Covidiotas: parece ser que la banderillación masiva en EU se debe a la corrupción de la Presidenta de la CE, no por vuestra salud


6 Ene 2010
No sois más covidiotas porque no podéis. Os pensáis que las Instituciones imponen banderillación para velar por vuestra Salud, más bien lo contrario, para extraer vuestros pocos recursos a costa de vuestra salud.

Resumen para vagos: La presidenta de la CE Ursula von der Leyen pacta con Pfizer contrato de euros para la compra de millones de dosis Pfizer para covidiotas. A cambio meten a su marido como directivo con salario de al menos 1 millón de euros años en empresa copropietaria Pfizer y a poca distancia de ella. La astuta se dedica a borrar sus SMS con Alberto Bourla no vaya a ser que la pillen. Se calcula que en comisiones la familiar der Leyen se ha llevado cientos de millones de euros. El contrato de la EU con Pfizer incluye bonus "performance comissions" de alrededor del 10-15% para los alcaldes. (cuantos más covidiotas se vacunen en tu ciudad, más comisión para el alcalde). Estafa perfecta piramidal.

The text you are about to read is the investigative reporting done by Adrian Onciu, a Romanian Journalist. It was originally posted on Facebook, but I think it is safe to say that it is not safe for that content to be there, so I hereby copy & paste his work, in a hope more people will read about it.


Independent journalistic investigation (in 3 episodes)

Part 1. Investigation. Episode 1

EXCLUSIVE! How did Ursula von der Leyen’s spouse manage to become the principal actor in the 36 billion dollar Pfizer business

by Adrian Onciu, Romania

Even if the European Public Prossecutor’s Office (EPPO) does not take any action, from reasons easy to anticipate, we continue to present striking information related to the Pfizer-Ursula file. Official information, verified. No bed time stories.

The present investigation results are explosive. They show without any equivoque the filthy combination between top EU politicians and Big Pharma mafia, in the middle of el bichito-19 pandemic. They have mocked the lives, health and freedoms of hundreds of million of people terrorised by a false propaganda system. They have pushed our limits with billions of vaccines (far more than we have needed), just because of their hunger for profit.

The great pot is about 36 billion dollars. It tras*lates into 1.8 billion Pfizer vaccine doses, negotiated by the chief European Union with the manager of the medicine company, Albert Bourla in a total non-tras*parent way, as mentioned in my previous articles. There are still to be found on Mediafax website, if there are no “technical issues”.

I’ll tell you the story in short, in the first part, with less numbers, but sufficient references and names of protagonists, as it results from direct and indirect evidence, put all together. It remains the Chief Prosecutor Kovesi’s option to take this investigation to a next level. To verify bank accounts, the money flow between companies, to request FBI support in New York and Brussels and to convict the guilty ones, the same manner she did with the so many top politicians in Romania. She just need the willingness to do so. Pfizer is not susceptible of its first time infraction. It is mentioned in plenty of files, some even of criminal nature, with no one declared of any guilt, for the moment. American prosecutors have placed it under direct observation and yet they have not completed the case and not convicted any executive directors involved. The key in the 36 billion dollar business is Ursula von der Leyen’s husband. Until the el bichito-19 pandemic outbreak and long after its debut, nobody has ever heard of doctor Heiko von der Leyen, spouse of the First Lady from Brussels. In other words, the spouse of the European government’s chief. The Leyens have been living since 2007 in the vicinity of Hanover (Germany), on the property Heiko had inherited from his parents. They have seven children and a nephew.

And now, let us recall our memory. The pandemic debuted in Romania in March 2020.

Few months later, in december 2020, a relatively not known medic from Germany reaches directly into the managing board of a very powerful big pharmaceutical company in the United States. No, it is not Pfizer. It would have been too simple and too eye striking. Doctor Heiko was tras*ferred across the ocean “ for duty purposes” exactly to a company with a proven record in the mARN technology. It is about Orgenesis Inc. By then, experts of Orgenesis were preoccupied with the anti cancer treatments and experiments. But all of a sudden there was an opportunity rising: The Pandemic! So, the clever boys from Pfizer have sneezed immediately the mega-business at the horizon. Thy were experimented in doing so, were they not?

The link between the two American companies, Pfizer and Orgenesis, is more than obvious. There are mutual investment funds to be found in their ownership listed at the New York stock exchange. I will elaborate more on this later. We do not know yet if the ownership changed with the abrupt arrival from Germany of Heiko von der Leyen (for negotiations?) or it has always been like this. We’ll find out.

It is a fact though that Ursula’s husband landed into the Orgenesis managing board like a square peg in a round hole. Almost nothing in his biography recommended him for the top position of “medical director”. In other words, one of the executives paid with a minimum of 1 million dollars a year. The coincidence was striking. Why did Heiko enter the Orgenesis board of directors exactly in December 2020 remains an open question which reveals the mystery of the whole business. It is worth to be noted that the first vaccine in Romania was taken in the same month. A medical nurse took it.

Everything has ***owed a fast forward path afterwards. In the spring of 2021, immediately after Heiko’s arrival at Orgenesis, intense negotiations at the political level were in place. His wife, exchanged text messages and calls both with the Pfizer CEO and her husband, located in the close proximity of Pfizer (practically, couple of blocks away). I stated in my previous Mediafax articles that Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen’s text messages and calls have all of a sudden disappeared from her phone, to the Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly’s astonishment (a kind of a People’s Advocate, yet, at the European level). Yet, it was not the first time when Ursula von der Leyen has erased all traces from her phone, in a manner which overcomes Harry Potter’s skills.

On May 8th, 2021 the big news arrived. The Europeans were relieved. Ursula von der Leyen closed the deal with Pfizer for 1.8 billion vaccine doses, more or less. There was no amount mention per dose because such a tras*parency was not needed, of course, especially when a dollar plus or minus means in total 1.8 billion dollars, plus or minus. And this is money from our pockets, the Romanians, Bulgarians and Hungarians. Vaccinated or not, it did not matter at all. In the absence of any official statistics and numbers, the business is estimated to value approximately 36 billion dollars, which makes around 20 dollars a dose. As there was a “maximum” tras*parency in place, indirect evidence ***ows. This is only based on facts, numbers and official communication that I succeeded to collect as of now, in the absence of any initiative of the “anticorruption heroine”, chief prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi

With a 38 billion dollar value, such contracts bear “performance commissions”. For the Romanian mayors, since the amount values are very low, we refer to 10-15 percentage commissions. Brussels uses small commission amounts but derived from very big values. Even the profit is a gigantic one. I personally had some difficulties in calculating 2% out of 38 billion. It makes a 760 million dollars “performance commission”, to be exact.

Now, should you ask Sorin Ovidiu Vantu, the founder of the National Investment Fund, he’d tell you that the respective amount (or even a doubled one, since there is always room form more) was tras*ferred quickly, nicely and elegantly from the Pfizer profit to the Orgenesis, as “performance bonuses” for the lady’s husband, the recently landed medical director for negotiations. This though, could only happen if prosecutor Kovesi could verify some bank accounts in conjunction with FBI, American and European prosecutors. And of course, if former NAD (National Anticorruption Directorate) chief, has little left of his aura of an incorruptible person that propelled her to Brussels, into Ursula von der Leyen’s entourage. I offer myself to provide her the whole file with official information collected from trustworthy sources and the connections, just in case she does not have enough employees. All for free, with only the DHL service fee reimbursement. Verified data, no fake pandemic news, promoted by God knows what obscure websites.

Just because the lecture of such a file can be confusing for the readers, I have decided to present it as a serial story. Here, one has the big picture, the storyline. I will be back with details: names, firms, significant business shareholders, biographies, direct and indirect connections. Mrs. Kovesi knows where to find me, in the provincial city of Iasi, somewhere in the north-east of Romania. Very close to the Russians, as the hash tag guys would say. I can only hope she’ll take a little break from chasing the Bulgarian car trafficking dealers and concentrate on more serious matter, such as genuine European corruption. You will witness a scandalous web in the upcoming days, because the politicians, hand in hand with Big Pharmaceutical industry, have taken advantage by this pandemic to get wealthier on the back and pockets of us all, Europeans. On our health and lives, I will be back soon.
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Nada nuevo bajo el sol, los gobiernos legislando por el bien de sus representados los ciudadanos, como siempre, en contra de los intereses de las grandes corporaciones.