Estados Unidos y Reino Unido no consiguen reclutar a blanquitos heteros, que son los soldados que necesitaría en caso de guerra con Rusia o China

24 Ene 2024
US military sees sharp drop in white recruits (

The US army has seen a dramatic drop in the number of white recruits, according to a study.

Last year, according to the website, the army fell 10,000 short of its 65,000 enlistment target.

Underpinning the drop is a dramatic decrease in white recruits from 44,042 in 2018 to 25,070 in 2023, representing a six per cent reduction in just one year.

It meant that the proportion of white recruits fell from 56.4 per cent in 2018 to 44 per cent.

At the same time, the number of black and Hispanic recruits remained static.

The trend meant that the proportion of black recruits increased from 20 to 24 per cent and Hispanics from 17 to 24 per cent.

While US military numbers in Iraq are now a small fraction of 170,000 at the peak of American involvement, commitments elsewhere have risen, especially in the Pacifi

UK Armed Forces numbers drop by almost a third in 23 years, MOD data reveals

Since 2000, the UK's three military services have seen a fall of almost 32% in the number of personnel they have – a combination of cuts and recruitment challenges – the Ministry of Defence (MOD) has revealed.

Whether it be Britain potentially preparing itself to form a "citizen army" in the event of war with countries such as Russia or strict medical rules meaning even members of England's rugby team would struggle to join the Army, recruitment has been a key issue across the tri-service.

Overall figures for personnel across all services showed a 31.7% decrease in numbers from 207,000 in 2000 to 141,480 last year, a fall of 65,200.

Britain's shrinking army is 'not what it used to be' top US general warns - as ministers are urged to 'get a grip' of nation's military recruitment crisis | Daily Mail Online

No Army for White Men: Britain’s Self-Inflicted Recruiting Crisis ━ The European Conservative

This power has been pitifully weakened. What is more, it did not have to happen. The British army, tasked with the small matter of defending the realm, has shrunk by 40% since 2010. We now boast a mere 70,000 enlisted soldiers. There is even talk of conscription in the event of war.

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Únete al mayor foro de economía de España

Alguna similitud con el Imperio Romano antes de su colapso?
Sip muchos. El ejército Romano republicano y al inicio imperial, usaban a ciudadanos libres que en su mayoría eran agricultores italicos, a los que premiarán con tierras sobre todo. Las reformas, como siempre sólo mejoran para los de arriba, fueron favoreciendo a élites de grandes terratenientes, privó de tierras a todos esos agricultores que pasaron a ser gente dependiente en grandes ciudades como Roma. El ejercito se profesionalizó, pero no mejoró por ello.
Esos descendientes de agricultores ya no tenían aliciente por el que luchar salvo el oro.
Las guerras contra los enemigos de Roma causaban más bajas que antes y cada vez muchos romanos preferían no ir y malvivir del pan y circo.
El ejército pasó a ser una organización armada de extranjeros cuyos miembros no sentían ningún afecto natal a Roma.
El resultado ya lo sabemos.