Ciencia: Descubren el tercer campo planetario en la tierra: el campo ambipolar


Fachosférico y fanguista
1 Jun 2018
Está el campo gravitatorio, el magnético y ahora el eléctrico ambipolar.

Se han tomado medidas que confirman la existencia de un campo eléctrico muy débil que es la causa del viento polar, chorros ascendentes de partículas ionizadas que permite que la ionosfera se extienda más allá de lo que debería y hace que la atmosfera sea como la conocemos.

In Shocking Discovery, NASA Finds Invisible Electric Field Around Earth​

This electric field drives the polar wind, propelling charged particles into space at supersonic speeds and shaping Earth's atmosphere.​

In a groundbreaking discovery, a long-suspected electric field around Earth has been observed to generate a kind of polar wind that propels particles into space at supersonic speeds. Scientists call this an "ambipolar electric field," which is a weak phenomenon on a global scale-one theorized for the very first time more than 60 years ago. Recent observations from NASA's Endurance rocket, published in Nature, confirm its existence and suggest it significantly influences Earth's atmosphere, most especially over the poles.

According to NASA, the ambipolar electric field is a key driver of the "polar wind," a steady outflow of charged particles into space that occurs above Earth's poles. This electric field lifts charged particles in our upper atmosphere to greater heights than they would otherwise reach and may have shaped our planet's evolution in ways yet to be explored.


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