One trump supporter says he alerted secret service before the shooting and was ignored.


2 Jun 2015
One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.
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