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El registro de compañias en Sark es posible, porqué está 'delegado' a la isla de Guernsey, que está al lado. Con lo que es una manera de ponerselo dificil a alguien que te denuncie o te quiera tocar los corazones.
Sark has no company register and Sark companies can be incorporated through the Guernsey Company Registry
and all Sark corporations are governed by the company laws of Guernsey offshore companies.
Vamos a leer, que yendo de humilde por la vida se aprende:
Sark offshore corporations can be used for trading in any country in the world and are sound vehicles for asset protection. The legislation of Guernsey that governs the Sark offshore company provides privacy and secrecy for owners a characteristic, which is highly regarded in the jurisdiction.
The island of Sark has no income tax and where other British Dependent territories like Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey have reciprocal tax arrangements with the with the United Kingdom and other countries in the world, Sark has no such arrangements. In Sark there is no income, capital gains or inheritance taxes. Neither does it have any reciprocal tax or disclosure of information agreements with anyone.
Sark Offshore and onshore companies have the same tax treatment and both are exempt from corporate taxations pay zero taxes on its income.
Igual al que le engañan es a tí, viendo tus reading skills....