kinsey erramienta iluminati gaysizante para la sociedad y destrozarla


16 Jun 2011
mas pruevas de la cospiracion iluminati para homoseuxazilar la soziedad

El fraude Kinsey, la conexión entre la pederastia y gaysidad. - Página 2 - Foros Perú

01-dic-2013, 15:35
. Editado por Goss 01-dic-2013, 16:12

La escritora judía e investigadora Judith Reisman ex profesora de investigación de la American University se dedica en su obras e investigaciones a desbaratar los trabajos fraudulnetos de Kinsey al cual acusa de ser un pederasta, Kinsey utilizó los abusos sensuales cometidos contra infantes y niños pequeños para hacer su trabajo de sexualidad y sentar las bases de lo que sería la sexualidad infantil. Reisman señala que se uso niños seriamente abusados sexualmente hasta bebés de dos meses, esta es la base del tratado de sexualidad de Kinsey (era bisexual) y a su vez es la base de la sexualidad "científica" y de la revolución sensual de los sesentas.
Recordemos que los trabajos de Kinsey fueron financiados por los Rockefeller y fueron declarados e investigados por el congreso estadounidense de la época, fueron declarados antiamericanos.
La Dra. Reisman llevo a cabo dos estudios científicos Crafting lgtb Children: An Inquiry into the Abuse of Vulnerable Youth Via Establishment Media and the School Room ("Niños gayses producto del artificio : Una investigación del maltrato de la juventud vulnerable a través del establishment de los medios de comunicación y del aula escolar", traducción libre) y Partner Solicitation Language as a Reflection of Male sensual Orientation ("El lenguaje seductor como reflejo de la orientación sensual masculina", traducción libre). Ambos estudios constituyen un seguimiento a la labor de investigación que Reisman comenzó con su estudio Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences ("Kinsey: crímenes y consecuencias").

Sorprendente el libro de Reisman documenta algunas de las formas diabólicas en el que el Dr. Kinsey y su instituto llevan a cabo gran parte de su investigación. Por ejemplo, los niños de tres a siete años de edad fueron atados o sujetaron mientras que actos sensuales grotescos se realizaron en ellos.

Judith Reisman hace unas preguntas: "¿Dónde estaban las autoridades de policía y de las fuerzas del orden en que se están cometiendo estos actos criminales vergonzosos e indignantes ¿Dónde está la indignación en la comunidad académica y los medios de comunicación hoy en día ¿Por qué, al parecer, es que nadie le molesten o alarmado por estas atrocidades cometidas en nombre de la ciencia? "
Según la John Jay College of Criminal Justice se sabe que más del 90% de pederastas son hombres y y un 81% de las víctimas de pederastas son niños varones.
Kinsey era bisexual y le gustaba trabajar con niños abusados sexualmente.

Ejemplo sería los curas pederastas, la mayoría de las víctimas de los curas pederastas son niños varones, con esto no se dice que todo gays es pederasta pero, el ejemplo citado demuestra que entre gayses la pedofilia aumenta.

Algunos curas de dentro de la iglesia católica ya empiezan a relacionar la gaysidad con la pederastia, ya que con el celibato no tienen nada que ver, porque las personas que practican el celibato no son pederastas.

"Han demostrado muchos sicólogos, muchos siquiatras, que no hay relación entre celibato y pedofilia. Pero muchos otros han demostrado, y me han dicho recientemente, que hay relación entre gaysidad y pedofilia" Tarcisio Bertone secretario de Estado del Vaticano.

Las conclusiones a la que llega Reisman demuestra vínculos irrefutables entre estas prácticas abominables:

NAMBLA (sesso hombre y niño)
La Influencia satánica de Aleister Crowley en Kinsey.
Abuso sensual de niños dentro de la iglesia católica. IRREFUTABLE.
Filosofía Playboy de Hugh Hefner
La descaradamente sesgada "investigación científica" de Alfred C. Kinsey, que incluía pedófilos conocidos dentro de su "norma estadística", y hacer daño a los niños hasta alcanzar "el orgasmo."

Kinsey: The Crypto-Psychoanalyst | Fitzpatrick Informer

There is perhaps no greater critic today of the late sensual revolutionary Alfred C. Kinsey than Jewish-American Judith Reisman, author and former investigator with the U.S. Department of Justice, who has “chased” Kinsey and his controversial sex researchers for more than 35 years.

Reisman, who plausibly asserts that Kinsey was a saboteur of the “Greatest Generation” onwards in the United States of America, claims that Kinsey was a co-conspirator in league with a nancy-linked Rockefeller Foundation, based on her years of study of The Kinsey Sex Research Institute. Reisman stretches this and implies that Kinsey and the sensual Revolution were part of a nancy conspiracy against the West (she never explains the purpose of this conspiracy other than to say it benefits Big Pharma and Big Sexology). But the greater weight of evidence shows that Kinsey was more Jewish-linked than anything— particularly with the Jewish-dominated psychoanalytic movement—and that Reisman is engaging in deception or self-deception in reaching her conclusions—a trait common among strong self-identifying Jews.[1]

Reisman’s case for Kinsey and the sensual revolution being nancy/fascist subversion of America

Reisman bases her claim that Kinsey was a stealth nancy largely on the Kinsey Institute’s funding by the Rockefeller Foundation, which had financed parts of the nancy regime during the Second World War.

But elites like the Rockefellers financing opposing factions is hardly out of the ordinary. What’s more, Jewish financiers, like Brown Brothers Harriman and the Warburg bank, also financed the nancy war machine. High Jewish finance does not discriminate, especially when its loans give it the ability to manipulate both sides in a dispute or, in nancy Germany’s case, the war.

“Was Kinsey, like his Rockefeller patrons, unsure which side would win? Could he have thought that, if Hitler won, his ‘work’ would receive continued support, greater funds, and more opportunity? After all, psychopathic scientists, such as Kinsey, did well—unhindered—under Hitler. Additional information about Kinsey’s links to fascists and Hitler’s henchmen suggest much is ******.”[2] Reisman speculates that the Kinsey Institute must have ****** files locked away that demonstrate Kinsey’s nancy associations.

But radical leftists were booted from and/or persecuted in nancy Germany. What makes Reisman think Hitler wouldn’t have tossed Kinsey out of Germany had he been there? Even Sigmund Freud, perhaps the true father of the sensual revolution, and his psychoanalysts didn’t survive the nancy purges in Germany.

Reisman points to Kinsey’s collaboration with nancy pedophile Dr. Fritz von Balluseck as more evidence of Kinsey’s crypto-Nazism.

“Indeed, Kinsey and his fellow WWII draft-dodging team antiestéticared public exposure for aiding and abetting a WWII Gestapo agent in his ongoing, even murderous sensual violence against children.”[3]

A poster advertising a presentation by Judith Reisman depicts Kinsey and the Nazis.

She also points out his collaboration with serial child rapist Rex King but does not mention King’s Jewish ethnicity.[4] (At some point, King was given the gentile pseudonym of Mr. Green.) Reisman accuses Kinsey of being anti-Semitic, despite his collaboration with King and despite Kinsey’s friendship with his highly connected Jewish lawyer Morris L. Ernst and Jewish sexologist Harry Benjamin. Despite the Ernst-Benjamin-Kinsey connection, Reisman claims that Kinsey refused to employ Jews. Kinsey also received support from New York Times owner Arthur Hays Sulzberger, a practicing Jew who not only gave Kinsey’s books prominent coverage in the press, he also helped secure financing for Kinsey as a board member on the Rockefeller Foundation. Reisman makes no mention of this seemingly strange association. And without a friendly Jewish press to promote Kinsey’s falsified research, it’s questionable that his books would have sold like they did.

Reisman’s claims about Kinsey, the Nazis, and gaysity are echoed in the The Pink Swastika (Lively, Abrams 1995), which attempts to further demonize all Jew haters, particularly Nazis, as closet gayss. While it may be true that Hitler and the Nazis engaged in gays behaviour, it is irrelevant in the bigger picture. The book is a sort of neoconservative treatise targeted at “****o-Christians,” an oxymoronic term Reisman also frequently uses in sensual Sabotage (2010). (Reisman references Nazis no less than 47 times in this book). Joseph M. Schimmel and Christian J. Pinto’s 2007 film The Kinsey Syndrome, in which Reisman participated, carries on the theme of Kinsey representing a nancy-led sensual conspiracy against the West.

Kinsey was an admitted eugenicist, something that Reisman uses to further her nancy case. But Reisman fails to reveal the heavy Jewish hand in the eugenics movement, which predates nancy Germany.[5] Eugenics was certainly not an exclusively nancy practice.

Reisman also heavily identifies with Jewish suffering in the form of the iconic Holocaust dogma of Judaism. And she doesn’t hold back when linking it with Kinsey and the sensual revolution.

“And while Hitler’s Gestapo and SS tortured, shot, hung, and gassed millions on their march toward world domination, the Kinsey lobby prepared a sensual revolution for Western Society.”[6] Reisman likens the subversive cartoons contained in Playboy, Hustler, and Penthouse to the political cartoons of nancy Germany.

Where Reisman is forced to reveal the Jewish nature of the psychoanalytic movement, she simply refers to them as German or European. The implication then is that it is a fundamentally nancy movement.

“…European sex ‘science’ radicals preceded Kinsey. For example, by 1895, the German gays movement had grown so rapidly that they were a major power lobby,” she writes.[7]

Reisman was born to German and Russian Jewish communist parents, something that would also predispose her to anti-nancy, anti-nationalist sentiment.[8]

Who really was Kinsey?

On the exterior, Kinsey was neither a gays nor a revolutionary. He voted Republican as a capitalist (Christian raised), believed in restricting immigration, and even advocated eugenics. But on the inside, he was a tormented and possibly demonically possessed man, starting in early childhood. Kinsey engaged in self-torture (as a form of pleasure), other perversions, and likely serious crimes. He was a bi-sensual at best and a pederast and full-blown gays at worst. And according to U.S. Congress, he caused “incalculable” damage to the jovenlandesal structure of American society with the publishing of his sensual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and the ***owing female volume (1953).

As Kinsey matured on the outside, becoming an adult, he brought his perversions with him to Indiana University, where he became known as a perverted professor who would constantly harass and stalk men, and especially women, on campus for his so-called sex research. Where Kinsey couldn’t obtain actual research on average Americans, which was the case most of the time, he allegedly used prostitutes, gayss, pederasts, pedophiles, and rapists—who provided the bulk of his data. The sensual revolution in 1950s America turned out to be based almost entirely on the habits of these sensual deviants, and not everyday Americans as most were led to believe.

The case for Kinsey as crypto-psychoanalyst

U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and U.S. Congress viewed Kinsey and his sex research institute as communist insurgents and the furtherance of the Jewish psychoanalytic movement, fulfilling the words of psychoanalytic father Freud, who said the psychoanalysts were “bringing them [Americans] the plague.”

“Psychoanalysts think Kinsey’s work will advance the status of psychoanalysis by 50 years. I am inclined to think that it will change a good many things,” wrote Robert S. Morrison in his diary about Kinsey and his “research,” which was being given prominent coverage in the press. Morrison was associate director of the Medical Science Division of the Rockefeller Foundation, assistant to director Alan Gregg.

Psychoanalysis appears to be a Kabbalistic[9] black art, culminating in the victim being mind controlled and supplanted with false memories and/or ideas. Freud was a Zionist and Lurianic Kabbalist. Kinsey’s use of this black art managed to fool the entire American public into thinking average men and women were largely promiscuous, gays, and repressed wild animals. And like Freud, Kinsey would psychoanalyze (gather sex history) his colleagues and financial backers in order to control them, or blackmail them if necessary. Kinsey was every bit the charismatic cult leader that Freud was.[10] Another similarity between Kinsey and Freud was their views on “childhood sexuality.” Freud said that children were sensual but that it was latent until puberty; Kinsey took this further, saying children were completely sensual from birth. Even the Jewish founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner, didn’t leave out Freud when he said Freud and Kinsey “have done more for sex than any other men who ever lived.” Hefner even recommends The Freudian Approach and The Kinsey Approach when trying to seduce a female virgin. At times, Reisman appears to defend her fellow Jew Freud in contrast to the monster Kinsey.[11]

Unfortunately, and not surprisingly, the good people in the Reece Committee (Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations, 1952-54), after years of trying, failed to shut down Kinsey and his institute of perversion, ***owing a lengthy examination of U.S. tax-exempt foundations. The Rockefeller alliance with the already radically left-wing Jewish media proved to be too much, as did the Zionist control of then President Harry Truman, a 33rd degree Freemason. Ironically, Reisman admits that Kinsey had powerful allies in the media. But of course, we are supposed to believe the U.S. media then was nancy-controlled, not Jewish-controlled.[12] She even goes as far as saying that the Rockefellers carried out a “media Blitzkrieg” to promote Kinsey and his work. Perhaps had Reisman known that the enemy wasn’t simply Nazis, assuming she was ignorant, she would have been better prepared when academia and the media attacked her research on Kinsey. (See overrepresentation of Jews in the sensual liberation movement)

Perhaps seeing the U.S. Congressional attempts to eradicate subversive gays elements as a threat to the greater goals of the psychoanalytic movement in which he was carrying out, Kinsey soon agreed to serve on an advisory committee to the communist Mattachine Foundation, an early lgtb rights organization co-founded by the Jewish Franklin E. Kameny, one of America’s most significant lgtb rights activists.

Lesbian, lgtb, bisexual, and tras*gender activist Larry Kramer (Jewish) holding up a Kinsey Institute T-Shirt. Notice the Illuminist “6″ beside the half hexagram. The Kinsey Institute’s current director is the Jewish Julia Heiman.

Kinsey may have shown disdain for Judaism as a religious institution as it relates to perceived jovenlandesal restraint, but there doesn’t seem to be any evidence that he engaged in any anti-Semitism. And like Freud, Kinsey expressed his view that sensual repression (self-control) led to pathology.[13] University of California-Long Beach Professor of psychology Kevin MacDonald, perhaps Freud’s greatest modern critic, explains in The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements (1998),“Many early proponents viewed psychoanalysis as a redemptive messianic movement that would end anti-Semitism by freeing the world of neuroses produced by sexually repressive Western civilization…. The cure for aggression characteristic of anti-Semitism was therefore believed to lie in freeing gentiles from their sensual repressions. Although Freud himself eventually developed the idea of a death instinct to explain aggression, a consistent theme of the Freudian critique of Western culture, as exemplified for example by Norman O. Brown, Herbert Marcuse, and Wilhelm Reich, has been that the liberation of sensual repressions would lead to lowered aggression and usher in an era of universal love.” (Pages 112-113).

Kinsey’s alleged anti-Semitism did carry with it the advantage of giving the sensual revolution in America a gentile appearance, ***owing years of speculation that Freud and the Frankfurt School were part of a Jewish plot against the West.

“He has the temperament of a reformer rather than a scientist: fierily against hypocrisy and repressive law of every sort, censorship, etc., and against Judaism and Catholicism and Irishy,” writes Kinsey’s biographer James H. Jones. (page 611) Are Jones and Kinsey ignorant of the Talmud? Or do they carry out the charade that Judaism is the same bastion of sensual jovenlandesality that is Christianity?

Jones gives us some insight into his and Kinsey’s convenient ignorance of the highly sexually immoral Babylonian Talmud.

“Current sex offender laws, he (Kinsey) explained, were based on English-American common law traditions, which in turn were ‘a direct constitution of the Talmudic proscriptions on such activities and not the product of scientific judgments.’”[14]

MacDonald explains Freud’s strategic use of gentiles in the psychoanalytic movement.

“Deception is also indicated by the evidence that Freud felt that one reason psychoanalysis needed highly visible gentiles was because he viewed psychoanalysis as subverting gentile culture. After publishing Little Hans in 1908, he wrote Karl Abraham that the book would create an uproar: ‘German ideals threatened again! Our Aryan comrades are really completely indispensable to us, otherwise psychoanalysis would succumb to anti-Semitism.’ (in Yerushalami, 1991, 43).”

“Moreover, there were conscious attempts at deception directed at making Jewish involvement in radical political movements invisible by placing an American face on what was in reality largely a Jewish movement (Liebman 1979, 527ff). Both the Socialist Party and the CPUSA took pains to have gentiles prominently displayed as leaders, and the CPUSA actively encouraged Jewish members to take gentile-sounding names…. Despite representing over half the membership in both the Socialist Party and the CPUSA during some periods, neither party ever had Jews as presidential candidates and no Jew held the top position in the CPUSA after 1929. Gentiles were brought from long distances and given highly visible staff positions in Jewish-dominated socialist organizations in New York. Jewish domination of these organizations not uncommonly led gentiles to leave when they realized their role as window dressing in a fundamentally Jewish organization.” (MacDonald 1998, 111 and 94 respectively)

The powerful cabal that helped bring Kinsey to prominence likely saw him as the perfect gentile window dressing for the continuance of the Jewish psychoanalytic movement.

Kinsey, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati

Contrary to what Reisman leads people to believe, the sensual revolution didn’t start with Kinsey. Freud had an arguably larger and more influential role in the revolution, and according to author E. Michael Jones, the sensual revolution began in the 18th century when the Illuminati and Freemasons were gutting Europe of the Christian theocracy. Revolutionary Marquis de Sade (possibly Jewish but definitely an Illuminist), from whom we get the term “sadism”, was another key figure—possibly the pioneer of sensual revolution. And if Illuminism was largely a Jewish movement, then sensual revolution was a Jewish byproduct, helping to fulfill the Talmudic goal of bloting out the memory and name of Jesus Christ and the jovenlandesalist standards attached to Him. Illuminists like the French Revolutionaries, Rockefellers, and the Frankfurt Schoolers have all played central roles in fomenting sensual revolution among the populations, yet Reisman has the sensual conspiracy beginning and ending with Kinsey and the Nazis. Ironically, Kinsey’s participation in the sensual revolution arguably began in 1948, the same year that Israel became an official nation.

Illuminist Aleister Crowley

It is not certain whether Kinsey was a Freemason; although, he was associated with many high level Illuminists. He had to be, in order to get the backing of the Illuminist Rockefellers and the support from the Illuminist-controlled press. Kinsey was untouchable even though there was clear evidence that he and/or his colleagues were sexually abusing children.[15] Interestingly, the Kinsey Institute Logo, designed by David Enock in 1986, appears to be stylized after the Jewish star of Moloch (six-pointed star or hexagram). The Masonic square and compass itself was stylized after the hexagram. Then there is Kinsey’s association with high Illuminist Aleister Crowley. Kinsey allegedly went on a voyage seeking Crowley’s psychosexual occultist diaries.

The title page of Illuminist revolutionary Marquis de Sade’s Justine depicts the Illuminist triangle with the Cabalistic tetragrammaton. The Marquis de Sade was a key figure in the bloody French Revolution and also the father of Sadism.


While Reisman did likely pose a significant threat to the sex industrial complex during the Reagan Administration’s porn inquiries, she is also acting as a gatekeeper by not revealing the real movers and shakers in it as well as its pre-Kinsey history. Her intentions in exposing Kinsey appear to be sincere (Reisman’s daughter was the victim of a pronography-induced rape.[16]); however, it is difficult to believe that she is not aware of the leading role that Jews and Jewish organizations have played in the shaping of ideas of human sexuality in our culture. Her obsessive use of Nazism and the Holocaust in her works exposing Kinsey are nothing more than sensationalism and intellectual dishonesty. However, her work through the Justice Department analyzing and exposing the sinister nature of Kinsey, for example his child orgasm charts (tables 30-34, sensual Behavior in the Human Male) as well as the resulting American Law Institute Model Penal Code, is impeccable, as is her work showing the negative effects of pronography on culture. It’s unfortunate that she hasn’t expanded the scope of her investigations. Perhaps she did but chose not to reveal it. Perhaps she is ashamed of the work of her revolutionary parents.

Alfred Kinsey appears to have been a psychoanalyst in the tradition of Freud and other Judaic sensual revolutionaries. There is no evidence that he was conspiring with some nancy agenda to subvert Western social mores. History shows that the Nazis persecuted psychoanalysts and sensual liberationists; therefore, Kinsey could not have been taking direction from them. But her certainly fell in line with the eugenic goals of the Protestant WASP ruling class of his time. We are only left with the Frankfurt School and the Jewish New York Intellectuals, through the Rockefeller Foundation, as providing Kinsey’s direction.

[1] Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, 1st Books Library, Second Edition, 1998, p. 55

[2] Judith Reisman, sensual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America, 2010, p. 336

[3] On Kinsey’s German, nancy Pedophile Aide; The New York Times Asks: “Alfred Kinsey: Liberator or Pervert?” Judith Gelernter Reisman, Ph.D. - The Kinsey Coverup: On Kinsey's German, nancy Pedophile Aide; The New York Times Asks: "Alfred Kinsey: Liberator or Pervert?"

[4] Judith Reisman, sensual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America, 2010, p. 29-30

[5] `Do not have children if they won’t be healthy!’ Haaretz, Tamara Traubmann Nov. 6, 2004 –  Advertisement

[6] Judith Reisman, sensual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America, 2010, p. 59

[7] Ibid, p. 171

[8] E. Michael Jones, Libido Dominandi: sensual Liberation and Political Control, 2002, St. Augustine’s Press, South Bend Indiana, p. 571

[9] David Bakan, Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition, Free Association Books, 2004

[10] Judith Reisman, sensual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America, 2010, p. 52-53

[11] Ibid, p. 174

[12] Ibid, p. 71-72

[13] Ibid, p. 44

[14] James H. Jones, Alfred C. Kinsey, A Public/Private Life, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1997, p. 619

[15] Judith Reisman, sensual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America, 2010, p. 55

[16] Judith A. Reisman, A Personal Odyssey To The Truth Dr. Judith Reisman: A Personal Odyssey

Illuminati News: Sex Experiments of Alfred Kinsey

An effective foot soldier in the subjugation of the masses was the Rockefeller-funded Alfred C. Kinsey, the co-author of the highly influential sensual Behavior In The Human Male, and other volumes. One technique of eugenics (selective breeding) and control is the destruction of traditional jovenlandesality, and Kinsey may have accomplished more in that respect than any other man this century.

Kinsey studied at the Bussey Institution at Harvard in the 1920s (at the time a hotbed of eugenics research), then moved on to teach at Indiana University, where his work in cultural deconstruction would ultimately succeed in decimating American sensual mores, help to fragment the family, and would leave the population far more vulnerable to reproductive, cultural, familial, and mind programming.

Kinsey, always portrayed in the press as a wholesome "leave it to Beaver" style family man, was "one of the scholarly eugenicists of pre-World War II", according to biographer James Jones. Kinsey recommended that a portion of the "lower classes" be sterilized to foster a more robust gene pool.

Among his intimates was Dr. Ewen Cameron, the infamous CIA-funded mind control doctor.

Another of Kinsey's influences was Dr. Herrmann Muller, one of his colleagues at Indiana University. Muller, who had begun receiving Rockefeller funding from the National Research Council in 1925, received a Guggenheim grant in 1932 to pursue his work in the genetics department of the Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Research Institute in Berlin.

Ewen Cameron and Ernst Rudin

Muller studied under Ernst Rudin, who was to become the head of the nancy Racial Hygiene Society. One of the benefits of Rudin's policy for the extermination of hereditary undesirables in Germany was that it provided a continual harvesting of fresh brains for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.

Influenced by the Great Beast

Another of Kinsey's apparent influences was the occultist Aleister Crowley, "the Great Beast," known in Aleister Crowleythe press as "the wickedest man alive." Kinsey visited Crowley's Thelema Abbey shortly before his death in 1955. Although it has not been established that Kinsey used Crowley as a research source in his books, they shared many friends and acquaintances, such as occultist film maker Kenneth Anger, American nancy George Sylvester Viereck, and French pedophile Rene Guyon.

Anger has said, "Kinsey was obsessed with obtaining the Great Beast's (Crowley's) day-to-day sex diaries... To obtain grant monies and maintain the support of the university, Kinsey needed the excuse of research to validate his twenty-four-hours-a-day obsession with sex. However, Prok's (Kinsey's nickname) battle cry of 'Do your best and let other people react as they will' seemed a variation on Crowley's 'Do what thou wilt' maxim.

(i.e. "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law").

Increased illicit sensual conduct

Kinsey's most effective weapon for psychological warfare on the world was his Rockefeller-funded study of American sexuality, the most famous volume being his vaunted study of "normal" sexuality, sensual Behavior In The Human Male, published in 1948. 200,000 copies of the book were sold within the first two months of its publication.

Kinsey was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and, according to Judith A. Reisman, PhD, the author Dr. Judith Reismanof Kinsey: Crimes And Consequences, "Kinsey's quantitative research, and his numbers, were a perfect fit for Rockefeller to utilize the mass media to 'shape public attitudes and conduct.' Attitudes were changed through mass communications, which caused a rejection of chastity, self control and jovenlandesal public governance, as well as increased illicit sensual conduct. 'Social management' of this sort was nothing less for Rockefeller than changing America's way of life, by among other things altering what Kinsey would call 'breeding patterns' along an evolutionary or animalistic view of human sensual conduct."

The main problem with Kinsey's "quantitative research and his numbers" is that they were radically skewed in order to achieve his purposes.

Researchers into Kinsey's methods, which purportedly catalogue normal sexuality, have noted that he loaded the ranks of his test subjects with an inordinately high number of persons imprisoned for sex deviancy, prostitutes and child molesters, criminals estimated by one researcher as providing as high as one third of his overall subjects. Kinsey entered them into his database as normal examples of the population.

Kinsey's manipulation extended to his choice of staff. His assistants in his studies were selected from young students, both male and female, who were required prior to coming on board to provide their detailed sensual histories. Another requirement was that they be filmed in explicit sensual movies, ostensibly for research, that were shot in Kinsey's attic.

Kinsey's research included observation of child sexuality, the manual and oral stimulation of childrens' genitals, and the timing of child orgasms with stopwatches. Part of Kinsey's collection of sex films included films of children in sex acts and adult-with-child sex.

According to Reisman, "The Kinsey Report claims at least '317´ pre-adolescents' were sexually experimented upon by 'older adults,' and confirmation of at least 2,035 child experimental subjects were later admitted in 1980 by [assistants] Gebhard and Pomeroy as reported in Ethical Issues in Sex Therapy."

He said 95% violate sex laws

The information that was released in the Kinsey sex studies was damning in the extreme to traditional concepts of sexuality. Kinsey reported that 95 percent of American males had violated sex laws seriously enough to put them in jail, 85 percent had experienced premarital sex, 69 percent had used prostitutes, 45 percent were adulterers, as high as 37 percent had experienced orgasm in a gays act, and that 17 percent had had sex with an animal. In these post-Kinsey days this information is not that shocking, in fact it is almost believable, but in 1948 it fell upon the public like a bombshell.

According to reports of the time, the Kinsey Report "shocked" and "dumbfounded" the nation. The reason was simple: Americans knew that this information did not fit their own conceptions of sensual mores and behavior.

And they were right: Kinsey's statistics were wrong, and they remain wrong.

According to researchers Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams, "Recently, several studies have shown that America is not the hotbed of promiscuity and deviancy that Kinsey's study made it appear to be, even after forty-six years of influence by that study, which was loudly trumpeted as fact by the media and much academia." One recent study by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago showed that 83% of Americans had sex with one person or did not have sex in the preceding year, with half of those polled having had only one sex partner in the previous five years.

Any sex act is now acceptable.

This does not miccionan, however, that the American media does not continue to portray the country as one big swingers' club. With Kinsey, American mores have been almost completely warped, to the point where almost any sensual act is now acceptable. Wife swapping, easy divorce, swinging, the depiction of sex acts in the media, gaysity, and sadomasochism are promoted as norms.

As with most actions of the social engineers, I believe that there are a number of reason for this. One is the creation of what has been called a "sensate" society, satiated with sex, drugs and TV (the modern form of "bread and circuses"), creating a numbed electorate who will never mount a challenge to their controllers. Another reason for this is the decoupling of sex from procreation, thus making the institution of sterilization and birth control policies, including abortion, more easily introduced to the masses.

An additional purpose is the destruction of the nuclear family, opening the door for greater social intervention and manipulation.

Although it is dangerous to point out in this era of Ellen-degenerated "sensual liberation," the forces that have sought to limit our real freedoms have historically been the first wave of assault for the destruction of traditional values regarding sex. This approach was exemplified by the Nazis, for whom, according to author Pearl Buck, "Love was old-fashioned, sex was modern. it was the Nazis who restored the 'right to love' in their propaganda."

Although social engineer Alfred C. Kinsey is long-dead, his legacy lives on - and the war against sensual sanity continues today.

Jim Keith

Jim Keith, a Nitro News Columnist, is one of America's best known conspiracy writers, having penned over ten published books. His works include Okbomb, a revealing account of the Oklahoma City bombing, and the acclaimed Casebook On The Men In Black. Keith has appeared on multiple television and radio programs, including Coast To Coast AM with Art Bell (listen). His column is published exclusively on the Nitro News website each week, but does not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor and staff.

Exposing the Illuminati Hand in Sex Education: Dr Judith Reisman in Croatia (Feb. 19, 2013)

Dr.Judith Reisman, is an expert on Alfred Kinsey and the effects of pronography. She said she has never encountered so many bullies as she did in Croatia, for opposing child sex abuse- a.k.a Illuminati "sex education." (Introducing children to sex prematurely and without jovenlandesal context is abuse. The Illuminati is conditioning the new generation worldwide.)

The Illuminati-controlled Croatian government have suppressed appearances by a visiting 78-year-old Jewish grandmother in the name of "democracy." She argues that "sex education" and "lgtb rights" hide a degrading, anti-family, pedophile-friendly agenda.

Latest - Satanists Alarmed at Reisman Initiative - RDFRS: The Catholic Church has Entered the Political Arena

Below - Reisman Awarded Medal from City of Zagreb

The recently introduced sex education in Croatian schools (about which I have written before) has caused consternation in the community, and a serious rift between the Church and the State. The cancellation of "Picture of Croatia" TV show and termination of its head journalist Karolina Vidovic-Kristo for including extracts from "Kinsey Syndrome" in her coverage reveals an ugly side of [socialist style] democracy and freedom.

Certainly, there's a strong stench of intolerance coming from the current Social Democrats-led government in Croatia. One might say it's quite similar to the smell that pervaded communist Yugoslavia. A governing party representative said that expressions of different thinking should be banned. No wonder people are calling the current government Communists.

The government's apparent intolerance metastasized in the uncivilized attacks on views of Dr. Judith Reisman, an American cultural conservative best known for her exposure of Alfred Kinsey. She blames him for much of the cultural decay and sensual permissiveness that affect today's societies.

Predavanje dr. Judith Reisman na FPZG-u on Vimeo

Predavanje dr. Judith Reisman na FPZG-u from TV Student FPZG on Vimeo.

On Tuesday 29 January freedom of speech, media freedom got suspended in Croatia and so did the respect of fundamental principles of journalism, writes Marko Juric of

"On that day the leading Croatian media outlet, HTV, reported about Dr. Judith Reisman's lecture at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb, in a manner that was 'extremely shameful and completely akin to manners found in the far away times of Fascism or Bolshevism of one-party totalitarian system'.

All that the public could hear or see from this HTV coverage was what the staunch and aggressive, at times shockingly rude and utterly uncivilized opponents of Dr. Reisman's views had to say. The pinnacle of such intolerance was when the Faculty's Dean, Nenad Zakosec, came out and aggressively, shouted at Reisman before hundreds of students (many of which had shouted insults and barraged bigoted questions/comments): 'what are you doing here!'"

Then, her debate at the Faculty of Philosophy with the head of sexology there, Aleksandar Stulhofer, was cancelled on 30 January due to the big crowd turning up!

Stulhofer was one of the authors of the new sex education program in schools recently introduced in Croatia. One wonders whether the event organizers thought of "real fire" safety measure when they cancelled it, or whether they antiestéticared a new "fire against the government sex education program" would erupt.

In view of everything that has tras*pired on sex education in schools in Croatia and the government's stubbornness to go ahead with its plan regardless of the community disquiet about it, the latter would be a safer bet as to why the event at the Faculty of Philosophy was cancelled.

Then Reisman was supposed to attend the screening of documentary film director Timothy Tate's film "Kinsey's Paedophiles, secret history", but, wouldn't you know it - the screening fell through - cancelled despite enormous public interest. Technical difficulties were afoot - three times over!

Of course, the coalition government's members of parliament have come out "screaming blue murder" at the parliamentary opposition's (Croatian Democratic Union/HDZ) invitation to Reisman to give a lecture in the Croatian Parliament building - for the HDZ Parliamentary Club.

Even though HDZ or any other parliamentary party has an absolute right under the Constitution to invite anyone they want to, to talk in their premises, the governing coalition is abhorred at the fact that someone who has a different view to theirs as to sex education and various influences on sexuality of children should be allowed to set foot in the parliament building!

To quote governing Social Democrats; Tatjana Simac Bonacic: "... it is inappropriate for that (Reisman's talk) to occur in Parliament, because the Parliament is a home, a symbol of democracy and as such it is certainly not for people like that (like Reisman)" ! (HRT News, 29 January 2013).

On the other hand, HDZ representatives including its President Tomislav Karamarko and Zeljko Reiner - deputy president HDZ parliamentary group, fan the view that in a democracy all views on the issue have the right of expression and should be heard and that if Reisman was good enough to talk in US Congress, she is good enough to talk in the Croatian Parliament building.

Indeed, it seems that in these crazy times HDZ/Croatian Democratic Union is one of the rare political parties in Croatia who see freedom of expression for what it truly is: freedom to express ones ideas and freedom to offer information on pertinent social, or other issues, leaving it to the individual to accept or reject the ideas, or even remain undecided.

Having said all this, there were many in Croatia who welcomed Reisman and her talks; listened to her ideas, research, peacefully. That is what freedom of expression of ideas or freedom of information regarding an important issue affecting the society (such as sex education in schools) should be.

So, there's light at the end of the censorship tunnel - the incidents around Reisman may, hopefully, teach one how democracy should and should not work; and the threading of democratic processes may yet come to the seemingly badly needed drawing board.

Croatia Reisman meeting on Youtube -

30 min YouTube of Reisman talking to a friendly audience -

Thanks to Eliezer for this alert.
- See more at: Exposing Sex Ed, Judith Reisman Causes Storm in Croatia -


Mary said (February 19, 2013):

They correctly see sex ed as coming from Communists.

My Catholic Croat brother in law told me when I was there about his grade school class pics under the Tito regime.Red berets and red scarves. His Grandmother raised him and would not let him wear them. He was sent home . The school complained and she still ignored them.

They sent two Commie police to the door asking for her Grandson. She was a tiny woman and she told them to get out they were not going to discipline or tell her what he should wear ! That was HER job as his Grandmother!

When they spoke back to her she jumped up and slapped one in the face.

My B-I -L said he figured they backed off and left because the door was opened and the neighbors were watching.....Bad PR. works against Vatican and Gov Communist masons alike. Communism is too fresh in the minds of both the Catholic Croats and the Orthodox Serb Believers over there !
- See more at: Exposing Sex Ed, Judith Reisman Causes Storm in Croatia -

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Leí hace años sobre este tipejo y su famoso informe. Os resumo de memoria.

Básicamente, el tío era un gai salido y obsesionado con la masturbación. A raíz de sus taras, fabrico un informe acerca de las conductas y hábitos sensuales en América. Dicho informe estaba totalmente falsificado, cosa que se descubrió demasiado tarde, cuando gran parte de sus conclusiones ya habían sido debidamente difundidas. Entre otras cosas, aumentaba la tasa de personas gayses hasta niveles disparatados. Creo recordar que también se metía en terrenos cerebrales, defendiendo tesis como la tan extendida hoy de que al nacer todos somos bisexuales.

Luego se descubrió todo y tal. Demasiado tarde.

Vamos a ver. El tío este, como tú dices, estuvo casado con una mujer y tuvo 4 hijos. Tan lgtb no sería. Se dice que tuvo experiencias con hombres pero a saber.

En cuanto al tema del estudio, él defendió que gran parte de los hombres presentaba tendencias gayses entendiendo como tendencias encuentros con compañeros en la adolescencia, sueños, masturbación y un largo etcétera. En lo que a personas exclusivamente gayses, las cifras no eran nada disparatadas. Él apuntó a que un 11,6% de los hombres estaban en los primeros 3 grados de gaysidad ( Desde los que lo eran exclusivamente hasta los que lo eran predominantemente).

Sus métodos no fueron todo lo exquisitos que se podría esperar, pero desde luego tienen mucha más validez que esas encuestas telefónicas que se utilizan para desmentirle y que consisten en ponerse a llamar por teléfono en Texas preguntándole a la gente si es gays, como si fuera algo que todo el mundo dijera al primero que llama por teléfono, para llegar a la conclusión de que solo el 2% ha contestado sí y por tanto solo el 2% es gays.

De hecho cada vez se van obteniendo más datos estadísticos gracias a la aprobación del matrimonio gays y se va haciendo evidente que la cifra se acerca al 10 ( En media en los estados donde se ha aprobado la cifra de matrimonios gayses con respecto a los totales supone unas cifras del entorno del 6%, que van desde el 12 de la ciudad de Nueva York hasta el 2,17% de España en 2011) teniendo en cuenta que parece evidente que la tendencia al matrimonio entre gayses es menor que entre heterosexuales debido a que muchos lo ocultan a parte de su círculo, en general no hay hijos que proteger y un largo etcétera, parece evidente que la cifra está en el entorno del 10%.

En cuanto al tema de los menores hay controversia. El siempre defendió que los resultados del estudio provienen de entrevistas a víctimas mientras que determinados ( De ideologías muy significadas, y no lo digo como algo negativo) grupos han defendido que experimentó con ellos. En todo caso en ningún momento defendió la pederastia, de hecho la conclusión de sus estudios y lo que el defendió fue que los menores que eran abusados por adultos sufrían horriblemente.
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