Mientras los occidentales no se enteran de nada los Pakis lo tienen claro


5 Sep 2007
Lahore Attack Mossad & Co. strikes again | Pakistan Daily

Jewish Lobby’s puppet, Barack Obama, on Friday threatened Islamabad for more US military strikes inside Pakistan territory unless they keep killing each other for Israel. And if they agree to that - he offered US$1.5 billion per year bribe (matching with Egypt’s to protect Israel from Hamas) for the next five years.

“Al-Qaida is the top secret code name of special covert operations of the U.S. CIA, Israeli Mossad, British SIS, Indian RAW. Al-Qaida is a fake name, an imaginary illusion, a deceptive fraud, a fictitious hoax and a fraudulent scam of the unlawful war of terror, which is still being cunningly and clandestinely supported and promoted by the CIA, Mossad, SIS, RAW, and the Corrupt Mercenary Media (CMM) to frame, blame, defame, harm and kill Pakistanis, Kashmiris, Afghans, Arabs, Jovenlandeses and other innocent humans by falsely and maliciously labeling them as the Al-Qaida militants, extremists, or terrorists. Actually, Al-Qaida or Al-CIA-da is the CIA. Al-Qaida is the Mossad. Al-Qaida is the SIS. Al-Qaida is the RAW. Al-Qaida is the ISI. Al-Qaida is the CMM. The CIA, Mossad, SIS, RAW, ISI and the CMM are the real Al-Qaida or ‘the Evil 6′. For the sake of international peace, reform or abolish the CIA, Mossad, SIS, RAW and the ISI; oppose and expose the CMM; and end the illegal war of terror now to reduce global terrorism. Indeed, imperialistic military occupation of any country, state, or nation is state terrorism. Civil terror is a natural reaction to government terror.” - Professor Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, president of JUD, Pakistan.

Army was the only Pakistani institution which was treated with utmost respect by the great majority of Pakistanis before its top general, allowed Bush Zionist administration to destroy its next-door Muslim nation of Afghanistan, which has many many centuries of political, social and religious relations with the people who call themselves Pakistanis since August 14, 1947.

His fatal decision brought the culture of terrorism, bombing and killing of innocents into Pakistan - whose greatest target happens to be Pakistan Army and Pakistan’s security forces. Before 2002 - there is no history of Pakistanis targetting military personnel. So, the question comes to mind: “Why and who are behind this terrorism?”

The answers can be found among the world powers and international vultures and national traitors, who doesn’t want the only Muslim nuclear country to become stable, prosperous and its four provinces to stay united - after the fifth province, East Bengal (now Bangladesh), was snatched away through Indian invasion in 1971.

All the terrorist attacks blamed on the so-called “Islamist groups”, such as the Lal Mosque Islamabad) carnage; Islamabad Marriott Hotel bombing; attack on Sri Lanka’s cricket team; bombing of mosque near Pakistan-Afghan border, and now the attack on Lahore Police Academy - one must remember, who trained and armed these so-called “Islamist terrorists” and use them against Russians in Afghanistan for America to become the ’sole world superpower’?

The reality is that behind the smoke-screen of “Islamist terrorism” - it’s foreign intelligence agencies like India’s RAW; Israel’s Mossad, America’s CIA and Britain’s MI6 - which all have the same agenda - to destroy the only Muslim nuclear power by paving the way to install fifth pro-USrael military dictatorship in Pakistan’s 62-year existence.

Ahmed Quraishi, a Kuwaiti journalist and host of PTV-News - in his March 30, 2009 column wrote:

“A second Mumbai-style attack in Lahore in less than a month, both targgeting Lahore, a city that has tradionally bore the brunt of Indian-inspired terrorism inside Pakistan.

The level of training of these people and choice of targets leaves little doubt that someone is trying to teach Pakistan a lesson. It’s baffling to see interior advisor, Rehman Malik, so eager to quickly pin the blame on groups such as Lashkar Tayyeba or Lashkar Jhangvi that were active in Kashmir struggle in the past and are dormant now……Why is Mr. Malik not willing to consider the possibility of Indian involvement? Is he afraid of upetting the Brits or the Americans?…Additionally where are those local agents of Indian intelligence that were arrested from various Pakistani cities in the past few weeks and months near both the Indian and Afghan borders?

The only country other than the US that has an elaborate Pakistan focussed intelligence set-up in Afghanistan is India. The Indians are actively using the chaos in Afghanistan to create a wedge between the US and Pakistan by actively supporting terrorist elements in Pakistan……

This is also the time to neutralize elements in Pakistani government such as President Zardari and Rehman Malik, whose assests, lives, and apparently loyalties lies outside Pakistan. Democracy cannot be allowed to become a Trojan horse for foreign powers to meddle in Pakistan.”

Jewish Lobby’s puppet, Barack Obama, on Friday threatened Islamabad for more US military strikes inside Pakistan territory unless they keep killing each other for Israel. And if they agree to that - he offered US$1.5 billion per year bribe (matching with Egypt’s to protect Israel from Hamas) for the next five years.

Pakistan Army mindset can be judged by Lt. General (retired) Ali Kuli Khan’s interview - taken by Rahimullah Yusufzai, which was published, October 5, 2006.
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El jefe militar de la OTAN ordena de masacrar a miles de afganos

El general Bantz Craddock, Supremo comandante de la OTAN ha ordenado a las tropas aliadas de dicha alianza militar presentes en Afganistán de apiolar, de eliminar a toda persona que se encuentre en la zona territorial donde hay insurgencia, es decir a toda persona implicada en la siembra y comercio de la droja [cultivo de la amapola], sin esperar a saber previamente si estos son simples campesinos o si están ligadas o no a la insurrección.

Según el sitio internet de la revista alemana Der Spiegel, que ha revelado estos hechos, la orden ha sido confirmada por escrito el 5 de enero de 2009 al general alemán Egon Ramms quien se oponía a la ejecución de dicha orden y que la calificó de crimen de guerra.

Estas revelaciones han provocado gran emoción en Alemania, pero curiosamente ninguna emoción en los otros países implicados militarmente en Afganistán.

Estas instrucciones se aplican a toda la zona en rebeldía, pero no a la zona «pacificada» en Afganistán, es decir la zona que se encuentra bajo la autoridad del presidente [afgano] Karzai, y la de su medio hermano que lucra con la comercialización y tráfico de la amapola.

Es decir, el general Bantz Craddock ha ordenado de masacrar y/o eliminar a todos los campesinos que cultivan la [planta] de la amapola [para la fabricación de la heroína] y a todos los traficantes vinculados que rivalizan en el comercio del tráfico de drojas con el monopolio de la familia Karzai.

El general Bantz Craddock es el antiguo jefe del gabinete militar de Donald Rumsfeld. En calidad de comandante de la South Command (Comando Sur) él dirigió la instalación del centro de tortura de Guantánamo (la base militar USA en territorio cubano).
También participó activamente en la planificación de la guerra israelí de 2006 contra Líbano y fue nombrado en esa época como máximo jefe de la OTAN en vista de una intervención de la Alianza Atlántica en el país del Cedro (Líbano), proyecto que fue bloqueado por el ex-presidente francés Jacques Chirac durante la Conferencia de Roma.

Recordamos que la droja producida por el clan Karzai en Afganistán está destinada principalmente (a ser enviada) al Camp Bondstell (Kososvo), la inmensa base militar que los EEUU han construido en esa zona, dicha droja es administrada por el Primer Ministro kosovar Haçim Thaci.
La droja es distribuida por la mafia kosovar principalmente en Europa Occidental. Los beneficios sirven para financiar las operaciones especiales de la CIA fuera del control presupuestario del Congreso de los EEUU.

El jefe militar de la OTAN ordena de masacrar a miles de afganos [Voltaire]