CRÍMENES DE GUERRA. Uranianos disparan en las piernas a prisioneros rusos.

Demi Grante

Infame hereje negacionista
5 May 2018

Evidentemente esto es para sacarles información. Un prisionero que no anda es una carga doble para los ucranianos, además del gasto sanitario que ello representa. No es difícil saber qué es lo que ocurrirá con esos prisioneros después de haber obtenido la información necesaria.

Criminales de guerra cobardes y sin honor.

En Reddit en inglés la tras*cripción:

<bunch of inaudible talking as he approaches a soldier>
Cameraman: Where are (he says "Razvidosi bitch", I am not sure what this means, could be Razvedka, which would be recon unit, that wasnt with these guys when they got captured. He is asking about their location)
POW: On the left side
Cameraman: Where?
POW: As you enter the village on the left side
<he takes off the bag>
Cameraman: Left, side. Where exactly? <he lets him down> Speak up! Bitch Speak up.
<man in the background is asking "Who has relatives in Ukraine?">
Cameraman: Where are you from? Tell me.
<POW is unresponsive>
Cameraman: He lost consciousness.
<People in the background are heard asking others their full name, place of birth, address, talking about having so many POWs they have nowhere to keep them, and involving prosecution in starting cases against these guys>
Cameraman: Turn him over. <they turn him over>.
Cameraman: Legs are shot huh? <someone else replies "yeah">
Cameraman: I think he is fucked.
<Someone in the background is heard yelling "Because you were fucking up Kharkiv, you are used condoms (Gondon)"
<Man in background continues "You are a fucking officer, (implying that he knows whats right and whats wrong) and you were fucking up Kharkiv"
<Cameraman approaches another hooded POW and takes off bag>
Cameraman: Fucking bitch. Whats your nationality?
POW: Azerbaijani. I have documents.
Cameraman: Why the fuck did you come here?
POW : Those were the orders
Cameraman: Fucking orders huh?
<Someone in the background is heard saying "You were shooting back">
Cameraman: You had a recon regiment here, how many people?
POW: On 6th of March when we entered we had 50 people.
<men in the background saying something is shot up, I cant make out what they are talking about>
<Cameraman walks back and shows his leg and asks "Broken leg? yea?", someone else replies "Broken leg">
<Man in background says "Are there officers?" (someone else was talking to an officer earlier, so this must be someone that just entered, maybe a higher ranking officer asking for an update). He continues "Are there officers?">
<Someone in the background says "Come here". Then "Stop">
<Camera pans to a dude with black shirt and dark pans (this is so that you know at which part in the video we are)>
<Someone in the background asks again "Are there officers?"
<Soldier walks up to him and says "Hello" and shoots him in the leg>
<They proceed to shoot 2 more guys, looks like 3rd guy knew it was coming and kneeled>
Voice asks again "Who are officers?"
<video ends>
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Las normas de la humanidad básica son los bombardeos de fósforo, bombardear centrales nucleares y masacrar ancianas tomando el té en su porche. Sois unos me gusta la fruta, estos bandarras estaban bombardeando una ciudad y se han llevado su merecido por ser guano criminal turcoasiática con sindrome alcohólico fetal
Interesante que justifique crimenes de guerra tan cobardes como hacer daño prisioneros ( y seguramente asesinarlos, porque es dificil que sobrevivieran )

Imagino que ese tratamiento se les debe aplicar a los ucranianos nacionalistas cautivos, según su lógica.