter as the cornerstone of the Church, has this same value. So far, the Wizard had shown great qualities! He had cleared up the etymological problem and shown why the Templars should have given the name Baphomet to their so-called idol. Baphomet was Father Mithras, the cubical stone which was the corner of the Temple.


It was also that of the Lost Word of freemasonry, which I had re-discovered, thus linking up the mysteries of the O.T.O. with those of the A.'. A.'.. 93 is also the number of the Secret Word of the Neophyte of A.'. A.'., a word indicating symbolically the whole course of existence. It is in fact a completion of the ideas contained in the Sacred Word of the Hindus, AUM.

Chapter 72 - The Confessions of Aleister Crowley


Jah (= Yahweh)
On, a name in Genesis in the Bible (in "Potiphar priest of On"), thought in older times to be a name of Osiris (but now known by Egyptologists to be the Hebrew form of the Ancient Egyptian name of the city of Heliopolis).

The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

ideal test of the integrity and capacity of the Camel's Wizard. I flung the question in his face. "If you possess the superior knowledge which you claim, you can tell me how to spell Baphomet!" The Camel knew nothing of the Hebrew and little of the Greek. She had no idea that a conventional system existed by which one could check the accuracy of any given orthography. Her Wizard answered my question without hesitation. "Wrong," said I, "there must be eight letters." "True," he answered, "there is an R at the end." The answer struck me in the midriff. One theory of the name is that it represents the words Beta alpha phi eta mu eta tau epsilon omicron sigma , the baptism of wisdom; another, that it is a corruption of a title meaning "Father Mithras". Needless to say, the suffix R supported the latter theory. I added up the word as spelt by the Wizard. It totalled 729. This number had never appeared in my Cabbalistic working and therefore meant nothing to me. It however justified itself as being the cube of nine. The word chi eta phi alpha sigma ,1 the mystic title given by Christ to Peter as the cornerstone of the Church, has this same value. So far, the Wizard had shown great qualities! He had cleared up the etymological problem and shown why the Templars should have given the name Baphomet to their so-called idol. Baphomet was Father Mithras, the cubical stone which was the corner of the Temple.

I therefore felt justified in concluding that the Wizard really possessed sufficient intelligence to make it worth my while to listen to him. I hastily recorded the dialogue to that point. My next question inquired his name. He replied "Amalantrah". I added this up. This time the result was conclusive. Its value is 729. Already he had shown me that I, in my office as Baphomet, was the rock on which the New Temple should be built, and he now identified himself with me through his own name being of equivalent value. There was however so far no link between the Order to which he belonged and the Great Order; 729 is not a significant number in the Cabbala of Thelema. But when I asked him to assign a mystic name to the Camel, he replied "Ahitha" which adds to 555, an obvious correlative with my own number in the Great Order, 666. It defined, so to speak, the ******** of the Camel in that Order.

Striking as were these results, I maintained my sceptical method and proceeded to apply test after test. The Wizard never made the slightest mistake. Taking his answers as a whole, he made it mathematically probably to a degree approximating certainty as closely as the most exact physical equations that he spoke with conscious knowledge.

We began a series of interviews with him. There was what I may call a permanent background to the vision. He lived in a place as definite as an address in New York, and in this place were a number of symbolic images representing myself and several other adepts associated with me in my work. The character of the vision served as a guide to my relations with these


WEH note: Crowley obtains these totals by a complex mixture of Greek and Hebrew substitutions, including use of cognate letters. In simple Greek gematria, the total is very different.

people. More especially there were three women, symbolized as three scorpions of the symbolic desert which I was crossing in my mystic journey. It is not yet clear whether I dealt with these women as I should have done. One was Eva Tanguay, the supreme artist, whom I hymned in the April International; one, a married woman, a Russian aristocrat in exile, and one, a maiden, to whom the Wizard gave the mystic name of Wesrun. This name can be spelt in two ways: one adding to 333, the number of Choronzon, Dispersion, Impotence and Death; the other to 888, the number of Redemption. It seemed that it was my task to save her as Parzifal saved Kundry. But as I say, I am not clear whether I did not fail completely in my dealings with all three women. I doubt whether I trusted the Wizard as I should have done. It may be that I made "a great miss", the result of which has been to ruin my work temporarily.

Besides this regular visit to the place where the Wizard lives, it was my custom to ask his aid in the solution of any problems which occurred in the course of my regular working. On the night of February 24th, I happened to want to know whether I could use my name in the Great Order, Tau Omicron Mu Epsilon Gamma Alpha Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu , (TO MEGA THPION), in conjunction with Hebrew letters. The Wizard replied, "Yes." I asked, "Shall I use the whole name or Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu alone? He answered, "Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu alone." I then spent some hours in trying to tras*literate Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu into Hebrew in such a way as to give a number which would miccionan something in my general Cabbalistic scheme. I failed completely! This is very remarkable in itself, I having had twenty years' experience of the art, and the possible spellings being very numerous. Ingenuity can nearly always find a more or less satisfactory orthography for any given combination of letters. However, I was completely baffled. I gave it up as a bad job, cursing Amalantrah heartily for having made me waste my time.

On Monday morning I went to the office of The International. It was a "workless Monday", Dr Garwood having ordered that no office buildings should be heated on Monday for five weeks, on account of the coal famine. I stayed only a few minutes to look over my mail. On Tuesday I returned to the office, and found on my desk a letter addressed to Viereck and tras*ferred by him to me to be answered. This letter had therefore arrived the day before and had been written in Bridgeport, connecticut, on Saturday evening at the identical hour at which Amalantrah had told me that I could use a Hebrew spelling of Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu in my work. The writer of the letter was one Samuel A. Jacob, a designer of Syrise and similar founts of type. He was an entire stranger to anyone in the office, as to myself. His letter concluded, "Please inform your readers that I, Shmuel bar Aiwaz bie Yackou de Sherabad, have counted the number of The Beast; and it is the number of a man: Th = 400 R = 200 I = 10 V = 6 N = 50," giving the spelling HB:Nun HB:Vau HB:Yod HB:Resh HB:Taw = 666. At the exact time, therefore, when the Wizard had told


me that this could be done, a stranger in a distant town was actually writing the solution which baffled me. Observe that the preparation of this was the problem in my article "The Revival of Magick" published three months earlier!

This incident in itself is sufficiently startling. On the theory that Amalantrah is what he claims to be it is quite natural and simple. Any other theory, such as coincidence, or telepathy outrages reason. But this was not all.

Besides his Americanized signature "Samuel A. Jacob", he gave his true name: "SHMUEL Bar AIWAZ bie YACKOU de SHERABAD". I could hardly believe my eyes. Till that moment I had had no idea that Aiwass was anything but an artificial name, like Ahitha. I had tried to find a spelling for it, having never seen it written except in the English in The Book of the Law, but only heard it. I had decided on AIVAS = 78, the number of Mezla, the influence from the highest unity, and therefore suitable enough as the title of a messenger from Him. I wrote to Mr Jacob for the Hebrew spelling which he gave as OIVZ, whose value is 93. The import of this discovery was terrific; 93 is the value of Theta Epsilon Lambda Eta Mu Alpha , the Word of the Law proclaimed by Aiwass, and of Alpha Gamma Alpha Pi Eta , Love, part of the interpretation of Theta Epsilon Lambda Eta Mu Alpha . It was also that of the Lost Word of freemasonry, which I had re-discovered, thus linking up the mysteries of the O.T.O. with those of the A.'. A.'.. 93 is also the number of the Secret Word of the Neophyte of A.'. A.'., a word indicating symbolically the whole course of existence. It is in fact a completion of the ideas contained in the Sacred Word of the Hindus, AUM. It was to be discovered later that the Secret Key of The Book of the Law is the number 31, 1/3 of 93. There are three words, each of the value of 31 which represent perfectly the whole mystery of existence. That Aiwaz should have, so to speak, signed himself with His Law, was irrefutable proof of his existence.


En los archivos civiles se puede encontrar un tomo del año 1632, el llamado "Legajo Ourtade" que recopila todas las escrituras de propiedad de la zona de Perillós. En ellas, tras la descripción de las fincas, su extensión, superficie, linderos etc. Se indica claramente que algunas de estas tierras no son susceptibles de ser embargadas ni divididas porque en esas tierras habría la tumba de un hombre de gran importancia, capaz cambiar el curso de la historia. El mismo documento relaciona esta tumba con el número 666, como si la apertura de la misma pudiera despertar a la bestia del Apocalipsis o reflejar en este número el simbolo de la creación, Carbono 3 (Número atómico del Carbono = 6).
¿Creen en las casualidades? He aquí una bien curiosa: el distrito postal de Opoul Perillos es el 66600 .

grimorio dragón rojo de rennes le chateau
, Asmodeus


hammer, gore y Lenin


Hammer came to communism legitimately. His father, Julius, a Russian immigrant, linked up with Vladimir Lenin at a socialist conference in Berlin in 1907 and "agreed to become part of the elite underground cadre that Lenin would depend on to change the world." A physician by training, Julius built a small drug chain into Allied Drug and Chemical, purveyor of skin creams and herbal medicines.


“Firmado por los representantes de Sión del Grado 33”


"No penséis que carecen de fundamento nuestras afirmaciones. Reparad en el éxito que supimos insuflarles al darwinismo, al marxismo y al nietzchismo. El efecto desmoralizador de sus doctrinas en la imaginación de los gentiles es evidente."

Los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sión


33º scottish rite (rose-croix)

malo "asmodeus" en Rennes le Chatteau , ver "le serpent rouge"

Le Serpent Rouge Interpreted

Rennes-le-Château - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mordecai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mordecai or Mordechai (Hebrew: מָרְדֳּכַי, Modern Mordekhay Tiberian Mordŏḵáy, IPA value: [mɔrdɔ̆ˈxɑj]) is one of the main personalities in the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible. He was the son of Jair, of the tribe of Benjamin.

Mordechai and Esther - Complete Story of Purim - Purim

Purim: Celebración del repruebo (Subtitulado)


mordecai = marduk

esther = Ishtar

Maria magdalena, "cortesana" de la casa de Benjamin

Jah (= Yahweh)
On, a name in Genesis in the Bible (in "Potiphar priest of On"), thought in older times to be a name of Osiris (but now known by Egyptologists to be the Hebrew form of the Ancient Egyptian name of the city of Heliopolis).

ver sol-om-on sol - aum -Osiris (heliopolis)

Mordechai and Esther - Complete Story of Purim - Purim


Asmodeus as depicted in Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal. ver Jah-bul-on


sello salomón, eliphas levi
, espía jesuita

Modern Rosicrucian groups

Both Papus and Levi seems to have been involved in a lineage containing people like Charles Nodier (, Count Golitzyn and even Napoleon. However, it is certain that the older generations of French occultists have had some influence on their cultural successors, as for instance Saint-Yves d`Alveydre [1842-1909] and his concept of «Synarchy», something which even Rudolph Steiner adopted in his own theories. The OKRC attracted the leading continental occultists of the time, including people like Paul Adam [1862-1920], Jollivet-Castelot, August Reichel, Abbeè Alta (Melingè), Francois Barlet, etc, etc


Charles Nodier. Charles Nodier navigated the Priory of Sion from 1801-1844. He was a prolific and hugely famous writer during the nineteenth century

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Wikimedia

Nilus also may have had personal motivations for publishing them. Some have alleged that at this time he was trying to gain influence with the Royal Family. This was, it is claimed, part of a faction fight against Papus and Nizier Anthelme Philippe at the Zarist court (Indeed, Papus was accused in 1920 of having forged the Protocols to discredit Philippe).



Allied to this the 2000 book "Rex Deus" stated that a Jesus Bloodline was part of a dynasty called "Rex Deus" ('God King') (Asmodeus), that descended from 24 priests of the Jerusalem Temple and Jesus himself. Last year "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" was produced by James Cameron of "Titanic" fame, and Simon Jacobovici, which said that what is known as the Talpiot Tomb near Jerusalem was likely to be the Jesus family tomb and that it contains his bones and that of Mary Magdalene. The "Bloodline" movie claims that this tomb near Rennes-le-Chateau may well contain not just the bones of Jesus and Mary Magdalene but also a cache of what might be Templar treasure or the fabled treasure of Blanche of Castile, (Queen and Regent of the Crusader Louis VIII of France, and granddaughter of Eleanor of Aquitane).


Aliado a este libro del año 2000, "Rex Deus" declaró que un linaje de Jesús era parte de una dinastía llamada "Rex Deus" (' el Rey de Dios ') (Asmodeus), que descendía de 24 sacerdotes del templo de Jerusalém y a si mismo Jesús. El año pasado, el film "la Tumba Perdida de Jesús" fue producida por James Cameron , director de Titanic, y Simon Jacobovici, que dijo que que saben como la Tumba Talpiot cerca de Jerusalén probablemente fue la tumba de la familia Jesús y que esta contiene sus huesos y los de María Magdalene. la película "de Linaje" demanda que esta tumba cerca de Rennes-le-Chateau bien puede contener no solamente los huesos de Jesús y María Magdalene, pero también un escondrijo de que podría ser el tesoro de Templar o el tesoro fabuloso de Blanca de Castilla....


The Avatar of Aquarius (saint-germain, estatua enfrentada a Asmodeus en Rennes le Chateau , "jefe" de la masonería y avatar de la nueva-era), ver film Avatar de James Cameron


Secret History of Saint Germain - Ascended Master of the New Golden Age - a film by Roland Emmerich - trailer


At various times he admitted that he was obeying the orders of a power higher and greater than himself. What he did not say was that this superior power was the Mystery school which had sent him into the world to accomplish a definite mission. The Comte de St.-Germain and Sir Francis Bacon are the two greatest emissaries sent into the world by the Secret Brotherhood in the last thousand years.

Manly P. Hall; " The Secret Teachings of all Ages "

Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group - Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community Network


george Monti

Crea en esa época el grupo "Alpha-Galatas": inspirado en Fabre d'Olivet, que preconiza unos Estados Unidos de Europa, con dos polos, Inglaterra y Baviera, para presidir la entrada en Acuario. Visión que, a la postre, resultará profética.

En la figura de Georges Monti se perciben todos los rasgos problemáticos de lo que René Guenon ha llamado "contrainiciación": sincretismo religioso, afán conspirativo, aroma sulfuroso... Todo lo cual induce a pensar que el espíritu católico de Peladan no fue asumido, ni por sus discípulos, ni siquiera por su hombre de confianza más próximo, su propio secretario.


como se ve, parece el símbolo de la OTO -Ordo Templi orientis- (juegos olímpicos de Zión y fenix con el pebetero)

El secretario de Peladan, George Monti (nos suena?)

"Monti, tras la fin de Peladan continuó utilizando su sello y su papel de cartas; era amigo de Enma Calvé. En el salón de Cours-la-Reina (un hotel privado de la Calvé), Monti conoció al oblato Emile Hoffet y se prestaron los libros más raros de sus bibliotecas. Hoffet reunió un expediente sobre Monti al que tuvo acceso el escritor Gerard de Sede quien compró parte de los archivos de Hoffet en 1966. Graciad a Emile Hoffet se conocen datos sorprendentes sobre la vida de Georges Monti: Conocido como Israel Monti, nombre iniciatico Marcus Vella. Nació en Toulouse 1880, calle de los Recollets, hijo de italianos. Educado en jesuitas de Avignon. Se relacionó a los 22 años con medios ocultistas tolosanos. Doctorado en derecho canónico por la Facultad Católica de París. Se vincula a Papus y participa en la orden martinista, participa en la fundación de la O.K.R.C. Traba amistad con Edouard Schuré, proinente miembro de la Sociedad Teosófica que luego pasará a la Antroposofía de Steiner"

Amigo de León Daudet. Vivió en Toulouse entre 1902 y 1908. En 1906 se afilia al martinismo. 190 Papus lo envía a Egipto. 1909: Salónica y Munich, donde recibe una iniciación Rosacruz de Baviera de la que llega a ser Comendador en las entreguerras. Su emblema es una sortija de oro con la esfinge. Este grupo contaba con 882 miembros, 40 de los cuales pertenecían a familias de la nobleza. Iniciado en el Grado de Caballero Templario de la Santa Veheme. Agente aleman antes de 1914-18, Grado 33 de Rito Escocés;, convertido al judaismo se introdujo en la orden de los B'nai B'rith, grado Cohen. En 1914 vuelve a París y se domicilia en la rue d'Assas. Durante la guerra tabaja en la biblioteca de Orleans donde hay el mayor fondo de masonería y ocultismo de Francia. Después de la guerra viaja por Europa, hace películas, gana mucho dinero. Participó en las actividades de la O.T.O., fundada por el mago y satanista inglés, Aleister Crowley. En 1924 en compañía de Gaston Demengel, funda el Grupo Occidental de Estudios Esotéricos, radicado en el 16 de la avenida Villiers; temas, unión de las iglesias, burla a los rosacruces americanos, elogios al Rito Egipcio, etc. Este grupo incluía una logia femenina, la Logia Isis, con dos grados "Dama Damada", "Hada Hadada", los mismos instituidos por Peladan. Predijo unos días antes el asesinado de Doumier, como Deschanel. En 1933 se convierte al judaismo. Se relaciona con el Doctor Savoire y el doctor Grasser. Se establece definitivamente en 1934 París, en el 80, de la rue Rocher con el nombre de "Marcus Vela Conti", cineasta. Crea en esa época el grupo "Alpha-Galatas": inspirado en Fabre d'Olivet, que preconiza unos Estados Unidos de Europa, con dos polos, Inglaterra y Baviera, para presidir la entrada en Acuario. Visión que, a la postre, resultará profética










5. But, IN THE MEANTIME, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, WE SHALL NOT OVERTLY LAY A FINGER ON EXISTING CHURCHES, BUT WE SHALL FIGHT AGAINST THEM BY CRITICISM CALCULATED TO PRODUCE SCHISM . . .

temas relacionados:







Última edición:
Entonces los rastafris de que linaje vienen.



Holy Royal Arch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ordo Templi Orientis

According to Francis X. King in The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O., the word is used in two rituals of the Ordo Templi Orientis: the Lodge of Perfection, in which the candidate receives the Fourth Degree (which is called Perfect Magician and Companion of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch); and the Perfect Initiate (or Prince of Jerusalem) degree, which falls between the fourth and fifth degrees. King prints in his book the lyrics of a song that mentions the word "Jahbulon." [10]

Jerry Cornelius wrote that O.T.O. Caliph Grady McMurtry believed that there were some ritualistic errors and omissions in King's version of the rituals.[11] Specifically, McMurtry was concerned about the omission of a paper concerning the IX°.[12] However, according to Cornelius, McMurty considered the book accurate enough to be used for initiations.[13]
[edit] Rastafari

It has been suggested that the Rastafari word for God, Jah, comes from the term Jahbulon, although the name JAH appears in the King James Version of the Bible, in Psalm 68:4.[14] William David Spencer, in Dread Jesus (ISBN 0-281-05101-1), proposes that Archibald Dunkley and Joseph Nathaniel Hibbert were among the preachers that inspired the Rastafari movement, and that both were members of the "Ancient Mystic Order of Ethiopia", a fraternal order derived from Prince Hall Freemasonry. Spencer believes that several antiestéticatures of the Rastafari movement derive from this lodge, including the name "Jah", from the word Jah-Bul-On.




Última edición:
REX MUNDI de Rennes le chateau: Asmodeus

este podría ser "el rey de los judíos" "jefe inmortal de la masonería", avatar de la nueva-era de acuario, william quizá?



lo de 666 podría ser una mención a lo de las tumbas de Jesús y Rennes le Chateau



las 13 millones de navez no hace falta que vengan :roto2:

The Nineteenth Century | Terrorism and the Illuminati

In 1798, a Grand Lodge of Freemasonry was established at Cairo, when Napoleon and his general Kleber received investiture with a ring at the great Pyramid of Cheops, at the hands of an “Egyptian Sage”, as a symbol of their union with the “ancient occult Masonry of Egypt”. Mohammed Ali Pasha, then ruler over Egypt, had also supposedly been a patron of Freemasonry until his death, while the Egyptian lodges maintained correspondences with their confreres in Europe.[1]

Samuel Honis, a native Egyptian, was supposedly initiated at the Grand Lodge of Cairo, by the enigmatic Comte St. Germain. St. Germain was also reputedly the Grand Master of Freemasonry, and initiated Cagliostro into the mysteries of Egyptian Freemasonry.[2] Afterwards, Samuel Honis brought the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry to France, and in 1815, a lodge, Les Disciples de Memphis, was founded by Honis, Marconis de Negre and others. In 1816, this lodge was closed, and Honis and Marconis de Negre disappeared from the scene. However, in Paris in 1838, the latter’s son, Jacques-Etienne Marconis de Negre, commonly known as Marconis, ignorantly called “the neցro” because of his Egyptian antiestéticatures, established the Memphis Rite, as a variation of Cagliostro’s Rite of Mizraim, but failed to attract much of a ***owing


The Palladian Rite

In 1870, Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England, Otto von Bismarck of Germany and Albert Pike, all thirty third degree Scottish Rite Masons, completed an agreement to create a supreme universal rite of Masonry, that would arch over all the other rites, even the different national rites. It centralised all high Masonic bodies in the world under one head. To this end the Palladium Rite was created as the pinnacle of the pyramid of power: an international alliance to bring in the Grand Lodges, the Grand Orient, the ninety-seven degrees of Memphis and Mizraim of Cagliostro, also known as the Ancient and Primitive Rite, and the Scottish Rite, or the Ancient and Accepted Rite.[7]


Es decir, por 1870, cuando el tesorero principal del vaticano era Rotschild, más o menos, es cuando empiezan a centralizar los ritos de la masonería, con los rosacruces jesuitas, claro está.... Curiosamente la fecha en que Blavatsky empieza a hacer de las suyas

Helena Blavatsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In 1875 Blavatsky and Olcott established a research and publishing institute called the Theosophical Society"


"Kuthumi on left - El Morya - Saint Germain

Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame Focus Group - Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community Network





L’ORDRE DE LA ROSE-CROIX CATHOLIQUE ET ESTHETIQUE DU TEMPLE ET DU GRAALL‘Ordre de la Rose-Croix Catholique et Esthetique du Temple et du Graal was founded on August the23
rd, 1891 by Joséphin Péladan[1859-1918] with the assistence of Comte Léonce de Larmandie,Gary de Lacroze,Elémir Bourges[1852-1915] andAntoine de la Rochefoucauld

Joséphin Péladan : les Salons de la Rose-Croix 1




Última edición:
Perdona, Alfie, pero es que suena todo tan magufo lo que pretenderían hacer. A estas alturas ¿Quién se creería que el príncipe Alberto desciende de Jesús? Ya sé que ellos, los de arriba, se lo creerían, pero ¿Y nosotros...?

Y en segundo lugar, ¿Cómo aceptaría la gente un monarca mundial?

Doy por supuesto que este Anticristo no nos gobernaría en la sombra, sino a la luz pública. Por eso no lo termino de entender...
Perdona, Alfie, pero es que suena todo tan magufo lo que pretenderían hacer. A estas alturas ¿Quién se creería que el príncipe Alberto desciende de Jesús? Ya sé que ellos, los de arriba, se lo creerían, pero ¿Y nosotros...?

Y en segundo lugar, ¿Cómo aceptaría la gente un monarca mundial?

Doy por supuesto que este Anticristo no nos gobernaría en la sombra, sino a la luz pública. Por eso no lo termino de entender...

yo tampoco me lo creo, pero porque se toman tantas molestias en magufear

estos si que son magufos, a mi no me miréis, y mucho antes de la existencia de Dave Icke:

"Los Templarios Están Aquí" presentado por Gerard de Sede con Roger Lhomoy (1962)



este tío no es un don-nadie friki

Pierre Plantard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In 1961, author Gérard de Sède had an article published in Noir et blanc about the Château de Gisors in Normandy, linked to the claims of Roger Lhomoy who since 1946, alleged it contained the treasure of the Knights Templar. Plantard read the article and wrote to de Sède, later collaborating with him on the book Les Templiers sont parmi nous, ou, L'Enigme de Gisors ("The Templars are Amongst Us, or The Enigma of Gisors"), that was published in 1962.[19] The name Priory of Sion reappeared within the pages of this book.

Hoffet reunió un expediente sobre Monti al que tuvo acceso el escritor Gerard de Sede quien compró parte de los archivos de Hoffet en 1966. Graciad a Emile Hoffet se conocen datos sorprendentes sobre la vida de Georges Monti: Conocido como Israel Monti, nombre iniciatico Marcus Vella. Nació en Toulouse 1880, calle de los Recollets, hijo de italianos

saco del libro de holy blood holy grail que estudió el priorato de sión, libro sobre el que se elaboraron las teorías para el codigo da vinci:

Razes and the exiled Counts, the “shaven ones’, the Merovingian
. 8De Sede, La Race fabuleuse, pp. 106 ff.

De Sede’s credibility in this book tends to be somewhat undercut by his rather unlikely claim that the Merovingians were extraterrestrials! In conversation he was asked the source for his assertion that Nostradamus spent time at Orval. He replied that a man named Eric Muraise had a manu****** proving this, which de Sede had personally viewed.
We questioned some of the monks at the Abbey of Orval about the possibility of Nostradamus having been there. They shrugged, and said it was a tradition, but they had
no evidence either to prove or disprove it:

It was possible, one said wearily. 9Allier, La Cabale, pp. 99 ff. The author states that it
was the Compagnie which suggested to Olier that he found Saint Sulpice. 10 Allier, La
Cabale, p. 33. 11 Auguste, La Compagnie .. . d Toulouse, pp. 20 ff. 12 Allier, La Cabale,
p. 3. 13Lobineau, H.” Dossiers secrets, planche no. 1, 1100-1600, n.” planche no. 19,
1800-1900. 14 Sainte-Marie, Recherches historiques, p. 243. 15Soul trait (ed.),
Dictionnaire topographique .. . de la Nievre, pp. 8, 146.
The hamlet of Les Plantards was near to Semelay, later the birthplace
of jean XXII des Plantard. 16See the Bulletin de la societe nivernais
des lettres, sciences et arts, 2eme serie, tome vII (1876), pp. 110,
139, 140-41, 307. See also Chaumeil,

Robert Anton Wilson, analizando el caso, haciendo mofa tambien de la teoría, a pesar que sostiene que en las religiones hubo una intervención de Sirio, curioso cuanto menos

THE PRIORY OF SION By Robert Anton Wilson

Jesus, Freemasons, Extraterrestrials, The Gnomes of Zurich,Black Israelites and Noon Blue Apples

Then de Sede does explain; alas, his source cannot be revealed and is hidden behind the title and initial, "Marquis de B." Marquis de B can neither confirm nor deny that de Sede is quoting him correctly because he (the Marquis) was murdered in the Ardennes forest, just like Dagobert II, and on the anniversary of Dagobert's death - December 23, 1971. Anyway, if you are still with me, the reason Dagobert and the mysterious Marquis were murdered is that they both belonged to a secret Society made up of persons descended from the Tribe of Benjamin in ancient ****a; and the Tribe of Benjamin was not exactly like the orthodox Hebrews at all. In fact, the Tribe of Benjamin intermarried with extraterrestrials from Sirius, became superhuman due to this exotic genetic strain, and then migrated to Greece, and then to France…

Whether or not one is inclined to believe a yarn like that on the basis of the weird data offered, what is even more intriguing about La Race Fabuleuse is that, even if one believes in these Jewish-extraterrestrial French nobles, that theory only explains some of the historical enigmas de Sede has presented to us. What about those frogs falling out of the sky at Stenay, and why are two forests named after bear goddesses made part of de Sede's narrative, and who the help are the gang that keeps murdering off these Supermen, and why can't the Supermen protect themselves better? (For that matter, the head of Satan on the coat of arms of Stenay, with which the book begins, is never explained either.)


Los hijos de las estrellas, opera con libreto de Peladán, presidente de la rose-croix catholique en 1890

diagrama de Robert A Wilson



El maestro del discurso también era simbolizada por la estrella acondroplásica roja, Sirio C. El Chacal, por otra parte, fue simbolizado por la estrella acondroplásica blanca, Sirio B. Los colores rojo, porque el Maestro de Expresión, y el blanco, para el Chacal, aparecen también en la religión celta como el rojo y los dragones blanco y más tarde en las sociedades secretas como las rosas rojas y blancas. Rosas rojas y blancas también apareció como emblemas durante las guerras civiles entre las ramas de la casa de Plantagenet real (1444-1487). La Casa de Lancaster utilizado la rosa roja, la Casa de York, la rosa blanca. También usaron los símbolos de un dragón rojo y un jabalí blanco en lugar de las rosas en el campo de batalla. El Nummo se asociaron con los dragones, y el jabalí es una figura Chacal que se discutirá más adelante. Henry VII eventualmente unido las dos casas reales y las dos rosas, creando el rojo y el blanco rosa Tudor, que más tarde se convirtió en el símbolo de Inglaterra. En sus levantamientos tras 1688, los jacobitas adoptó el blanco rose.7 Los colores también estuvieron representadas en la geografía de Egipto, donde fueron identificados con el Mar Rojo y el Mar Muerto. Más sobre esto se discutirá en el capítulo 25.


The coat of arms of Henry VII


Sothis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kenneth Grant and the
Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis

Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis Kenneth Grant and the O.T.O.


References to Sirius in the Writings of Kenneth Grant » Mysteries of Sirius | Mysteries of Sirius

References to Sirius from ‘The Magical Revival’. Published by Muller, 1972.

p8: ‘…The initials A A stand for Argenteum Astrum (the Silver Star). This is the Star of Set or Sothis (Sirius) – the sun ‘in the south’…’

p15: ‘…The Phoenix was also an ancient constellation in which Sothis, or Sirius, was the chief star…’

p51: ‘…Hrumachis is described by Aiwaz as being beyond the present Aeon, as Sirius is beyond the Sun…’

p51: ‘…The Hidden God, Set (represented astronomically by Sirius, the Dog-Star typified the peculiar formula of the Eleventh Degree of the O.T.O. …’

p52: ‘…Saturn, therefore, is the power behind Venus, as Sirius us the power behind the Sun. These two great Stars (Set and Horus) are therefore symbolically identical, and in this way also is Venus tras*cended in Sirius…’

p60: ‘…Also, Thoth, the Moon-god, was originally the God of Sirius, identical with the Star-God Set, before the luni-solar mode of reckoning time supplanted the stellar reckoning. …’

p66: ‘…This likewise was represented as Sut-Nubti, the double announcer, both of the year and of the innundation, who combines the Sun and Sirius un a dual unity. …’

p67: ‘…Set is the initiator, the Opener of mans’ consciousness to the rays of the Undying God typified by Sirius – the Sun in the South…’

p71: ‘…Taurus is the constellation through which the solar influence was tras*mitted to humanity at the time of the Mithraic Cult; thus Mithras – Like Sirius – was a sun-slayer…’

p139: ‘…The soul is the astral shade, the stellar light in darkness represented by Set and Sirius; the spirit is the solar body of light represented by the sun. …’

p211: ‘…These are the electro-magnetic lightnings that permeat Space; they are concentrated symbolically in the sphere of Sirius, the sun in the South. …’

p226: ‘…Sirius was the primordial star of all time, as the duplicator or renewer (of time cycles). He was known in Egypt as the Doubling One.

p227: ‘…Sirius, or Set, was the original “headless one” – the light of the lower region (the south) who was known (in Egypt) as An (the dog), hence Set-An (Satan), Lord of the infernal regions, the place of heat, later interpreted in a jovenlandesal sense as “hell”. …’


Parece que también enseñan estas cosas en la masonería, de ahí quizá lo del tonalidad azul en el logo de Lucis Trust, es decir, la blue lodge

Sirius and the Blue Lodge Institutions:

Sirius and the Blue Lodge
Última edición:
magufos everywhere and beyond


La organización Lucis Trust promulga el trabajo de un “Maestro Ascendido”, quien estuvo trabajando ‘a través de’ Alice Bailey durante 30 años. La Compañía Editorial Lucis Trust y sus muchos frentes y organizaciones sirven a una “Jerarquía Exteriorizada” de “Maestros Ascendidos”, quienes realizan el ejecución de un “plan maestro” luciferino para el establecimiento de una “Era de Acuarius” permanente, regida por “Sanat Kumara”, el “Señor del Mundo”.

Lucis Trust no es una organización ocultista de tercera categoría. Es una poderosa institución que goza del “Estatus Consultivo” de las Naciones Unidas, lo que le permite afianzar una muy estrecha relación de trabajo con este organismo, incluyendo un escaño dentro de las sesiones semanales, pero la influencia más importante, es con los poderosos hombres de negocios y líderes de todas las naciones del mundo.

Lucis Trust, más que una organización política, es una organización religiosa oculta. Promoviendo agresivamente una ideología globalista, Lucis Trust constituyó su asociación Buena Voluntad Mundial (World Goodwill), la cual guarda estrechos vínculos con los círculos elitistas internacionales. Autores y participantes en sus diversas conferencias figuran en sus listas entre sus más prominentes miembros.

Relacionada en su página web, por ejemplo, figura la Declaración Universal de Responsabilidades Humanas, decretada en abril de 1998, como un documento adjunto a la notable Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas.

Firmantes del documento de Buena Voluntad Mundial:
· Helmut Schmidt, ex Canciller de Alemnia Occidental
· Malcolm Frasier, ex Primer Ministro Australiano
· Shimon Perez
· Robert McNamara
· Paul Volcke
· Jimmy Carter
· Pierre Trudeau, entre otros
Lucis Trust opera a través de un Consejo de Administración Internacional entre cuya membrecía figuran:

· John D. Rockefeller
· Norman Cousins
· Robert S. McNamara
· Thomas Watson, Jr. (IBM, Ex Embajador Estadounidense en Moscú)
· Henry Clauson, Gran Comandante del Consejo Supremo, Grado 33, y Rito Escocés del Distrito Sur)
· Henry Kissinger
Este sería pues el lazo de la influyente organización ocultista de Bailey dentro de una conspiración internacional de elitistas, incluyendo el Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores (CFR), el Grupo Bilderberg y la Comisión Trilateral.

He podido comprobar algunas de estas conexiones a través de la participación de Lucis Trust dentro del Windsor International Bank y la compañía Trust Company, en cuya página, el Windsor Bank declara abiertamente ser “Miembro, Consejero, Afiliado, Amigo, Benefactor o Contribuyente de los siguientes Organismos, solo para citar algunos:”

· International Fund for Development (Fondo para el Desarrollo Internacional)
· The Hall Family Foundation
· Fundación Rockefeller
· WHO/Habitat For Humanity (Organización Mundial de la Salud/Hábitat para la Humanidad)
· Lucis Trust (ONG)
· Naciones Unidas
· National Resources Defense Council (Consejo de Defensa de los Recursos Naturales)
· Capital Missions Company (Empresa Independiente de Capital)
· Investors Circle (Círculo de Inversionistas)
· The Coca-Cola Foundation
· Fellowship For International Education (Asociación de Educación Internacional)
· International Monetary Agency (Agencia del Fondo Monetario Internacional)
· International Center For Educational Advancement (Centro Internacional para el Avance Educativo)
· Christian Children’s Fund (Worldwide) – (Fondo para Niños Cristianos, a nivel mundial)
· BAMPAC (Black America’s Political Action) – (Acción Política a favor de los Afroamericanos)
· Fellowship For Reconciliation (Asociación para la Reconciliación)
· National Institute For the Advancement Of Science (Instituto Nacional para el Avance de la Ciencia)
· International Association For Environmental Cooperation (Asociación Internacional de Cooperación Ambiental)
· World Wildlife Federation (Federación Mundial para protección de la Vida Silvestre)
· Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores (CFR)
· Council Of Emerging Nations (Consejo de Naciones Emergentes)
· Freedom Communications, Inc.
· The European Institute (Foreign Affairs Magazine) – (Instituto Europeo (Magazine de Asuntos Exteriores)
· United Nations Association of The USA (Asociación de Naciones Unidas de los EE.UU)
· The NAACP (National Association of Colored People) – (Asociación Nacional de Afrodescendientes)
· The Royal Heritage Charitable Relief Fund (Fondo Caritativo de Patrimonio Real)

quien está detras del luciferismo?



Lucis Trust en la ONU, sala de la meditación, donde se relajó Pablo VI en la época de la logia p-2...concilio vaticano, etc


cuenta entre sus portavoces a Matthew Fox, Brian Swimme y Thomas Berry

Matthew Fox (priest) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Matthew Fox (born 1940) is an American priest and theologian.[1] Formerly a member of the Dominican Order within the Roman Catholic Church, he is now a member of the Episcopal Church

The 12th Planet: ISBN 0939680882 (0-939680-88-2)
Hardcover, Bear & Company by Zecharia Sitchin

Heart of the Christos : Starseeding from the Pleiades
by Barbara H. Clow, Angela C. Werneke, Zecharia Sitchin
ISBN 0939680599 (0-939680-59-9)
Hardcover, Bear & Company

Matthew Fox: Fundador de Bear & Company | batallaespiritual


Matthew Fox (priest) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fox was likened by academic theologians in one New York Times article[citation needed]to the controversial and influential 20th century Jesuit priest, philosopher and paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, particularly for his interpretations of issues such as the doctrine of original sin and the Cosmic Christ and for the resulting conflicts with church authorities.

In 1976, he moved to Chicago’s Mundelein College (now part of Loyola University), to start the Institute of Culture and Creation Spirituality, which developed an alternative pedagogy whose divergences from Catholic orthodox theology eventually would lead to severe conflict with church authorities. The institute’s programs integrated such training as “art as meditation” and “body prayer” with an intention to recreate for modern practitioners the visceral, emotional and intellectual connections that early church mystics had with their faith.

....Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a Vatican administrative body charged with teaching and defending church doctrine – ordered a panel of Dominican priests and theologians to perform a two-year review of Fox’s writings.[5] When the initial findings found in Fox’s favor, Cardinal Ratzinger, later to become Pope Benedict XVI, rejected them and ordered a second review which was never undertaken.[6]


Barbara Hand Clow, contactada de los Pleyadianos fue educada por Jesuitas | defensatum

No se que necesidad tiene el vaticano de inventar historias de dioses "marcianos" y destruir a Cristo y su pesebre (¿!), asi que algo debe haber, a no ser que les hayan hecho mucho chantaje magufo con la pederastia desde 1870, que todo puede ser para los esceptinoicos, o con la logia p-2 , gladio y demás en tiempos recientes......
Última edición:
Es que le falla el pelo un montón, no sé si encaja dentro de los parámetros anti-crísticos.

Luego lo leo con más calma.


P.D: como sigas así te vas a ir con Rave :roto2:
Es que le falla el pelo un montón, no sé si encaja dentro de los parámetros anti-crísticos.

Luego lo leo con más calma.


P.D: como sigas así te vas a ir con Rave :roto2:

lo mismo los jesuitas muenos les han chafado el plan :XX:

pero si han dao tanto la matraca con codigos de vincis y jesucristos cósmicos y maitreyas, que cullons!
Rennes Le Chateau - Oak Island - Money Pit - Crystalinks

Perhaps the most enigmatic elements mentioned in the text as decoded by Lionel Fanthorpe is the phrase "Blue Apples at Noon." The code in the parchments is only decipherable through the use of the "knight's tour" - a logic puzzle wherein one "jumps" a knight to every square on a chess board, once and only once. It is a puzzle which has only one solution - as does the code, clearly. But the use of chessboard imagery at Rennes-le-Chateau is striking.

Clearly, to some degree, the puzzle lies in the layout of the redesign of Sauniere's church, and his other building projects. The village parish church had been dedicated to the Magdalene in 1059; during the restoration, he found the mysterious parchment (supposedly) in a hollow Visigothic pillar underneath the altar stone. A statue of the demon Asmodeus guards near the door. The plaques depicting the Stations of the Cross contain bizarre inconsistencies. One shows a child swathed in Scottish plaid.

Another has Pontius Pilate wearing a veil. St. Joseph and Mary are each depicted holding a Christ child, as if to allude to the old legend that Christ had a twin. Other statues are of rather esoteric saints in unusual postures: St. Roch displays his wounded thigh (like the Grail King Anfortas), St. Anthony the Hermit holds a closed book, St. Germaine releases a bevy of roses from her apron, and the Magdalene is shown holding a vase. Sauniere's library and study, the Tour Magdala, is placed precariously over a precipitous chasm at a place where one would be foolish to build such a permanent structure.



Treasure, Codes and Moon Blue Apples
In a later book, L' Or de Rennes-le-Chateau, de Sede does not answer any of these questions, but provides us with more wild theories and even more strange data. Briefly, a priest manu******s in an old church in the Provencal town of Rennes-le-Chateau. (Like Stenay, the town with the head of Satan on its coat of arms, Rennes-le-Chateau was the home of a castle of the Merovingian dynasty, to which the murdered Dagobert II belonged.) You are going to love this if you have any sense of humor at all. De Sede does not decode the Sauniere parchments, but the code is so simple a child might guess it. The manu******s have some letters raised above the others. Read these letters only and get the message found by the ingenious authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail.


The conjunction of Dagobert and Sion, of course, seems to authenticate the medieval origin the Priory claims for itself (although nobody, to my knowledge, has carbon-dated the Sauniere parchment, which might be a late forgery.) I cordially invite you make what you can of the rest of the secret message. Cabalists are especially likely to find something of interest in the 681. Others will be emotionally drawn to conjecture about the "daemon" and the "horse" (not house) of God. Personally, I am aesthetically fond of the noon blue apples as a topic for speculation when I can't get to sleep at night...

The damned thing about this is that there may indeed have the priest who found the parchment, Father Sauniere, became quite wealthy by unknown means, and that has kept "the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau" a topic of keen interest among French conspiracy buffs and puzzle addicts for nearly a hundred years now.

Later, however, Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh were to offer another explanation of Father Sauniere's wealth. But I will come to that…

Andrew Gough's Arcadia

Blue Apples - 2

The SION parchment discovered by Sauniere is said to have a clearly visible ‘hidden’ text sprinkled in 8 letters throughout the ********** It spells out REX MUNDI – ‘King of the World’. Rex Mundi was the name of the Devil of the Cathars.

“Cults can survive without a belief in God,” says Eric Hoffer, “but never without a belief in the Devil.”34

As far as devils go, this one got around.

The Buddhists also believe in the King of the World, a figure who lives in a paradise in the Inner Earth. Many people think he’s the same as the demon Rex Mundi. (We all know Rex Mundi as the source of the Rx found on our modern-day pre******ions.) If this is so, it appears the Buddhist (Eastern) and Christian (Western) religions converge at Rennes-le-Chateau. We will have more to say about this devil in the next chapter.

In his pompousness Sauniere was not simply being ostentatious or spiritually incorrect. He had a brilliant plan. All of the above were Sauniere and Boudet’s objects d’art which attempt to conceal and convey what may be the secret of the Blue Apples.

The idea was for people to come to Rennes (as they did in ancient Egypt) and read the church like a book… or even a riddle.

The answer to the riddle, I believe, was placed above the entrance to the church where Sauniere placed the in******ion “Terrible is This Place!” As noted, these are the exact words used by Jacob (c. 2000 B.C.) after his journey through the gate to heaven.

The words which ***ow in Jacob’s quotation from Genesis 28:17 are:

“This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate to heaven.”

The combination of these three clues: the statues and paintings, the demon guardian, and the in ******ions, I am convinced, reveal the secret of Rennes.

Sauniere is telling us Rennes-le-Chateau is a is a terrible place, a (star)gateway to Heaven. Like Jaocob’s ladder it is a place for the soul to ascend to Heaven.



Secret Societies / New World Order: by Milton William Cooper

According to members of the intelligence community, when the New World Order is solidified the relics will be taken out, will be united with the Spear of Destiny, and will, according to legend, give the world's ruler absolute power. This may confirm beliefs passed down through the ages that describe the significance of these relics when united in the hands one man. It explains Hitler's desperate search World War II. (Gen. Patton had claimed it after defeat)

The Knights Templar were founded sometime during the 11th century in Jerusalem by the Prieure de Sion for the express purpose of guarding remaining relics of Jesus and to provide military protection for the religious travelers during their pilgrimage to the Holy City.

The Prieure de Sion was a religious order founded upon Mount Sion in Jerusalem. The Order set for itself the goal of preserving and recording the bloodline of Jesus and the House of David. Through every means available to them, the Prieure de Sion had found and retrieved the remaining relics. These relics were entrusted to the Knights Templar for safekeeping. I am amazed at the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the information that they have unearthed. Most of all I am amazed at their inability to put the puzzle together. The treasure hidden in France is not the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem. It is the Holy Grail itself, the robe of Jesus, the last remaining pieces of the Cross of Crucifixion, and, according to my sources, someone's bones. I can tell you that the reality of the bones will shake the world to its very foundations if I have been told the truth. The relics are hidden in France. I know the location and so do the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, but they do not know that they know-- or do they?





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