La plata va a evolucionar mucho mejor que el oro. Próximo boom.

Vamos a ver como aguanta la zona 15,50$/16$
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Carliños, quizá no haya que esperar a la primavera para hacer algunas compras importantes :)

Silver Reacts to Global Market Pressures

Precious metals prices have taken a hit the past few market sessions as risk-averse sentiments overshadow any recent speculative fervor in commodities.

On Thursday, President Barack Obama announced a set of new proposals to restrict banks or other financial institutions from dealing with hedge funds or private equity funds. The news sent investors pouring from stocks and commodities including oil, gold and silver Friday.

Some analysts claim the antiestéticarful reaction was a bit overdone while others point out this was not the only factor pushing stocks and commodities lower. News of monetary tightening and ongoing sovereign debt risks out of China as well as uncertainty over Fed Chairman Bernanke’s re-nomination also weighed heavily on the markets.

Gold’s fall to its weakest level since December 23 dragged silver prices down to $16.96 an ounce Friday. Gold and silver prices edged up slightly on Monday, but not enough to show signs of recovery. Silver managed to close up at $17.12 an ounce in New York.

Analysts like Standard Bank’s Walter de Wet say precious metals prices are very much tied to US equities at the moment.

“Like base metals and energy, precious metals remain highly dependent on what is happening in other financial markets - especially US equities,” de Wet said. “Uncertainty about US financial system regulation is a factor which might be in the market for some time, until there are concrete details.”

By Tuesday morning, Monday’s paltry gains had vanished as silver fell to its lowest level in three months skirting $16.32 an ounce before picking up on bargain hunting mid-day to $16.87.

Silver is sliding on gold’s tracks as the dollar climbs and world stock markets fall once again.

The dollar’s strength comes from China’s efforts to cool off economic activity in the hopes of preventing a tenuous bubble from erupting. The central bank is telling China’s big banks to raise their reserves by putting the brakes on lending. The possibility of a downgrade on Japanese sovereign debt ratings is also pushing the dollar up.

We may see further liquidation in precious metals later today, points out Kitco’s Jon Nadler, as February COMEX options expire.

Primary Factor for Silver Price: Gold

Gold continues to be the primary factor determining silver price direction. Statistically, says Zeal Intelligence publisher Adam Hamilton, silver’s day-to-day price action since November 2001 has correlated with gold 89 per cent of the time.

“If you want to trade silver successfully, there is simply no arguing with the fact that you have to watch gold for cues on buy and sell timing,” advises Hamilton.

Despite this latest setback in silver prices, analysts like Eugen Weinberg, head of commodity research at Commerzbank, remain bullish for 2010. Weinberg seems confident prices will continue to rise and possibly hit the $21 an ounce high it reached in March 2008.

“All in all, we think the price of silver will rise further in 2010, reaching $20 an ounce by year-end, due to a recovery in industrial demand and ongoing strength in investment demand,” he said.

Silver is expected to benefit from upward momentum in the gold price, but Weinberg anticipates gold correcting in the spring and since silver tends to overreact to changes in gold, the silver price may fall as low as $15 an ounce, although temporarily.

This action in spring has a lot to do with seasonality, which Hamilton says is the secondary factor influencing silver prices. For a good discussion and technical analysis of silver’s
Carliños, quizá no haya que esperar a la primavera para hacer algunas compras importantes :)

Silver Reacts to Global Market Pressures

Precious metals prices have taken a hit the past few market sessions as risk-averse sentiments overshadow any recent speculative fervor in commodities.

On Thursday, President Barack Obama announced a set of new proposals to restrict banks or other financial institutions from dealing with hedge funds or private equity funds. The news sent investors pouring from stocks and commodities including oil, gold and silver Friday.

Some analysts claim the antiestéticarful reaction was a bit overdone while others point out this was not the only factor pushing stocks and commodities lower. News of monetary tightening and ongoing sovereign debt risks out of China as well as uncertainty over Fed Chairman Bernanke’s re-nomination also weighed heavily on the markets.

Gold’s fall to its weakest level since December 23 dragged silver prices down to $16.96 an ounce Friday. Gold and silver prices edged up slightly on Monday, but not enough to show signs of recovery. Silver managed to close up at $17.12 an ounce in New York.

Analysts like Standard Bank’s Walter de Wet say precious metals prices are very much tied to US equities at the moment.

“Like base metals and energy, precious metals remain highly dependent on what is happening in other financial markets - especially US equities,” de Wet said. “Uncertainty about US financial system regulation is a factor which might be in the market for some time, until there are concrete details.”

By Tuesday morning, Monday’s paltry gains had vanished as silver fell to its lowest level in three months skirting $16.32 an ounce before picking up on bargain hunting mid-day to $16.87.

Silver is sliding on gold’s tracks as the dollar climbs and world stock markets fall once again.

The dollar’s strength comes from China’s efforts to cool off economic activity in the hopes of preventing a tenuous bubble from erupting. The central bank is telling China’s big banks to raise their reserves by putting the brakes on lending. The possibility of a downgrade on Japanese sovereign debt ratings is also pushing the dollar up.

We may see further liquidation in precious metals later today, points out Kitco’s Jon Nadler, as February COMEX options expire.

Primary Factor for Silver Price: Gold

Gold continues to be the primary factor determining silver price direction. Statistically, says Zeal Intelligence publisher Adam Hamilton, silver’s day-to-day price action since November 2001 has correlated with gold 89 per cent of the time.

“If you want to trade silver successfully, there is simply no arguing with the fact that you have to watch gold for cues on buy and sell timing,” advises Hamilton.

Despite this latest setback in silver prices, analysts like Eugen Weinberg, head of commodity research at Commerzbank, remain bullish for 2010. Weinberg seems confident prices will continue to rise and possibly hit the $21 an ounce high it reached in March 2008.

“All in all, we think the price of silver will rise further in 2010, reaching $20 an ounce by year-end, due to a recovery in industrial demand and ongoing strength in investment demand,” he said.

Silver is expected to benefit from upward momentum in the gold price, but Weinberg anticipates gold correcting in the spring and since silver tends to overreact to changes in gold, the silver price may fall as low as $15 an ounce, although temporarily.

This action in spring has a lot to do with seasonality, which Hamilton says is the secondary factor influencing silver prices. For a good discussion and technical analysis of silver’s
Si la bolsa no se desploma, debería aguantar la zona de 15,50$
Noticia fresca y los mercados se lo han tomado fatal, latigazo a la baja, yo empezaría a hacer pequeñas compras a estos niveles, sin meter toda la carne de golpe

La Fed mantiene los tipos de interés en el 0,25% -

La Reserva Federal (Fed) de Estados Unidos finaliza hoy su reunión de dos días, en la que los miembros del Comité de Política Abierta de la (FOMC) han decidido mantener los tipos de interés estables entre un rango de 0 y 0,25%. Sin sorpresas, ya que la decisión está en línea con las previsiones del mercado. El BCE y la Reserva Federal suspenden los intercambios de divisas.

Sin embargo, la novedad es que el FOMC no ha tomado la decisión de forma unánime, ya que el presidente de la Fed de Kansas, Thomas Hoenig, considera que las condiciones económicas han cambiado y ya no hay justificación para continuar la promesa de mantener los tipos de interés excepcionalmente bajos por un "periodo largo" de tiempo.

El comunicado de la entidad recuerda que sus acciones encaminadas a favorecer la concesión de hipotecas y la recuperación del mercado inmobiliario terminará en marzo.
La Casa de Moneda de Estados Unidos (US Mint) ha empezado a vender desde el pasado 19 de enero a distribuidores autorizados, las nuevas monedas de inversión Gold Eagle 2010 y Silver Eagle 2010. El primer día se vendieron 2.440.000 Silver Eagles 2010 y 30.500 Gold Eagles 2010.
La Casa de Moneda de Estados Unidos (US Mint) ha empezado a vender desde el pasado 19 de enero a distribuidores autorizados, las nuevas monedas de inversión Gold Eagle 2010 y Silver Eagle 2010. El primer día se vendieron 2.440.000 Silver Eagles 2010 y 30.500 Gold Eagles 2010.

Con estos precios yo ya no esperaría más...lástima que sólo vendan a USA y Canadá. Pero sería cuestión de preguntar.

A 13,33 euros si compras a partir de 20 :´(

Buy Silver Bullion | Silver American Eagles
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Tengo un familiar en USA

Pues es momento de pedirle un favor a ver por dónde arranca. :D

Ya sabes lo que dicen en nuestra tierra: "amigo que non dá e coitelo que non corta, se se perden pouco importa"
Uf, tendría que buscar el reglamento. Creo que la cosa andaba por los 150 euros para envíos.
Uf, tendría que buscar el reglamento. Creo que la cosa andaba por los 150 euros para envíos.
Lo ideal sería traer un cargamento...¿ZP creo que va a subir el iva de la plata?
¿Afectará las subidas de ivas en España a la plata?
Última edición:
Lo ideal sería traer un cargamento...¿ZP creo que va a subir el iva de la plata?
¿Afectará las subidas de ivas en España a la plata?

Si, sin ninguna duda. La plata subirá al 18 %. No consigo encontrar un libro de clasificaciones arancelarias para saber cual es el % de arancel que se le aplica a la plata.

El sistema de liquidación es simple: al precio de compra se le aplica un arancel determinado según las tarifas, que son comunes a toda europa. Por ejemplo, si compras 1000 euros en plata y el arancel fuese del 10 por ciento, serían 100. Total 1100.

A esos 1.100 euros le tienes que sumar los gastos de envío, transporte, etc y el resultado sería la base imponible del iva que te aplicarían que, antes de julio, sería del 16 %.

Edito: Échale un vistazo a esta página:

ahí es dónde se cita lo de los 150 euros y mejor como "envíos ocasionales" sin espíritu comercial. Poco a poco...
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Un 10% mas baratas que en Alemania :8:

Peor que eso, Carlos. Las filarmónicas austriacas en USA son más baratas que en toda Europa quitándoles el IVA. :8:

Bueno, ¿cuantas queréis y cuanto pagáis por la molestia del transporte? Si queréis un buen cargamento os hago los mejores precios....