El Papa Francisco dice que el CORÁN es un libro sobre la PAZ y que el ISLAM es una religión PACÍFICA


Becario del CNI
23 Abr 2014
Estoy en SHOCK. Este Papa jesuita adoctrinado por la sociedad argentina peronista no da más de sí.

Pope says Koran is a book of peace and Islam is a peaceful religion | Daily Mail Online

La escuela jesuita de mi niñez ha puesto en circulación este hashtag: #EscolesRefugi (Escuelas Refugio)

Esto es un síntoma del declive de la sociedad occidental y de la iglesia católica en general.

You know what's creepy?
Theres a very old prophesy in the Church about this Pope. Apparently, some guy from the 12th century named St. Malachy correctly predicts every single Pope since his own time. He predicted that the 112th Pope, who happens to be Pope Francis, would be the False Prophet. There are several uncannily accurate predictions about Francis. For example, Malachy claimed that his name would be Peter the Roman. Francis' moniker for his Papacy is Petrus Romanus, which in Latin means "Peter the Roman." Apparently, Francis is the last Pope until Jesus comes back.

Do I believe in all of this?
I don't know. But the prophesy about Francis are unique in that they name specific names, rather than simply guessing and providing vague ideas, such as with the prophesies of Nostradamus and others.​


And what shall I say of the most Holy Father, the pope? Is it not true that he and his bishops have become worldly lords, have fallen away from the Gospel, led by the spirit of lies, and embraced their own human doctrine, and thus have practiced murder, down to the present hour? Read the histories of the time and you find that the principal business of popes and bishops has been to set emperors, kings, princes, lands, and people against one another, even themselves to fight and help in the work of murder and bloodshed. Why so? Because the spirit of lies never acts any other way.
After he has made his disciples teachers of lies and deceivers, he has no rest until he makes them murderers, robbers, and blood-dogs. For who has ordered them to bear the sword, to make war, and to urge men on and stir them up to murder and war, when their duty was to attend to preaching and prayer?
They call me and mine seditious, but when have I ever coveted the sword or urged men to take it, and not rather taught and kept peace and obedience, except that I have instructed and exhorted the regular temporal rulers to do their duty and maintain peace and justice? By its fruits one shall know the tree. I and mine keep and teach peace; the pope, with his ***owers, makes war, murders, robs, and that not only his enemies; but he burns, condemns, and persecutes the innocent, the pious, the orthodox, as a true Antichrist. For he does this, “sitting in the temple of God,” as head of the Church; and that the Turk does not do. But as the pope is Antichrist, so the Turk is the very devil. The prayer of Christendom is against both.

All I hear from Christians is that secular society has surrendered to Islam. And while it's true that most liberals are utterly deranged by political correctness, the idea that Christianity is going to pick up the slack is bullshit.​

From the Pope to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Christian demagogues the world over have completely praised, apologized for and defended the Islamic theocracy. United by their mutual affinity for faith, they have only ever been allies against individual liberty of preservation of culture. And it's Chrisitan dismantling of secularism that allows Islam to thrive. If you allow Christian blasphemy laws then on what grounds can effectively fight against Islamic ones?

Secular, classical liberals ideals still remain the best antidote to the poison of theocracy, it's a matter of wrestling them out of the hands of masochistic, white-guilt progressives and preaching them proudly. And until the day the Vatican raises an army and really goes all DEUS VULT, I don't want to hear shit from you insincere, cultural Christian cunts.​

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How To Brainwash A Nation - YouTube
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