EL milagro económico israelí es chulearle a EEUU y Alemania


28 May 2012
así de claro.

El marketing judío nos vende como Israel se convirtió en una "start-up nation" por las políticas económicas implementadas en 1985. La realidad es que justo ese año Israel y EEUU firmaron un tratado de libre comercio que solo beneficiaba a Israel.

The United States–Israel Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is a trade pact between the State of Israel and the United States established in 1985 to lower trade barriers in some goods. The agreement reduces rates of duty, and in some case eliminates all duties, on merchandise exported from Israel to the United States.[1] The agreement also covers merchandise exported from Israel, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

y esto es lo que decía el ministerio de asuntos exteriores israelí sobre el acuerdo, no solo se eliminaban las tarifas a productos israelitas en USA, también se permitía a las empresas yankees a deslocalizarse a Israel y beneficiarse de las ventajas comerciales que les otorgaba la Unión Europea

The Free Trade Agreement was signed in April in
Washington by American and Israeli officials. It was
approved by the U.S. House of Representatives in early
May by a vote of 422-0
. On May 23 the Senate approved
the agreement as well. The agreement called for the
gradual elimination of tariffs on Israeli exports to the U.S.
Another important benefit to Israel was the permission
given to American businessmen to use Israel's preferential
ties with the European Economic Community of which
Israel was an Associate Member. American industrialists
could establish plants in Israel and export from there to the
The ***owing text was communicated by the Ministry
of Trade and Industry:

los americanos no se beneficiaban en nada, la lista de productos exentos de tarifas ya estaban exentos, y en otros productos simplemente les rebajaban las tarifas al nivel que tenían con la UE.

In terms of imports to Israel, the list of products benefitting
from the immediate exemption (on I September 1985)
include products which are essentially already exempt
today,with the addition of a very limited list of products for
which tariffs must be paid upon in import from the U.S. but
are exempted when they are imported from common market
(for example: Camera parts, silicons, and some
other products).
A series of products will have their tariffs made equal to the
rate applied today to imports from the Common Market:
applies to raw materials and products which are not
produced in Israel and also other products upon which the
tariff will be lowered at the same time as the tariff for the
common market is reduced (office equipment, computers,
measuring equipment, lifting equipment, etc.)

Regarding many other products, declared sensitive for
competitive import
(such as certain food products,
petrochemical products, medicines, paper goods, engines,
air conditioners, communications equipment, and others)
there will be no reduction in tariffs at this stage.

Y así es como los judíos de wall street empezaron a invertir el dinero de sus clientes americanos para desarrollar la industria tecnológica israelí aprovechando que los europeos y americanos les daban todo tipo de ventajas comerciales.

Luego está la ayuda al desarrollo (estuvo recibiendo hasta 2007) y militar que USA lleva pagando desde la fundación del país hebreo. La suma total y ajustada a la inflación es de 233,000 millones de dolares a lo que hay que sumarle los 38,000 millones ya firmados para la próxima década.

Since the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948, it has been “the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II,” according to the Congressional Research Service. The United States has provided Israel with $233.7 billion in adjusted for inflation aid between 1948 through the end of 2012, reports Haaretz. Current discussions center on the Obama administration’s memo of understanding with Israel that promised it $38 billion in military assistance over the next 10 years, a considerable sum but nevertheless a total that is far less than what is actually received annually from the United States Treasury and from other American sources.
The True Cost of Israel | The American Conservative

y sumadle otros 75 millones que le acaban de sacar a Trump
Netanyahu: Trump added $75 million in defense aid to Israel
Netanyahu: Trump added $75 million in defense aid to Israel - Israel National News

Luego está el gran lobby judío-americano, su entramado de ONGs y fundaciones mueve miles de millones al año, dinero que va para Israel y que se deducen de sus impuestos en américa.

donaciones en USA que sirven para financiar los nuevos asentamientos en Cisjordania
HaYovel is one of many groups in the United States using tax-exempt donations to help Jews establish permanence in the Israeli-occupied territories
Tax-Exempt Funds Aiding West Bank Settlements - The New York Times

e incluso el propio ejercito israelí. Los lacayos de hollywood, como Antonio Banderas o Sylvester Stallone, van a rendir pleitesía a sus eventos. Es un pequeño precio que hay que pagar para poder seguir trabajando en el mundo del cine

Star-studded US gala raises $31m for IDF, in one nightActors Jason Alexander, Antonio Banderas, Liev Schreiber among guests at Beverly Hills event, with a performance by The Beach Boys

También estaría saber la ayuda total que ha pagado Alemania desde 1945, les pagaron la red ferroviaria, el sistema eléctrico, el desarrollo agrícola e industrial, etc... les dieron millones en prestamos a fondo perdido, llevan dando 70 años paguitas a los "supervivientes del holocausto" (y todavía quedan medio millón) regalado submarinos, barcos y demás armamento, etc....

en ésta página cifran las reparaciones en 50,000 millones de dolares

By 1963, the German people had already paid out 20 billion marks, and by 1984 the total had risen to 70 billion. /25 In late 1987 the German parliament approved an additional 300 million marks in "restitution to the victims of National Socialist crimes." The Bonn government announced at that time the 80 billion marks had already been paid out and estimated that by the year 2020 the payoff would total 100 billion marks which, at recent exchange rates, would be the equivalent of $50 billion

y ésto es lo que decía el presidente del World Jewish Congress
The agreement meant economic security for the new Zionist state, as Goldmann explained in his autobiography:

What the Luxembourg Agreement meant to Israel is for the historians of the young state to determine. That the goods Israel received from Germany were a decisive economic factor in its development is beyond doubt. I do not know what economic dangers might have threatened Israel at critical moments if it had not been for German supplies. Railways and telephones, dock installations and irrigation plants, whole areas of industry and agriculture, would not be where they are today without the reparations from Germany. And hundreds of thousands of Jewish victims of Nazism have received considerable sums under the law of restitution. /11

Goldman said in 1976:

Without the German reparations, the State of Israel would not have the half of its present infrastructure: every train in Israel is German, the ships are German, as well as the electricity, a large part of the industry ... without mentioning the individual pensions paid to the survivors ... In certain years, the amount of money received by Israel from Germany exceeds the total amount of money collected from international Jewry-two or three times as much. /12
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