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Quindell PLC: LON:QPP quotes & news - Google Finance

En Abril de este año, Gotham Research dijo:

Quindell PLC: A Country Club Built On Quicksand

April 22, 2014 7:54 am / Leave a comment

Gotham City Research initiates coverage on Quindell PLC, with a price target of 3p/share (92% downside)


42%-80% of Quindell’s profits are suspect, as we are unable to reconcile the whole with the sum of the parts.
Quindell was little more than a country club until 2008/2009, yet QPP somehow began reporting Microsoft/Google-esque profit margins in 2010/2011.
26%-43% of Quindell’s 2009 and 2010 revenues came from Clickus4.com, a subsidiary owned by CEO Robert Terry.
41% of Quindell’s 2011 revenues came from an undisclosed related party (controlled by a QPP executive).
10+ acquisitions lack economic substance. Several of the acquired companies are little more than paper companies.
QPP’s largest telematics customer is itself (via subsidiaries Himex & Ingenie), accounting for 61% of 2013 revenue.
99% & 80% of Himex’s 2012 and 2013 balance sheets are seriously deficient (Himex is QPP’s largest acquisition).
Former executives allege Himex/Navseeker lied to them about its financial state and that in effect they were operating a Ponzi-style scheme.
2011-2013 accounts receivable are between 86%-231% of revenue, while deferred revenue only 1%-2% of revenue.
Nearly all of CEO Terry’s £11 mm personal investment into Quiindell was used to build Quindell the country club.
No free cash flow and negative operating cash flow.
Quindell fails to explain how its personal injury business complies with Lord Jackson’s reforms & referral fee ban.
The Chairman of the Transport Select Committee, Louise Ellman recently initiated a probe to determine whether ABSs are used to side-step the Jackson reforms.
3 auditors in 3 years, since 2011.
Quindell’s shares are worth no more than 3p/share.
QPP shares would qualify for a de-listing if the shares were trading in US markets.
When asked, Quindell refuses to answer simple questions about its business.

Así que...quien sabe! ;)
Al menos algunas cosas son ciertas...

Aquí cuando la SEC le metió mano a Advanced Refrative Tech... (ARFR)


Advanced Refractive Technologies, Inc. (“ARFR”) 1
(CIK No. 1082249) is a void
a void Delaware corporation located in San Clemente, California with a class of securities
registered with the Commission pursuant to Exchange Act Section 12(g). ARFR is delinquent in
its periodic filings with the Commission, having not filed any periodic reports since it filed a
Form 10-QSB for the period ended September 30, 2006, which reported a net loss of $5,713,620
for the prior nine months. As of April 26, 2011, the common stock of ARFR was quoted on
OTC Link, had eight market makers, and was eligible for the “piggyback” exception of
Exchange Act Rule 15c2-11(f)(3).

NOticia sobre el nombramiento de Jenaro García en ARFR... y su background...

Advanced Refractive Technologies Announces Nomination of Two Directors Pink Sheets:ARFR

Jenaro Garcia Martin is founder and CEO of IBER-X (IBER Band Exchange SA) located in Madrid, Spain. IBER-X manages $130 million dollars and offers its services in eight countries. Mr. Garcia Martin is also co-founder of Blue Emerald Investment Bank, S.A., located in Luxembourg. Blue Emerald concentrates on restructuring and investing in companies in the $10 to $50 million value level. - See more at: Advanced Refractive Technologies Announces Nomination of Two Directors Pink Sheets:ARFR

Peeeeero al mismo tiempo.... aquí tiene a VJET...

Última edición:
Me lo estoy pasando bomba con mis 7.300 edreams a 5.39 de promedio. En el mismo día estoy en verde y palmo casi un 7%...
Al menos algunas cosas son ciertas...

Aquí cuando la SEC le metió mano a Advanced Refrative Tech... (ARFR)


Advanced Refractive Technologies, Inc. (“ARFR”) 1
(CIK No. 1082249) is a void
a void Delaware corporation located in San Clemente, California with a class of securities
registered with the Commission pursuant to Exchange Act Section 12(g). ARFR is delinquent in
its periodic filings with the Commission, having not filed any periodic reports since it filed a
Form 10-QSB for the period ended September 30, 2006, which reported a net loss of $5,713,620
for the prior nine months. As of April 26, 2011, the common stock of ARFR was quoted on
OTC Link, had eight market makers, and was eligible for the “piggyback” exception of
Exchange Act Rule 15c2-11(f)(3).

Desde luego el informe esta bastante elaborado y algunas cosas si que son ciertas otras sinceramente tengo mis dudas, me cuesta creer que los ingresos de gowex sean solo de 10 mill, solo con algunas ciudades del tamaño de Madrid ya deberían de conseguir eso y mas

Ayuntamiento de Madrid y GOWEX presentan el servicio de conexión WiFi Gratis implantado en el Boulevard de Fuencarral. - ESMARTCITY

De momento precaución

¿Quién está detrás de Gotham City Research? | Mercados | Cinco Días

Siempre se puede preguntar directamente al CEO en su Twitter :pienso:
Última edición:
Pues mi EZEs me están también porculizando. Todabía las tengo en verde, pero quien me manda no vender hace dos dias...
6 kilos en edreams

una compañía con nombre de almohada

Todo depende de cuánto se esté dispuesto a perder... En el peorcísimo de los casos, no llegará al 15-20% de los beneficios con Gamesa, por ejemplo.

Si pierde los 5 bien perdidos al cierre, se irá por el aire...
Me lo estoy pasando bomba con mis 7.300 edreams a 5.39 de promedio. En el mismo día estoy en verde y palmo casi un 7%...

Pues ojito. Yo no soy de Gotham pero esa acción, viendo la deuda que tiene, se puede derrumbar hasta el infierno.

Son más de 600 millones de deuda y sin tener apenas activos reales. Y además tres ejercicios consecutivos perdiendo dinero.

Cuidadín, cuidadín, que vas muy cargado.
Es un apocalipsis chicharrro.