Jazaros - Amigos de Novorrosiya


16 Dic 2014
Contrario a varios mitos dentro del movimiento identitario, Novorossiya no es una fortaleza enemiga del jazarismo internacional si no, su centro de operaciones, promovido por los jazaros del Kremlin para esparcir el multiculturalismo y el anti-fascismo por Europa Del Este. Los jazaros son personas importantes dentro del proyecto "Novorruso" El objeto de este hilo es exponer a los jazaros mas prominentes de Novorrosiya, aunque sus numeros verdaderos sean aun desconocidos.

El jazaro favorito de la propaganda separatista, el jazaro Igor Kolomoyskiy, oficialmente es "pro-ucraniano", no porque ame a Ucrania o a su gente, si no por intereses meramente financieros, ademas de su rivalidad con oligarcas pro-separatistas como Akhmetov. Si los negocios (de Kolomoyskiy) estuviesen localizados en los territorios "Novorrusos" probablemente el financiaria a los separatistas.

Kolomoyskiy le sugiere a Pavel Gubarev capturar Kiev juntos:


Igor Venediktovich Plotnitskiy - jazaro, jefe de la Republica Popular de Lugansk elegido para este puesto despues de su victoria en las elecciones presidenciales, donde obtuvo un 63% de los votos. Su ascendencia jazara ha sido confirmada por varios jefes cosacos, ademas se ha dado a conocer sus tendencias criminales, su proclividad a la delincuencia y su participacion en el trafico de drojas.


De acuerdo a algunos reportes mediaticos, Plotnitskiy se ha gastado el dinero que obtuvo de la sangrienta guerra en Donbass, comprando carros de lujos y propiedades en Moscu.

Alexander Kofman - jazaro, una figura publica y reconocida de Donbass. Ministro De las Relaciones Publicas De la RPD y Secretario Del Parlamento de "Novorosiya".


What do you think about the term "Russia spring"?

- I have the same bad attitude to any manifestations of nationalism. I would understand the phrase "Russia's Spring" or the "Russia's world". Because somewhere in my heart I would like to be a citizen of Russia.

- you personally and you as a minister, are you not afraid that the conflict that occurred here in the DPR and LPR, awakened nationalism in Russia and Ukraine?

- I think of nationalism as a stone. If you lift it from the ground from under it starts to crawl nasties. I still hope that Russian nationalism is very "sofa-bound". I see our volunteers [to people's republics forces], the nationalists among them are very little, but a lot of patriots. It is necessary to draw a clear line between patriotism and nationalism. By the way, when I am able to communicate with the nationalist in our militias in person, they then often cease to be nationalists.

- Is there a need to legislate against nationalism in Russia and the DRR?

- Well, how many people came out in Moscow on a "Russian March" [he is referring to nationalist rally in 2014]? About three thousand. This is laughable. In Russia nationalism is quite "freakish", and you should not pay attention to it. But if you start to ban, it will become the forbidden fruit, for which one wants to reach. Better demoralize it somehow. Show the inferiority, the unworthiness [of nationalism]. Educate people in patriotism and a love for their land, for their homeland, but not to their nation [he means ethnicity]. What is my credit that I was born a Jew, and your that you were born Russian? What is it? But the credit for what you are a Rossiyanin [person living in Russia/citizen of Russia] there is -because in a difficult time in the 90s, you did not leave, and continue with others to raise the country. You can be proud that you are a Rossiyanin, but not the fact that you are an [ethnic] Russian. You know, there is a joke. Two Jews meet. One friend says: "I am Russian." The second says: "And I am German." [a play on words, on the fact that "Russian" and "German" can be nouns, but can also be adjectives, as in "Russian Jew"]


- And yet you have a battalion of "Alia" or is it all lie?

AK I have several times because of my national identity met with representatives of Israel, who are fighting here. They are mainly reconnaissance and sabotage units, snipers. I would not call them a battalion "Alia", although this may be precisely the "Alia", which Eskin said . Among them are the guys who served in the IDF, and those who came to Israel, already experienced fighters. We have dozens of these guys.

Лехаим | ÐлекÑандр Кофман: «Я иÑкренне боюÑÑŒ за*Ñвоих Ñобратьев-евреев» |

Boris Isaakovich Shpigel - un prominente oligarca jazaro-europeo y fundador del "Mundo Sin Nazismo" , algunos reportes indican que se le ha acusado de pedofilia. Miembro activo del movimiento antifascista y promotor de duras leyes de censura en Rusia, ademas de ser uno de los jefes del proyecto "Novorruso" Es uno de los pocos politicos rusos que abiertamente se declara "seguidor del judaismo" A traves de los esfuerzos de Shpigel, varios monumentos del Ejercito Rojo han sido erigidos en la ciudadad israeli, Netanya.


La version rusa del jazaro americano, supremacista y lider del ADL, Abe Foxman.


Ademas de la tradicional kipa jazara, viste con orgullo los simbolos antifascistas.

Today, neo-Nazis again raised their heads. Their neo-nancy ideology poisons the civil society in the heart of Europe. The creators of the military battalions organized neo-nancy genocide of those who honor the memory of freedom fighters, and for whom May 9 was and remains the Victory Day of humanity over nancy machine of death. Neo-Nazis, hiding behind pseudo-patriotic slogans, shooting their own citizens, applying stringent punitive methods [...] The heart of Europe, torn by neo-Nazis, will be restored by those who ***ow the truths, prescribed by blood of Soviet heroes fighting way from Stalingrad to Berlin. The 70th anniversary of the Great Victory International Human Rights Movement "A world without Nazism" announces the start of an ambitious program of action "1945-2045: 100 years without Nazism", which will bring together the world anti-Nazis in a united front against neo-Nazism

ЗаÑвление президента МПД «ÐœÐ˜Ð* БЕЗ ÐÐЦИЗМл об Украине: «Ð½ÐµÐ¾Ð½Ð°Ñ†Ð¸ÑÑ‚Ñ‹ вновь поднÑли головы» | Молодежное информационное агентÑтво ÐовороÑÑи

Acusaciones de su pedofilia

Gennadiy Adolfovich Kernes - jazaro, promotor de los separatistas, es tan peliagudo que actualmente es el gobernante de una ciudad ucraniana llamada Kharkiv.



En la foto superior se puede observar a Kernes con su intimo amigo de negocios y tambien jazaro, Mikhail Markovych Dobkin - un politico separatista, anterior gobernante del oblast llamado Kharkiv y tambien ex-diputado de la Rada Suprema Ucraniana.


In 2014, he formed a "Ukrainian Front" organisation, in support of President Viktor Yanukovych, stating the intention to "clean and purify our Ukrainian land of those who come here with plans for occupation." In February 2014, Dobkin called for Ukraine’s capital to be moved from Kiev to Kharkiv, and for a federal structure of government to be established in Ukraine. He also claimed that by late February 2014 "all peaceful protesters of Euromaidan had left" and that with the remaining protesters "Negotiations with them will be to no avail. They need to disarm, and those who resist and kill people physically destroyed".

After Yanukovich was forced out of power Dobkin was a major participant in a meeting of local officials in Eastern Ukraine which questioned the legality of the new government's actions and declared local officials would take responsibility for their own regions until order was restored. Dobkin was later reported to have fled to Russia along with the mayor of Kharkiv Gennady Kernes, but he returned to attend a pro-Russian rally in the city. Late February 2014 he indicated that he intended to run for president in the upcoming Ukrainian presidential election due to his concerns regarding the behavior of the revolutionary government towards the Russophone population.[9][10] Dobkin tendered his resignation as governor on 26 February 2014 "***owing my decision to run for the office of the President of Ukraine".[11] On 2 March 2014 a decree by acting President Oleksandr Turchynov formally dismissed Dobkin.
Percentage of the vote obtained by Dobkin in the 2014 presidential election by oblast

On 10 March 2014 Dobkin was arrested on charges of leading a separatist movement.

Fue liberado por las autoridades ucraniana el 20 de Agosto del 2014 "en ausencia de corpus delicti" el caso criminal de Dobkin se cerro.

Joseph Kobzon - jazaro, politico y cantante en Rusia, uno de los cantantes con mas premios, miembros de la mafia jazara, promotor de las politicas pilinguinistas en Ucrania. Kobzon ha estado muy activo en la politica rusa desde 1989. Fue probablemente la pieza central en el establecimiento de las relaciones diplomaticas entre la USSR e Israel.

Ademas es el autor del himno de la region separatista de Donbass y un honorable consul de la Republica Popular De Donetsk.

The Government of Novorossiya held preliminary talks that the music for the anthem of the Union State will be writen by Joseph Kobzon said on the air of "Russian news service," the speaker of parliament of New Russia, leader of the "South-East" Oleg Tsarev. "I think this is worthy of Kobzon, and of Novorossiya, too," - he said.

Al jazaro Kobzon siempre se la da la mas cordial bienvenida en Novorossiya y se ha convertido en una de las personas mas respetadas en esa region, usualmente suele trabajar en grupo con otros jazaros y comunistas como Plotnitskiy y Zakharchenko.




Tambien se han erigido monumento al jazaro Kobzon en una ciudad de Donetsk.


Algunos factoides sobre Kobzon:

- En 1994, la Liga Mundial de Jazaro (WLJ) denomino a Kobzon como "El mejor jazaro de año"

- Debido a sus vinculos con la mafia, desde 1990 a Kobzon se le prohibe entrar a los Estados Unidos de America.

-Kobzon era muy amigo de terroristas chechenos en los años 90's y recibio el premio "People artist of Ichkeria"
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Se confirma la doble nacionalidad de Igor "Strelkov" Girkin, uno de los principales agitadores anti-Maidan. Hoy en dia es considerado un "agente de la CIA" y "enemigo de Rusia" entre los trolls pilinguitianos :)):XX:

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