Oponerse al consumo de aceites de semillas es hombrista y de extrema derecha

Max Aub

Getting rich
8 Oct 2017
Wikipedia y sus hipnozumbólicos artículos:

Ya sabeis, a combatir a la ultraderecha comiendo más aceites vegetales.

Association with right-wing political figures​

Opposition to seed oils has been associated with the political right. Professor of Russian studies Maya Vinokour described the belief as "lifestyle fascism" and "right-wing masculinist discourse."[7]

Former independent U.S. Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaigned on health-related conspiracy theories and attracted support from voters opposed to seed oils.[23] In his speech suspending his campaign and endorsing that of Donald Trump, he blamed several health conditions on processed foods' inclusion of seed oils.[24] Later that day, Kennedy appeared alongside Trump to declare that the latter would "make America healthy again," endorsing Trump's health and food policies.[25] Trump's running-mate, JD Vance, has stated that he does not cook with seed oils.[26]
