Judío useño destruye estatuas romanas por blasfemas

Hic Svnt Leones

15 Abr 2017
Luego nos preguntamos por qué sus mascotas del ISIS son tan iconoclastas.



US tourist destroys 'blasphemous' Roman statues at the Israel Museum

An American citizen was detained by security forces in the museum after being observed shattering the statues, which he claimed were "in violation of the Torah."

A tourist in his 40s was arrested by Israel Police on Thursday for damaging and destroying ancient Roman statues displayed at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

According to initial police suspicion, the tourist intentionally destroyed the statues due to them being “blasphemous” and “in violation of the Torah.”

The suspect, an American citizen, was detained by security forces in the museum after being observed shattering the statues, which police said hold “sentimental” value. On Friday, the suspect’s arrest was extended until Monday.


According to the museum, the suspect caused damage to two ancient Roman sculptures dating to the 2nd century CE, that were placed on display in the archaeological department’s permanent exhibition. Police shared footage of sculptures shattered on the ground at the Israel Museum.

What will happen to the suspect now?
The suspect was taken into police custody for further questioning. Police said the investigation is ongoing, with the suspect set to be brought before the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Thursday to extend his arrest.

In a statement, the Israel Museum condemned the “extremely worrying” incident, adding that the statues were tras*ferred to the museum’s restoration department.
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