Como las empresas y organismos, nos manipula con hinternec (Comunity Management)


Será en Octubre
3 Dic 2007
Esta oferta es de Vodafone. Y no, tranquilos, no andaba buscando ofertas, es que lo he visto en el facebook de un conocido.

Lo rescato, para que estemos al loro, de lo que todos sabemos ya, de como hay gente que se dedica por la hinternec, a inventase hilos, generar memes, no dejarlos morir nunca, crearse perfiles.... y como especificamente se les recluta para ello, siendo ya hasta una nueva profesion chipiriflautica :D

9262 Community Manager Specialist Madrid

Referencia: 9262

Fecha fin: 11/10/2010

# University degree, 3-4 years experience in Online / Web Customer Care and Community Management.
# Profound knowledge of web technologies and excellent grasp of internet trends.
# Specific knowledge: Demonstrated creativity and documented immersion in social media. Technology/Telecommunications themes preferred.
# Fluent or bilingual in English.
# Project management.
# Skills:
# Ability to balance & manage multiple projects simultaneously.
# Customer centric behaviour.
# Strong people leadership skills and ability to work within multi-********al teams.


# Ensure reduction in the number of contacts to Vodafone call centres (calls & mails) developing a “best in class” Online Customer Care Channel that facilitates, to Corporate and Consumer clients, the self management of their services through the private area of the Vodafone website, via social media community management.
# Take primary responsibility for Customer Care’s outreach strategy to create, build & maintain brand:
# Dive in and create profiles and making posts
# Foster a sense of community that encourages customers to purchase as well as feel comfortable in requesting support.
# Monitor key online conversations and events to make sure the unit is participating effectively & is being represented.
# Develop strategies to:
# Engage and motivate Company’s most active online advocates & ensure that their efforts are recognized.
# Coordinate the efforts of evangelists, forum moderators, & advocates so that affected Company projects are executed efficiently & in a timely manner.
# Encourage WOM: start the conversation & sustain it.
# Break down the goal into tasks, deadlines & manage the projects to meet the goal.
# Ensure that projects are completed & those involved are compensated & recognized.
# Ensure that it becomes a viable tool for communicating to Company’s customers.
# Encourage, recruit and provide Company & outside “experts”.
# Identify & offer solutions for breaking down barriers between customers & corporate. This includes identifying needs that aren’t being met from the customer’s perspective & being involved in the discussion as to whether the needs are valid, can be met and if they will benefit the organization as a whole.

Disponibilidad para viajar: No

Disponibilidad cambio de residencia: No

Carnet de conducir: No

Provincia: Madrid

= "boca a boca"

Vamos, crear memes e hilos, lanzarlos en los foros/blogs/redes y no dejarlos que decaigan ni mueeeeertaa :XX:
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Solo los usuarios registrados pueden ver el contenido de este tema, mientras tanto puedes ver el primer y el último mensaje de cada página.

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Da igual. En la red lo que cuenta es la reputación, y en el momento que alguien se huela algo, se le catalogará como tal y se le ignorará. En este foro pasa diariamente.

Una cosa es que las empresas crean que consiguen algo con esto y otra distinta que lo consigan.
Los únicos "Community Manager" que funcionan son los que lo hacen por que les gusta. Lo demás canta a trece kilómetros.
Por ejemplo, los usuarios monotema que además tienen misteriosamente tiempo para postear las 24 horas a pesar de ser jrandes heconomishtas o hempresaurios y llegan a acumular miles de post en un solo año. Algunos hasta pican y todo y les llaman gurús. A los menos habilidosos se les llama trolles, pero a todos se les distingue bastante bien.
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