The Giga Watt Project
Dave’s project is called Giga Watt. It’s the world’s first full-service mining solution provider.
The Giga Watt team provides turnkey mining services or custom packages for miners. And anyone can take part.
Think of Dave as a bitcoin mining landlord. His team handles the construction of the facility. They buy the equipment. And they even do maintenance and support.
Dave put the Giga Watt facility in Wenatchee, Washington. That means it can take advantage of the cheap hydroelectric power provided by the Columbia River.
Washington prevents state utilities from selling power above cost. And any rate changes must be approved by state regulators.
That’s one of the reasons it has the lowest electricity costs in the nation.
As Dave says, it’s Giga Watt’s special sauce.
Consider this. A mining facility with a comparable setup cost would take 11 months to get its investment back. With Giga Watt, it’s just five to six months.
The best part is that anyone can take part in Giga Watt. And you can do so with the Giga Watt token (WTT).
Adquirir token en emrpesa de minado.
No tengo ni fruta idea de como sacarle partido a esto.
Pero el esquema preliminar es el siguiente:
- - Darse de alta en Cryotonomos (hoy 01/06/2017)
- - Darse de alta en la lista de WTT( hoy 01/06/2017)
- - Trasnferir 10000$ a Cryptonomos (mañana 02/06/2017)
- - Ponerse en la cola en el momento del ICO (mañana 02/06/2017)
- - Comprar los Token y rezar ( ya se es socio-accionista de WTT) (02/06/2017)
- - Compra ujn plan de usuario de WTT, opcional ?
- - Empezar a ver como la wallet se llena,
Si alguno me echa una mano aclarandome los puntos le estaría muy agradecido. Esta información em ha llegado desde un newsletter de pago, doy por sentado que WTT no se trata de un engaña.