Política fiscal climática en austria: klimabonus para compensar co2


2 Jun 2024

Lo enseñó hace un momento Soloclima en su telegram. En 2022 el "CO2 pricing came into force in Austria as part of the Eco-social Tax Reform".
"The Klimabonus is a bonus payment and direct compensation for CO₂ pricing.All citizens in Austria receive the Klimabonus. It is paid out automatically once a year".

Es una paguita que dan a todo el mundo. Pero:

To improve the social effectiveness, recipients of the Klimabonus with an annual income of more than €66,612 must pay tax on the Klimabonus in 2024.

No encuentro info sobre ese impuesto. El sueldo medio bruto es de 52,600 €.

Me parece cachonda esta respuesta de la FAQ:

I already behave in a very climate-friendly way. Does this affect my Klimabonus?
No. Personal CO₂ consumption does not affect the amount of Klimabonus you will receive, but climate-friendly behaviour ensures that you get to keep more of the bonus. Because CO₂ pricing makes activities that harm the climate more expensive

Pero ***, la contaminación sí es algo real que hay que intentar limitar. El cambio cambiático es eso, una estafa. Pero hay razones para apoyar el consumo responsable. Y ni siquiera lo usáis como excusa para ir preparando el impuesto por estar vivo. "Ya estarás recibiendo de algún lado los beneficios de genera poco CO2. Tú toma esta paguita y págame el nuevo impuesto".

How much you get​

In 2024 the Klimabonus will be €145, €195, €245 or €290 for adults. In order to receive the Klimabonus, you must have had your main residence in Austria for at least 183 days in the year of entitlement. How much you get depends on where you have your main residence.
Use the postcode search function to find out how much Klimabonus you will receive this year:
Your postcode:

Klimabonus: Payout in 2024
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Regional staggering​

The Klimabonus category classification is carried out by Statistics Austria, based on the available infrastructure (secondary schools, hospitals and district authorities) and access to public tras*port.
The Klimabonus comes in two parts:
  1. The base amount. Everyone who is entitled to the Klimabonus receives this. This is €145 in 2024.
  2. A regional allowance to compensate those living in regions with poorer infrastructure and less public tras*port. In 2024, this regional allowance amounts to €50, €100 or €145 and depends on your main place of residence.
You can find more information on the methodology on the website of Statistics Austria and in the STATatlas.
The 2024 Klimabonus categories at a glance:
Category 1Urban centres with very good public tras*port services.€145
This value is composed of:€145
Category 2Urban centres with good public tras*port services.€195
This value is composed of:€145 +
€50 Regional allowance
Category 3Regional centres and municipalities surrounding centres with good access to basic public tras*port services. €245
This value is composed of:€145 +
€100 Regional allowance
Category 4Rural communities and communities with only basic public tras*port services.€290
This value is composed of:€145 +
€145 Regional allowance
Children and young people up to the age of 18 receive half the amount and those who are unable to use public tras*port because of a disability will always receive the maximum allowance for their region.
To improve the social effectiveness, recipients of the Klimabonus with an annual income of more than €66,612 must pay tax on the Klimabonus in 2024. According to the Ministry of Finance, this is equivalent to a gross monthly income of around €6,660. The tax authorities will collect the tax. By making this change, we are ***owing a recommendation of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research.
You can find more information about this in the Q&A.

How it works​

Fast and simple: The Klimabonus goes straight to your account
If you regularly receive money tras*fers from the State, you don’t have to do anything. The Klimabonus goes straight to your account. This applies, for example, to pensioners and recipients of a nursing care allowance or child benefits. All those whose current bank account number was recorded after 1 January 2021, for example in FinanzOnline, will also receive their bonus automatically. As a rule, these are people who use FinanzOnline to file their taxes electronically.
It is important that account details have been updated or have been used for a payment by the Federal Ministry of Finance since 1 January 2021. Self-employed persons who have not received any payment from the Federal Ministry of Finance must also enter and confirm their account details in FinanzOnline.
Since the Klimabonus is paid out once a year, the account details provided are also checked annually on a fixed cut-off date. For the year 2024, this cut-off date is 10 July.
Check and update your account details on FinanzOnline now so that the money can be paid directly into your account in 2024.
This can be done in three simple steps:
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