Los castuzos detrás de los Rolling Stones


12 May 2011
Rupert Loewenstein: Mick Jagger fury as Bavarian Prince who worked as band's financial adviser for 40 years reveals truth about Rolling Stones' millions | Mail Online

Jagger fury as Bavarian Prince who worked as band's financial adviser for 40 years reveals truth about Rolling Stones' millions

- Prince Rupert Loewenstein was the Stones' financial adviser from 1968-2007

-German aristocrat saw the penniless rockers laugh all the way to the bank

Prince's memoirs unveils how band used to get 'bags stuffed with cash'
Book has Mick Jagger fuming saying the Prince lacks 'good manners'


Rock n' roll banker: Prince Rupert Loewenstein, pictured in 1991 with Keith Richards, has written a book about his years as the Stones' financial manager which has Mick Jagger fuming



Naming the Venetian Black Nobility
behind the Rolling Stones

It’s not mentioned here, but the Rolling Stones were created from the same source and with the same purpose. Beatles were supposed to be the “good guys” while the Rolling Stones were the “bad guys”


The Rolling Stones were mastered by a Order of Malta member by the name of Prince Rupert Loewenstein who sponsored the ‘Sympathy for the Devil‘ track back in 1968. This Prince was also a member of the very powerful Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George which is close in power to the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, both being higher than the Order of Malta. His son is Prince Konrad Loewenstein who is a high level Byzantine Rite priest based at the Roman Catholic church of Chiesa di San Simon Piccolo in Venice. You will notice the House of Loewenstein also has connections to the House of Rosenberg which is an offshoot scion from the powerful House of Orsini. Lets not forget how I gave you all the connection of the powerful Borghese based house of Aldobrandini who are named after the highly occultic Aldebaran closely connected with the important Pleiades. Now go and listen to the Rolling Stones track called ‘2000 Thousand Light Years from Home‘ from the ‘Satanic Majesties Request‘ written by Rupert’s boy Mick Jagger. This song is all about the Aldebaran.




El origen del símbolo de la paz - Tema del día - El Periódico de Aragón


Rolling Stones en rock.com.mx

Al tratarse de un concierto masivo The Rolling Stones decidieron contratar a "The Hell Angels"como guardias de seguridad.

"The Hell Angels" era un grupo de motociclistas que los Stones habían contratado anteriormente en 3 conciertos gratuitos que realizaron en Londres en el Hyde Park. Otra de las razones para contratar a " The Hell Angels" fue que "The Grateful Dead" había trabajado con ellos en varias ocasiones sin tener incidente alguno.

Grateful Dead
former members are BOHEMIAN GROVE MEMBERS









Nothing more than Freemason mafia operations today


Última edición:





Ken Kesey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kesey volunteered to take part in a CIA-financed study under the aegis of Project MKULTRA at the Menlo Park Veterans Hospital, where he worked as a night aide.[8] The project studied the effects of psychoactive drugs, particularly LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, cocaine, aMT, and DMT on people

Merry Pranksters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roman Polanski Abuse Victim Describes How Anjelica Huston Nearly Stopped Her Ordeal | General News | Hollywood.com


the Skull n' Bones society created both the OSS/CIA and the Hells Angels. The Hells Angels was a term used for the mercenary soldiers of WW1. Howard Hughes did a movie about it. In WW2 the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club was an outgrowth of the Hells Angels bombing squadron at Rapid City Air Force base . If you check online you'll find pics of the HElls Angels in their leather flight jackets and pics of soldiers riding their WW2 era Harley Davidsons on air force bases. The Hells Angels biker organization had their biggest growth spurt at the end of the Vietnam War with thousands of mercenary soldiers returing home to join the biker gangs, many of them with serious drug habits. The Hells Angels are mercenary soldiers who at the highest levels form the conduit for all the Skull n' Bones CIA cocaine and heroin coming in. Some suspect that Rapid City air force base is to this day a central repository for international narcotics traffic, which is what draws thousands of bikers to the Rapid City/Sturgis area each year.




OSS | In Search of Black Assassins


SIN FOTO (No deja)

Frank Sinatra & New Bride mia Farrow, LUCIFER'S MISTRESS in 1968 Horror Classic Rosemary's Baby


"The movie Rosemary's baby directed by Roman Polanski was filmed in the Dakota Building were John Lennon was shot to death by Mark David Chapman"




tiroteado por Mark David Chapman

"...David Berkowitz, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Daniel Schwartz, as was Mark David Chapman, who was obsessed with the film The Wizard of Oz and the book The Catcher in the Rye, which was written by reclusive author J.D. Salinger, who served in the OSS with Henry Kissinger, who was a close adviser to Gerald Ford, who once met and shook hands with Mark David Chapman, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Bernard Diamond, who also 'examined' Sirhan Sirhan, who had connections to the Process Church, as did many of those ensnared in this sordid web, including Kenneth Anger, John Phillips, Roy Radin, David Berkowitz and Charlie Manson"

Sirhan Sirhan's Lawyers Say He Was A 'Hypnotized' Patsy Who Didn't Kill Robert Kennedy - Dashiell Bennett - The Atlantic Wire


James Bruce, antepasado del fundador del Rito Masón Escocés, Sir Robert the Bruce, fue el octavo conde de Elgin. Él supervisó la trata de esclavos del Caribe como gobernador general de Jamaica en 1842 y hasta 1846. Fue Embajador de Gran Bretaña en China durante la Segunda Guerra del Opio. Su hermano Federico fue secretario colonial de Hong Kong durante las dos guerras del opio. Ambos eran masones prominentes. El británico Lord Palmerston, quien dirigió las guerras del opio, era un pariente de sangre de la monarquía Bruce, como era su secretario de Relaciones Exteriores John Russell, el abuelo de Bertrand Russell. [7]

"Los hijos de la élite de la Mesa Redonda son miembros de un culto dionisíaco conocido como Los Niños del Sol. Iniciantes de este grupo incluyen Aldous Huxley, TS Eliot, DH Lawrence y HG Wells. Wells dirigió la inteligencia británica durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Sus libros hablan de un “un mundo de cerebros” y “un policía de la mente”. William Butler Yeats, otro miembro del Sol, era un amigo de Aleister Crowley. Los dos formaron un culto a Isis basado en un manuscrito de Madame Blavatsky, que pidió a la aristocracia británica a organizarse en un sacerdocio ariano a Isis. Los escritores más destacados de la literatura Inglés procedían de las filas de la Mesa Redonda. Todos promovieron la expansión del Imperio, aunque sutilmente. La Sociedad Teosófica Blavatsky y los Rosicrucians de Bulwer-Lytton se unieron para formar la Sociedad de Thule a cabo de las cual surgieron los nazis. [8]

Aleister Crowley formó el paralelo británico a la Sociedad Thule, la Orden Hermética Isis-Urania de la Golden Dawn. Fue tutor del gurú del LSD Aldus Huxley, quien llegó a los EE.UU. en 1952, el mismo año que la CIA puso en marcha su programa MK-ULTRA de control mental con la ayuda de los laboratorios de Warburg de propiedad suiza Sandoz y el primo de Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, jefe de la estación OSS en Berna. El asistente de Dulles fue James Warburg. [9]"

El origen del símbolo de la paz - Tema del día - El Periódico de Aragón


The Death of Jayne Mansfield


Anton LaVey found Marilyn Monroe, a Jewish girl, working as a striptease in the strip clubs.


is an 11-minute film directed, edited and photographed by Kenneth Anger. The music was composed by Mick Jagger

El link con Mike Jagger

Sharon Tate - the most famous of the Manson victims, and the daughter of Colonel Paul Tate, U.S. Army Intelligence. Tate was killed on August 9, 1969, along with Abigail Folger, Steven Parent, Jay Sebring, and Voytek Frykowski.

Kenneth Anger - former child-star turned underground filmmaker, and the son of a 'military-industrial complex' engineer who developed machine-guns for Kellogg during WWII and later worked for Douglas Aircraft.

Judy Garland - child actor and singer who was kept drugged on a daily basis from about the age of five, first by her mother, and then by the studios. Garland was found dead on the summer solstice of 1969, just seven weeks before the Tate/LaBianca murders.

John Phillips - musician/composer who founded the singing group The Mamas and The Papas and who was born in a military hospital, the son of a career Marine officer. John later attended the U.S. Naval Academy.

Roy Radin - theatrical producer who specialized in staging vaudeville revival shows. Radin was working with Robert Evans to produce The Cotton Club when he was shot some twenty-seven times in the head in 1983. Radin began his career while still a teenager by staging shows in Masonic temples.

The Hell's Angels - the most well-known of the biker gangs that arose after WWII due to the efforts of returning OSS and military officers. The Angels were led by Ralph "Sonny" Barger, reportedly an informant for the Oakland Police Department who was also on the payroll of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Jayne Mansfield - actress/sex symbol who was decapitated, allegedly in a car accident, on June 29, 1967. According to Jayne's daughter, Mansfield's parties antiestéticatured the rich and famous getting naked and filming themselves. Tate and husband Roman Polanski were reportedly the producers and collectors of 'fame porn' as well.

Robert F. Kennedy - U.S. Senator and presidential candidate who was assassinated in Hollywood on June 5, 1968. Kennedy was allegedly shot from point-blank range behind his right ear by Sirhan Sirhan, who was standing several yards in front of and to the left of the candidate. Like I said, shit happens.

Without further ado, we begin this journey - for no particular reason - with the aforementioned Phil Hartman, who was a highschool friend of Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, who later became a disciple of Charlie Manson, a jailhouse correspondent of John Hinckley, and the attempted assassin of President Gerald Ford, who was once a roommate of modeling entrepreneur Harry Conover, whose wife was the infamous Candy Jones, who was 'treated' by CIA-linked hypnotist William Jennings Bryan, who also 'treated' the purported Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, whose name was written repetitively throughout the diaries of Sirhan Sirhan, who was also 'treated' by Bryan, who served as the technical director on The Manchurian Candidate, which was directed by John Frankenheimer, at whose beach house a dinner was held on June 5, 1968 whose attendees included "Mama" Cass Elliot, Roman Polanski, and Sharon Tate, who was killed just over a year later by ***owers of Charlie Manson, whose music was recorded by Doris Day's son, music producer Terry Melcher, who lived with girlfriend Candace Bergen at 10050 Cielo Drive the year before it became a slaughterhouse after being rented by Polanski, who initially was slated to pen the screenplay for Day of the Dolphin, which purported to tell the story of Dr. John Lilly, who was a friend of Timothy Leary, whose Mellon family-owned Millbrook estate was frequently visited by Dr. Max "Feelgood" Jacobson, who once 'treated' Judy Garland and who served as the personal physician of John Kennedy, whose assassination prompted the shelving of the film The Manchurian Candidate by its star, Frank Sinatra, who was a frequent companion of fellow 'Brat Packer' Sammy Davis, Jr., who was an acknowledged member of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, from where Manson recruited killers Bobby "Cupid" Beausoleil and Susan "Sexy Sadie" Atkins, who confessed to her cellmates that she had stabbed to death actress Sharon Tate, who was inducted into witchcraft on the set of the Polanski-directed film The antiestéticarless Vampire Killers by Alexander "King of the Witches" Saunders, who received 'training' as a child from Aleister Crowley, whose ***owers included Anton LaVey and fellow Church of Satan member Kenneth Anger, who was the roommate (and probable lover) of Family member Bobby Beausoleil, who once appeared in an underground film titled Mondo Hollywood, which also antiestéticatured hairdresser and Manson victim Jay Sebring, who was a former lover of Sharon Tate, who was a friend of a wealthy widow named Charlene Caffritz, who played host to - and filmed the exploits of - Charlie and some of his girls, who also lived for a time with Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, who recorded a song penned by Charlie, who was an occasional member of the entourage of Mama Cass, who was listed as a defense witness for Charlie's trial (but never called), as was her Mamas and the Papas band-mate John Phillips, who was close to Polanski, Tate, Melcher, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Cass Elliot, and film producer Robert Evans, who was working with - and very likely contracted the execution killing of - Roy Radin, whose assistant was Michael DeVinko aka Mickie DeVinko aka Mickie Deans, who married - just a few months before her untimely death - Wizard of Oz star Judy Garland, who as a teen was flooded with phone messages and telegrams by admirer Oscar Levant, whose dead body was found by Candace Bergen, who - as a photojournalist for Life magazine - covered the preempted presidential campaign of Robert Kennedy, who was romantically linked to Marilyn Monroe, who was also linked to Anton LaVey, who appeared in Kenneth Anger's Invocation of My Demon Brother (released in August of 1969) along with Bobby Beausoleil, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who was a guest at the 1968 London wedding of Sharon Tate to Roman Polanski, who - during a nude photo shoot - molested a thirteen-year-old girl at the home of Jack Nicholson, who was a friend of Cass Elliot, as were Robert Evans and Manson victims Jay Sebring, Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger, who provided funding for the Himalayan Academy, which Kenneth Anger helped form with Timothy Leary, who was at the side of the stage at the 1969 Altamont concert where - while the Rolling Stones played the Process Church-inspired Sympathy for the Devil* - a fan was killed on film by the Hell's Angels, who had been romanticized and tras*formed into anti-establishment heroes in the film Scorpio Rising by Kenneth Anger and the book Hell's Angels by Hunter S. Thompson, both of whom have been accused of making snuff films** for private collectors, which was also a favorite pastime of Charlie Manson, one of whose underage recruits was Didi Lansbury, who had written permission to travel with Charlie from her mother, Angela Lansbury, who starred as the control agent in The Manchurian Candidate, which was based on the novel of the same name by Richard Condon, who once served as a publicist for Walt Disney, who once owned the home where the Manson Family slaughtered Leno LaBianca and wife Rosemary, who was involved in the trafficking of drugs, as were many of those in this twisted saga, including Charles Manson, victims Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger, John Phillips and Kenneth Anger, who was a huge fan of the dark and violent imagery of the Rosicrucian-inspired, L. Frank Baum-penned Oz books, which inspired the band The Magick Powerhouse of Oz, which was led by Bobby Beausoleil, who was also at one time in the band Love with Arthur Lee, four of whose members later turned up dead or missing and presumed dead, as did Charlene Caffritz, Cass Elliot (who allegedly choked on a sandwich in 1974), Dennis Wilson (who allegedly drowned on December 28, 1983), and Gram Parsons, whose corpse was stolen and burned at Joshua Tree on the autumnal equinox of 1973 by his band's road manager, Phil Kaufman, who was a good friend from prison of Charlie Manson, who met (at Cass Elliot's house) and received money from victim Abigail Folger, who also funded Kenneth Anger, who at various times lived with both Jimmy Page (who purchased Crowley's home and many of his artifacts) and Keith Richards & Anita Pallenberg, whose home - in 1979 - yielded the body of a teenager who had been shot to death, as was John Lennon the next year by Mark David Chapman, who shortly before doing so met with - and offered a gift of live bullets to - Kenneth Anger, whose films were cited as a major influence by photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, who was implicated by witnesses in the Halloween 1981 execution killing of New York photographer Ronald Sisman (a close associate of Roy Radin), who was reportedly in possession of a snuff film of one of the Son of Sam murders, which were allegedly committed by David Berkowitz, who from prison accurately described the Sisman killing before it happened and who took the fall for the Son of Sam murders to cover up the involvement of others, including possibly Roy Radin and wealthy art dealer Andrew Crispo, who admitted being present at the site of a ritual murder which was committed by a man named Bernard LeGeros, who was the son of a State Department official, as was Pic Dawson, who was a regular member of the entourage of Cass Elliot, as was a one-time bodyguard of publisher Larry Flynt named Bill Mentzer, who was convicted of killing Radin and who was suspected of involvement in numerous other contract murders, including some of those attributed to David Berkowitz, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Daniel Schwartz, as was Mark David Chapman, who was obsessed with the film The Wizard of Oz and the book The Catcher in the Rye, which was written by reclusive author J.D. Salinger, who served in the OSS with Henry Kissinger, who was a close adviser to Gerald Ford, who once met and shook hands with Mark David Chapman, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Bernard Diamond, who also 'examined' Sirhan Sirhan, who had connections to the Process Church, as did many of those ensnared in this sordid web, including Kenneth Anger, John Phillips, Roy Radin, David Berkowitz and Charlie Manson, who attended a New Year's Eve party at the home of John Phillips, who wrote the siren song of the 'Summer of Love,' bringing thousands of hippies and flower children streaming into San Francisco and into the hands of such figures as Louis "Dr. Jolly" West, Anton LaVey, Charlie Manson, Bobby Beausoleil, Timothy Leary and Kenneth Anger, who - just three days after the suspicious death of Rolling Stone Brian Jones - filmed the Hell's Angels stomping the crowd at a 1969 Stones concert in London, just five months before they did the very same thing to the crowd at Altamont, which was organized by San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli, who consulted with F. Lee Bailey whilst the latter was busily railroading Albert DeSalvo and later consulted with Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez, who was offered an honorary membership in the Church of Satan by Anton LaVey's daughter Zeena, who along with boyfriend Nickolas Schreck staged an event on 8-8-88 celebrating the slaughter of the victims of the Manson Family, who some researchers believe were involved in the murders attributed to the "Zodiac," who called and sent correspondence to Melvin Belli, whose clients included the widow of Hermann Goering and Jack Ruby, who assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, the purported assassin of John Kennedy, whose brother Robert was romantically linked to Jayne Mansfield, as was Anton LaVey, who served as Roman Polanski's technical director on the 1968 film Rosemary's Baby, which was set in New York's Dakota Apartments, where John Lennon was gunned down by Mark David Chapman, who shared a fixation on The Catcher in the Rye with failed assassin John Hinckley, Jr., who stalked actress Jodie Foster, who is working on a film biography of Leni Riefenstahl, who was met by - and admired by - fellow filmmaker Kenneth Anger, who laced his film Scorpio Rising with nancy imagery, including the prominent use of swastikas, not unlike the one carved into the forehead of Charlie Manson, who - at the Cielo Drive home of Polanski and Tate - had a chance meeting with Nancy Sinatra, the daughter of Frank Sinatra, who was married to actress Mia Farrow, who starred in the Polanski-directed Rosemary's Baby, which was produced by Robert Evans, a friend of Henry Kissinger, who was the righthand man of President Richard Nixon, whose election was ensured by the assassination of Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan, who was yet another client of Melvin Belli, as were the Hell's Angels and nancy-collaborator Errol Flynn, who made two films with Ronald Reagan, who was an occasional visitor to the childhood home of Candace Bergen, who - as a photojournalist - chronicled the short-lived administration of Gerald Ford, who married one of his friend Harry Conover's 'Covergirls,' who later opened the Betty Ford Center, where various celebrities in and out of this web routinely check in for tune-ups.

1. Bain, Donald The Control of Candy Jones, Playboy Press, 1976
2. Bowart, Walter Operation Mind Control, Dell Publishing, 1978
3. Bugliosi, Vincent with Curt Gentry Helter Skelter, Bantam Books, 1974
4. Bresler, Fenton Who Killed John Lennon?, St. Martin's Press, 1989
5. Constantine, Alex The Covert War Against Rock, Feral House, 2000
6. Cromelin, Richard “John Phillips; Singer-Songwriter Led the Mamas and the Papas,” Los Angeles Times, March 19, 2001
7. DeCamp, John W. The Franklin Cover-Up, AWT, Inc., 1992
8. Farr, Louise The Sunset Murders, Pocket Books, 1992
9. Fricke, David “Life of a California Dreamer,” Rolling Stone #867, April 26, 2001
10. Gilmore, John and Ron Kenner Manson: The Unholy Trail of Charlie and the Family, Amok, 2000
11. Landis, Bill Anger: The Unauthorized Biography of Kenneth Anger, Harper Collins, 1995
12. Lee, Martin and Bruce Shlain Acid Dreams, Grove Press, 1985
13. Levenda, Peter Unholy Alliance, Avon, 1995
14. Marks, John The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Times Books, 1979
15. McGunagle, Fred “The Man Who Killed John Lennon,” The Crime Library, Crime Library: crime stories on serial killers, the mafia, terrorists, spies, assassins and gangsters
16. Moench, Doug The Big Book of Conspiracies, Paradox Press, 1995
17. Mueller, Jim "A Nyuk on the Wild Side; Did the Three Stooges Cover Up the Murder of Their Founder?" Chicago Tribune, April 4, 2002
18. Sanders, Ed The Family, Dutton, 1971
19. Street-Porter, Janet Scandal!, Penguin Books, 1981
20. Terry, Maury The Ultimate Evil, Barnes and Noble Books, 1999
21. Vankin, Jonathan and John Whalen The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time, Citadel, 1998
22. Vankin, Jonathan Conspiracies, Cover-Ups and Crimes, Illuminet Press, 1996
23. Wick, Steve Bad Company: Drugs, Hollywood, and the Cotton Club Murder, St. Martin's, 1990
24. “The John Lennon Assassination,” A&E American Justice
25. “John Lennon: The Final Days,” E! True Hollywood Story
26. “Oscar Levant,” E! Mysteries and Scandals

the manchurian candidate II

Kenneth Anger talks Disney, Scorsese ... and Cruise | Film | guardian.co.uk

Martin Scorsese has cited Anger's 1963 film Scorpio Rising, a hepcat 29-minutes about masochistic bikers, as a major influence. Says Anger, with typical modesty: "Martin Scorsese learned about soundtracks from me."

Kenneth Anger's Magick Lantern Cycle - Harvard Film Archive

Scorpio Rising, both a brilliant documentary of a Hell’s Angels motorcycle gang and a profound meditation on the dark intermingling of fascism, religion and popular culture. Anger’s subsequent films pushed the ritualistic aspects of his cinema to a further extreme ***owing his increased engagement with Satanist practices and a group of practitioners that included Bobby Beausoleil, a member of the Manson Family who appeared prominently in Anger’s Evocation of My Demon Brother
Última edición:
Continúo, que no me cabían más fotos...y ya que aguno me dio thanks es interesante ver como evoluciona el cuadro....


kenneth anger en scorpio rising (el documental trata sobre los hell angels)




marilyn masnon haciendo un guiño a la calavera y los hell angels (fascistas gays lol)

iniciado por alfie

LENNON tiroteado por Mark David Chapman

"...David Berkowitz, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Daniel Schwartz, as was Mark David Chapman, who was obsessed with the film The Wizard of Oz and the book The Catcher in the Rye, which was written by reclusive author J.D. Salinger, who served in the OSS with Henry Kissinger, who was a close adviser to Gerald Ford, who once met and shook hands with Mark David Chapman, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Bernard Diamond, who also 'examined' Sirhan Sirhan, who had connections to the Process Church, as did many of those ensnared in this sordid web, including Kenneth Anger, John Phillips, Roy Radin, David Berkowitz and Charlie Manson"

Sirhan Sirhan's Lawyers Say He Was A 'Hypnotized' Patsy Who Didn't Kill Robert Kennedy - Dashiell Bennett - The Atlantic Wire



Tio Sam, david Berkowitz


Otro posible chiste de la "Orden de Malta sionista":

Marilyn Manson (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In December 1996, a press conference was called by William J. Bennett, Senator Joseph Lieberman, and activist C. DeLores Tucker, aimed at MCA, the owner of Interscope Records. Calling several albums released by the label – including Antichrist Superstar — "profane", "violent", "filth", and "crap"[79][80] the group questioned MCA president Edgar Bronfman, Jr.'s ability to head the label competently while profiting from such material

Marilyn Manson (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Marilyn Manson is an American rock band from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Formed in 1989 by Marilyn Manson and Daisy Berkowitz

Scott Putesky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scott Mitchell Putesky more famously known as Daisy Berkowitz


Manson had ties to the Process Church and the occult as did David Berkowitz, and perhaps the Zodiac Killer



B'nai Brith Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


But the best proof I can offer of the existence of the Committee of 300 is the Rank Organization which, in conjunction with Eagle Star, IS THE BRITISH CROWN. It is also the black operations center of MI6 (SIS). Between them, these two Committee of 300 companies control Her Majesty's Dominion of Canada, using the "hofjuden" Bronfman family to carry out their orders.
Trizec Holdings, ostensibly owned by the Bronfman family,
is in reality the main asset of the Queen of England's in Canada.
The entire Southeast Asian opium trade interfaces with theBronfman empire and is one of the means whereby heroin is brought to America



JFK: Perfect Murder Solved on 11-22-1963. The BLUE BOOK on the JFK assassination. Returning America's Freedom: The 50th Anniversary JFK Edition tells of the Foreign Sedition. Texas Oilmans JFK murder plot sets up an International Crime to execute JFK

The PERMINDEX element of the Prince Bernhard global corporation concepts thought that Rome would become their center of influence, but that was dashed when Europe's investigations discovered a bunch of assassins in Rome. The Catholic influence of Rome drove the PERMINDEX element out of Rome and took their land holding asset.

PERMINDEX would involve names like Clay Shaw of New Orleans, George Mantello (aka Mandel) of Rome, Ferenc Nagy in Rome, Tibor Rosenbaum of Rome, John DeMenil in Houston, and Louis Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada with connections to old OSS people, the Bronfman Mafia of Canada, UK Intelligence, and the Controller for PERMINDEX at the time JFK was killed, Major Bloomfield

Is Alex Jones Linked To Zionist-Jew Bronfman? | Real Jew News



iniciado por alfie


Una fin, un accidente, un arresto... ¿está maldita 'Batman'? | Gentes | elmundo.es




¿magufería o tontería?

Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger on 'Joker' role - NY Daily News

Jack Nicholson: 'I warned Heath Ledger' | Marie Claire

When asked by a photographer in London about the actor’s tragic passing, Nicholson replied ambiguously: ‘I told him so.’ The actor himself played the role in Batman.
Última edición:
Sin lugar a dudas, sympathy for the devil. Si con 20 años eres un joven gambitero, al que a cambio de tu alma, conceden todo el dinero, drojas y mujeres durante el resto de tu vida al segundo siguiente has decidido que no tienes siquiera tiempo de meditar una decisión.
Sin lugar a dudas, sympathy for the devil. Si con 20 años eres un joven gambitero, al que a cambio de tu alma, conceden todo el dinero, drojas y mujeres durante el resto de tu vida al segundo siguiente has decidido que no tienes siquiera tiempo de meditar una decisión.

A parte de la evidente agenda de la droja, yo creo que los de tavistock promocionaron el libertinaje sensual, ya que los incels rockabillies o Mods de los pueblos del Sur podían acabar reventando castuzos.... Bueno, la agenda del 68 fue lo mismo, se dice

... tal como dices, te venden el rock y la mujeres, y el siguiente paso es empepitarse y consumir como un cabrón cuando tus ideales hippies revolucionarios de cambiar el mundo no van a más.... Pero Lennon y esta gente fueron tristes herramientas para vendernos un bonito mundo (aunque no fuera su intención)... Ya hoy en día promocionan la cochambre pop de Lady Caga, pero hay que decir que todo empezó con la "simpleza" musical de los Beatles (sin menospreciar su calidad, ya entendéis lo que quiero decir)...
Última edición:
Dr John Coleman mentioned in the past that the Black Nobility favored ‘The Rolling Stones’ pop culture band. What he did not tell you was who exactly was it that were controlling the band at the very top higher than the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. Well as usual I am here to help fill in the dots that others cannot or those who simply antiestéticar to tread close to the line with these powers.


Ken Kesey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kesey volunteered to take part in a CIA-financed study under the aegis of Project MKULTRA at the Menlo Park Veterans Hospital, where he worked as a night aide.[8] The project studied the effects of psychoactive drugs, particularly LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, cocaine, aMT, and DMT on people

Tendría que leer la novela 'cuca' para pronunciarme con fundamento,
mas la peli parece denunciar la conspiración en vez de apoyarla.
tras*cribo unas palabras de Gregorio Parra:

Mac es adscrito a un grupo de individuos de dodosa enfermedad mental, pero con diversos problemas de personalidad,
a cargo de una dura enfermera (Louise Fletcher). Los problemas de estos individuos son muy característicos de la sociadad actual:
Harding es un paranoico, culto e inteligente, cuya obsesión es que su esposa conspira contra él,
en una clara alegoría del individuo consciente de la Gran Conspiración y que es vencido por ella;
Billy es un muchacho depresivo por causa de una progenitora castradora, alegoría de la conspiración ético-religiosa;
Jefe es un indio gigantesco y sordomudo con aspecto de vegetal, alegoría, como se ve a lo largo de la película,
del que combate la conspiración con sutileza ...

Decidme si el final con el indio campo atraviesa no sus pone la piel de pollo.
En caso negativo será que tenéis horchata en las venas. Hacédselo mirar.

Tendría que leer la novela 'cuca' para pronunciarme con fundamento,
mas la peli parece denunciar la conspiración en vez de apoyarla.
tras*cribo unas palabras de Gregorio Parra:

Mac es adscrito a un grupo de individuos de dodosa enfermedad mental, pero con diversos problemas de personalidad,
a cargo de una dura enfermera (Louise Fletcher). Los problemas de estos individuos son muy característicos de la sociadad actual:
Harding es un paranoico, culto e inteligente, cuya obsesión es que su esposa conspira contra él,
en una clara alegoría del individuo consciente de la Gran Conspiración y que es vencido por ella;
Billy es un muchacho depresivo por causa de una progenitora castradora, alegoría de la conspiración ético-religiosa;
Jefe es un indio gigantesco y sordomudo con aspecto de vegetal, alegoría, como se ve a lo largo de la película,
del que combate la conspiración con sutileza ...

Decidme si el final con el indio campo atraviesa no sus pone la piel de pollo.
En caso negativo será que tenéis horchata en las venas. Hacédselo mirar.

De hecho el Robe (poco sospechoso de emekaultrerizado ¿o sí?)
utilizó su imaginería para el clip de fruta

Tendría que leer la novela 'cuca' para pronunciarme con fundamento,
mas la peli parece denunciar la conspiración en vez de apoyarla.
tras*cribo unas palabras de Gregorio Parra:


No niego que sea una buena persona, pero:

Ken Kesey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He frequently entertained friends and many others with parties he called "Acid Tests", involving music (such as Kesey's favorite band, The Warlocks, later known as the Grateful Dead)

Merry Pranksters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notable members of the group include Kesey's best friend Ken Babbs, Carolyn Garcia, and Neal Cassady. Stewart Brand, Paul Foster, the Grateful Dead, Del Close (then a lighting designer for the Grateful Dead), Wavy Gravy, Paul Krassner, and "Kentucky Fab Five" writers Ed McClanahan and Gurney Norman (who overlapped with Kesey and Babbs as creative writing graduate students at Stanford University) were associated with the group to varying degrees.


Hells Angels

Kesey and the Pranksters also had a relationship with the infamous outlaw motorcycle gang the Hells Angels, who were introduced to LSD by Kesey. The details of their relationship are documented both in Wolfe's book and in Hunter S. Thompson's book, Hell's Angels: The Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. In December 1965, poet Allen Ginsberg also wrote a poem about the Kesey/Angels relationship entitled 'First Party at Ken Kesey's with Hell's Angels'.[3

Johnny Gosch, Jeff Gannon, Hunter Thompson and the unraveling of a troubling tale.

Today’s Rock Trivia: 5-year-old Courtney Love on cover of Grateful Dead Album





An Interview with the first manager of Grateful Dead, Hank Harrison, talks about the Psychedelic Time, Blues, Celts & Kurt Cobain - Blues.Gr


CLIVE DAVIES wikipedia

Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead occasionally changed the lyrics of the Dead standard Jack Straw in concert from "we used to play for silver, now we play for life," to "we used to play for acid now we play for Clive."

Chaka Khan | Chaka Khan Criticises Clive Davis After Whitney Houston's Death | Contactmusic.com

Por eso no me extrañaría que jack Nicholson fuera un "cejatero" de Kissinger y Bohemian Grove... amigo de Polanski, Kubrick, los Fonda, etc... y luego hacen la peli esa del cuco para reirse, aunque Ken Kessey sea buena persona (o a lo mejor solo es una casualidad este tema en concreto, pero no quita el resto)
Última edición:
Hace poco leí sobre la injusticia de los derechos de autor de la canción de The Verbe "Bittersweet symphony" y la que se lió con los Rolling, pues se quedaron con todos los derechos de una manera bastante rastrera.
A mi me gustan muchos temas suyos, pero son como los Beattles, pero con más pose, al menos en los tiempos actuales. Los de Liverpool eran como los niños buenos y éstos los malotes, cosa que en España también tenía su aquel con los Bravos y los Brincos, en muchos países que compartían bandas de rock semi rivales siempre estaban los buenos y los malotes.

Mick Jagger es otro que ha estado por ahí danzando al son de las misas negras de Anton Lavey y demás.
Mick Jagger es otro que ha estado por ahí danzando al son de las misas negras de Anton Lavey y demás.

El anton Lavey es clarísimo que se trata de un divertimento (como mínimo) de la élite....

Fijate, él ficha a Marilyn Monroe que fue su novia al principio, la que se trajinaba a los Kennedy... y su amigo Michael Aquino es más tarde director de la NSA, o antes en vietnam, general de operaciones psicológicas... y le han denunciado familias for violar a sus niños en bases

Mi duda es si lo de Anton Levay era un "divertimento" relativamente suave -para lo que es esta gente- , o algo más

Volviendo al post de arriba, si es que está clarísimo, que aparecen los mismos nombres de hijo pilinguis y una otra vez a lo largo de la historia

anton levay | In Search of Black Assassins

The day after Whitney Houston died. Sony Music (All Seeing Eye) executives planned to meet within that week in New York to determine a strategy for marketing the nine albums, soundtracks and compilations that antiestéticature Whitney Houston.[46] Executives will also planned to discuss stepping up marketing efforts for the upcoming film “Sparkle,” a low-budget movie starring Houston that will be released in August, and for the accompanying soundtrack on which she sings two songs.[47]

Clive Davis, Sony’s chief creative officer and former CEO of Arista, stands to collect a share of the royalties as well for the three Houston albums on which he is credited as producer or executive producer. For those albums, he could get as much as 10 percent – or “points” – of the royalties, an accepted industry practice, according to one of the industry executives.[48]

Universal Music Group, a unit of Vivendi (former VP, Edgar Bronfman, Jr.), will also share in the anticipated increase in Whitney Houston sales. In 2007, the company purchased the music publishing rights to songs such as “The Greatest Love of All,” “Didn’t We Have it All” and “Saving All My Love for You” from songwriter Michael Masser.[49]


Recall, M.I.A, Madonna’s Fall of the Symbolic Black Diva and Satanic Rise of Baphomet 2012 Super Bowl Show, is connected with Benjamin Bronfman, son of Edgar, Jr.

M.I.A. y su ex novio Benjamin Bronfman luchan por la custodia de su hijo - La rapera M.I.A. no puede salir de Brooklyn por culpa de una orden de restricción - Softpedia

Última edición:
jorobar, ni hecho a posta.. ahora sí que sí

Robert Evans (producer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Godfather – Albert S. Ruddy (1972)
The Exorcist – William Peter Blatty (1973)
Chinatown – Robert Evans (1974)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest – Michael Douglas (1975)
Rocky – Robert Chartoff and Irwin Winkler (1976)

iniciado por alfie:

El link con Mike Jagger ( y Robert Evans):

Sharon Tate - the most famous of the Manson victims, and the daughter of Colonel Paul Tate, U.S. Army Intelligence. Tate was killed on August 9, 1969, along with Abigail Folger, Steven Parent, Jay Sebring, and Voytek Frykowski.

Kenneth Anger - former child-star turned underground filmmaker, and the son of a 'military-industrial complex' engineer who developed machine-guns for Kellogg during WWII and later worked for Douglas Aircraft.

Judy Garland - child actor and singer who was kept drugged on a daily basis from about the age of five, first by her mother, and then by the studios. Garland was found dead on the summer solstice of 1969, just seven weeks before the Tate/LaBianca murders.

John Phillips - musician/composer who founded the singing group The Mamas and The Papas and who was born in a military hospital, the son of a career Marine officer. John later attended the U.S. Naval Academy.

Roy Radin - theatrical producer who specialized in staging vaudeville revival shows. Radin was working with Robert Evans to produce The Cotton Club when he was shot some twenty-seven times in the head in 1983. Radin began his career while still a teenager by staging shows in Masonic temples.

The Hell's Angels - the most well-known of the biker gangs that arose after WWII due to the efforts of returning OSS and military officers. The Angels were led by Ralph "Sonny" Barger, reportedly an informant for the Oakland Police Department who was also on the payroll of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Jayne Mansfield - actress/sex symbol who was decapitated, allegedly in a car accident, on June 29, 1967. According to Jayne's daughter, Mansfield's parties antiestéticatured the rich and famous getting naked and filming themselves. Tate and husband Roman Polanski were reportedly the producers and collectors of 'fame porn' as well.

Robert F. Kennedy - U.S. Senator and presidential candidate who was assassinated in Hollywood on June 5, 1968. Kennedy was allegedly shot from point-blank range behind his right ear by Sirhan Sirhan, who was standing several yards in front of and to the left of the candidate. Like I said, shit happens.

Without further ado, we begin this journey - for no particular reason - with the aforementioned Phil Hartman, who was a highschool friend of Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, who later became a disciple of Charlie Manson, a jailhouse correspondent of John Hinckley, and the attempted assassin of President Gerald Ford, who was once a roommate of modeling entrepreneur Harry Conover, whose wife was the infamous Candy Jones, who was 'treated' by CIA-linked hypnotist William Jennings Bryan, who also 'treated' the purported Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, whose name was written repetitively throughout the diaries of Sirhan Sirhan, who was also 'treated' by Bryan, who served as the technical director on The Manchurian Candidate, which was directed by John Frankenheimer, at whose beach house a dinner was held on June 5, 1968 whose attendees included "Mama" Cass Elliot, Roman Polanski, and Sharon Tate, who was killed just over a year later by ***owers of Charlie Manson, whose music was recorded by Doris Day's son, music producer Terry Melcher, who lived with girlfriend Candace Bergen at 10050 Cielo Drive the year before it became a slaughterhouse after being rented by Polanski, who initially was slated to pen the screenplay for Day of the Dolphin, which purported to tell the story of Dr. John Lilly, who was a friend of Timothy Leary, whose Mellon family-owned Millbrook estate was frequently visited by Dr. Max "Feelgood" Jacobson, who once 'treated' Judy Garland and who served as the personal physician of John Kennedy, whose assassination prompted the shelving of the film The Manchurian Candidate by its star, Frank Sinatra, who was a frequent companion of fellow 'Brat Packer' Sammy Davis, Jr., who was an acknowledged member of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, from where Manson recruited killers Bobby "Cupid" Beausoleil and Susan "Sexy Sadie" Atkins, who confessed to her cellmates that she had stabbed to death actress Sharon Tate, who was inducted into witchcraft on the set of the Polanski-directed film The antiestéticarless Vampire Killers by Alexander "King of the Witches" Saunders, who received 'training' as a child from Aleister Crowley, whose ***owers included Anton LaVey and fellow Church of Satan member Kenneth Anger, who was the roommate (and probable lover) of Family member
Bobby Beausoleil, who once appeared in an underground film titled Mondo Hollywood, which also antiestéticatured hairdresser and Manson victim Jay Sebring, who was a former lover of Sharon Tate, who was a friend of a wealthy widow named Charlene Caffritz, who played host to - and filmed the exploits of - Charlie and some of his girls, who also lived for a time with Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, who recorded a song penned by Charlie, who was an occasional member of the entourage of Mama Cass, who was listed as a defense witness for Charlie's trial (but never called), as was her Mamas and the Papas band-mate John Phillips, who was close to Polanski, Tate, Melcher, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Cass Elliot, and film producer Robert Evans, who was working with - and very likely contracted the execution killing of - Roy Radin, whose assistant was Michael DeVinko aka Mickie DeVinko aka Mickie Deans, who married - just a few months before her untimely death - Wizard of Oz star Judy Garland, who as a teen was flooded with phone messages and telegrams by admirer Oscar Levant, whose dead body was found by Candace Bergen, who - as a photojournalist for Life magazine - covered the preempted presidential campaign of Robert Kennedy, who was romantically linked to Marilyn Monroe, who was also linked to Anton LaVey, who appeared in Kenneth Anger's Invocation of My Demon Brother (released in August of 1969) along with Bobby Beausoleil, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, who was a guest at the 1968 London wedding of Sharon Tate to Roman Polanski, who - during a nude photo shoot - molested a thirteen-year-old girl at the home of Jack Nicholson, who was a friend of Cass Elliot, as were Robert Evans and Manson victims Jay Sebring, Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger,
who provided funding for the Himalayan Academy, which Kenneth Anger helped form with Timothy Leary, who was at the side of the stage at the 1969 Altamont concert where - while the Rolling Stones played the Process Church-inspired Sympathy for the Devil* - a fan was killed on film by the Hell's Angels, who had been romanticized and tras*formed into anti-establishment heroes in the film Scorpio Rising by Kenneth Anger and the book Hell's Angels by Hunter S. Thompson, both of whom have been accused of making snuff films** for private collectors, which was also a favorite pastime of Charlie Manson, one of whose underage recruits was Didi Lansbury, who had written permission to travel with Charlie from her mother, Angela Lansbury, who starred as the control agent in The Manchurian Candidate, which was based on the novel of the same name by Richard Condon, who once served as a publicist for Walt Disney, who once owned the home where the Manson Family slaughtered Leno LaBianca and wife Rosemary, who was involved in the trafficking of drugs, as were many of those in this twisted saga, including Charles Manson, victims Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger, John Phillips and Kenneth Anger, who was a huge fan of the dark and violent imagery of the Rosicrucian-inspired, L. Frank Baum-penned Oz books, which inspired the band The Magick Powerhouse of Oz, which was led by Bobby Beausoleil, who was also at one time in the band Love with Arthur Lee, four of whose members later turned up dead or missing and presumed dead, as did Charlene Caffritz, Cass Elliot (who allegedly choked on a sandwich in 1974), Dennis Wilson (who allegedly drowned on December 28, 1983), and Gram Parsons, whose corpse was stolen and burned at Joshua Tree on the autumnal equinox of 1973 by his band's road manager, Phil Kaufman, who was a good friend from prison of Charlie Manson, who met (at Cass Elliot's house) and received money from victim Abigail Folger, who also funded Kenneth Anger, who at various times lived with both Jimmy Page (who purchased Crowley's home and many of his artifacts) and Keith Richards & Anita Pallenberg, whose home - in 1979 - yielded the body of a teenager who had been shot to death, as was John Lennon the next year by Mark David Chapman, who shortly before doing so met with - and offered a gift of live bullets to - Kenneth Anger, whose films were cited as a major influence by photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, who was implicated by witnesses in the Halloween 1981 execution killing of New York photographer Ronald Sisman (a close associate of Roy Radin), who was reportedly in possession of a snuff film of one of the Son of Sam murders, which were allegedly committed by David Berkowitz, who from prison accurately described the Sisman killing before it happened and who took the fall for the Son of Sam murders to cover up the involvement of others, including possibly Roy Radin and wealthy art dealer Andrew Crispo, who admitted being present at the site of a ritual murder which was committed by a man named Bernard LeGeros, who was the son of a State Department official, as was Pic Dawson, who was a regular member of the entourage of Cass Elliot, as was a one-time bodyguard of publisher Larry Flynt named Bill Mentzer, who was convicted of killing Radin and who was suspected of involvement in numerous other contract murders, including some of those attributed to David Berkowitz, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Daniel Schwartz, as was Mark David Chapman, who was obsessed with the film The Wizard of Oz and the book The Catcher in the Rye, which was written by reclusive author J.D. Salinger, who served in the OSS with Henry Kissinger, who was a close adviser to Gerald Ford, who once met and shook hands with Mark David Chapman, who was 'examined' by psychiatrist/hypnotist Bernard Diamond, who also 'examined' Sirhan Sirhan, who had connections to the Process Church, as did many of those ensnared in this sordid web, including Kenneth Anger, John Phillips, Roy Radin, David Berkowitz and Charlie Manson, who attended a New Year's Eve party at the home of John Phillips, who wrote the siren song of the 'Summer of Love,' bringing thousands of hippies and flower children streaming into San Francisco and into the hands of such figures as Louis "Dr. Jolly" West, Anton LaVey, Charlie Manson, Bobby Beausoleil, Timothy Leary and Kenneth Anger, who - just three days after the suspicious death of Rolling Stone Brian Jones - filmed the Hell's Angels stomping the crowd at a 1969 Stones concert in London, just five months before they did the very same thing to the crowd at Altamont, which was organized by San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli, who consulted with F. Lee Bailey whilst the latter was busily railroading Albert DeSalvo and later consulted with Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez, who was offered an honorary membership in the Church of Satan by Anton LaVey's daughter Zeena, who along with boyfriend Nickolas Schreck staged an event on 8-8-88 celebrating the slaughter of the victims of the Manson Family, who some researchers believe were involved in the murders attributed to the "Zodiac," who called and sent correspondence to Melvin Belli, whose clients included the widow of Hermann Goering and Jack Ruby, who assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, the purported assassin of John Kennedy, whose brother Robert was romantically linked to Jayne Mansfield, as was Anton LaVey, who served as Roman Polanski's technical director on the 1968 film Rosemary's Baby, which was set in New York's Dakota Apartments, where John Lennon was gunned down by Mark David Chapman, who shared a fixation on The Catcher in the Rye with failed assassin John Hinckley, Jr., who stalked actress Jodie Foster, who is working on a film biography of Leni Riefenstahl, who was met by - and admired by - fellow filmmaker Kenneth Anger, who laced his film Scorpio Rising with nancy imagery, including the prominent use of swastikas, not unlike the one carved into the forehead of Charlie Manson, who - at the Cielo Drive home of Polanski and Tate - had a chance meeting with Nancy Sinatra, the daughter of Frank Sinatra, who was married to actress Mia Farrow, who starred in the Polanski-directed Rosemary's Baby, which was produced by Robert Evans, a friend of Henry Kissinger, who was the righthand man of President Richard Nixon, whose election was ensured by the assassination of Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan, who was yet another client of Melvin Belli, as were the Hell's Angels and nancy-collaborator Errol Flynn, who made two films with Ronald Reagan, who was an occasional visitor to the childhood home of Candace Bergen, who - as a photojournalist - chronicled the short-lived administration of Gerald Ford, who married one of his friend Harry Conover's 'Covergirls,' who later opened the Betty Ford Center, where various celebrities in and out of this web routinely check in for tune-ups.

1. Bain, Donald The Control of Candy Jones, Playboy Press, 1976
2. Bowart, Walter Operation Mind Control, Dell Publishing, 1978
3. Bugliosi, Vincent with Curt Gentry Helter Skelter, Bantam Books, 1974
4. Bresler, Fenton Who Killed John Lennon?, St. Martin's Press, 1989
5. Constantine, Alex The Covert War Against Rock, Feral House, 2000
6. Cromelin, Richard “John Phillips; Singer-Songwriter Led the Mamas and the Papas,” Los Angeles Times, March 19, 2001
7. DeCamp, John W. The Franklin Cover-Up, AWT, Inc., 1992
8. Farr, Louise The Sunset Murders, Pocket Books, 1992
9. Fricke, David “Life of a California Dreamer,” Rolling Stone #867, April 26, 2001
10. Gilmore, John and Ron Kenner Manson: The Unholy Trail of Charlie and the Family, Amok, 2000
11. Landis, Bill Anger: The Unauthorized Biography of Kenneth Anger, Harper Collins, 1995
12. Lee, Martin and Bruce Shlain Acid Dreams, Grove Press, 1985
13. Levenda, Peter Unholy Alliance, Avon, 1995
14. Marks, John The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Times Books, 1979
15. McGunagle, Fred “The Man Who Killed John Lennon,” The Crime Library, Crime Library: crime stories on serial killers, the mafia, terrorists, spies, assassins and gangsters
16. Moench, Doug The Big Book of Conspiracies, Paradox Press, 1995
17. Mueller, Jim "A Nyuk on the Wild Side; Did the Three Stooges Cover Up the Murder of Their Founder?" Chicago Tribune, April 4, 2002
18. Sanders, Ed The Family, Dutton, 1971
19. Street-Porter, Janet Scandal!, Penguin Books, 1981
20. Terry, Maury The Ultimate Evil, Barnes and Noble Books, 1999
21. Vankin, Jonathan and John Whalen The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time, Citadel, 1998
22. Vankin, Jonathan Conspiracies, Cover-Ups and Crimes, Illuminet Press, 1996
23. Wick, Steve Bad Company: Drugs, Hollywood, and the Cotton Club Murder, St. Martin's, 1990
24. “The John Lennon Assassination,” A&E American Justice
25. “John Lennon: The Final Days,” E! True Hollywood Story
26. “Oscar Levant,” E! Mysteries and Scandals

No la produce Evans pero como si lo hiciera:


I met Jack Nicholson [42], Michael Douglas, Milos Forman, Saul
Zaentz and Hans Syberberg [43] at various parties at the
Coppola's Broadway mansion and at Tomasso's Restaurant in North
Beach where Francis would bake the pizza in the wood-burning
Última edición: