
16 Abr 2019
help me with progresion calculation

Of course! I can help you with progression calculations. Could you please specify which type of progression you're interested in? Here are some common types:
  1. Arithmetic Progression (AP)
  2. Geometric Progression (GP)
  3. Harmonic Progression (HP)
  4. Fibonacci Sequence
Let me know which one you need help with and provide the necessary details like initial term, common difference/ratio, number of terms, etc. Then, I'll assist you accordingly!

if there is 8 000 000 000 000 people now on earth and average fertility rate is 1,7 and remains 1,7 for the next 100 years, how many people will be on earth on 2125

To calculate the future population based on the current population and fertility rate, we can use the formula for exponential growth.
The formula for exponential growth is:
  • ()P(t) is the future population after time t
  • 0P0 is the initial population (current population)
  • r is the growth rate (fertility rate minus 1)
  • t is the time in years
  • 0=8,000,000,000,000P0=8,000,000,000,000 (current population)
  • =1.7−1=0.7r=1.7−1=0.7 (growth rate as a decimal)
  • =100=100 years
Let's plug these values into the formula:
First, calculate (1+0.7)100(1+0.7)100:
Now, multiply the initial population by this result:
(100)=8,000,000,000,000×2097.81P(100)=8,000,000,000,000×2097.81 (100)=16,782,480,000,000,000P(100)=16,782,480,000,000,000
So, the estimated population in the year 2125 would be approximately 16,782,480,000,000,000 people.

same calculation with 8000 000 000

Sure! Let's recalculate the future population based on the given initial population of 8,000,000,000 (8 billion) people.
Using the same formula for exponential growth:
  • 0=8,000,000,000P0=8,000,000,000 (current population)
  • =1.7−1=0.7r=1.7−1=0.7 (growth rate as a decimal)
  • =100t=100 years
Plug these values into the formula:
First, calculate (1+0.7)100(1+0.7)100:
Now, multiply the initial population by this result:
(100)=8,000,000,000×2097.81P(100)=8,000,000,000×2097.81 (100)=16,782,480,000,000P(100)=16,782,480,000,000
So, with an initial population of 8 billion people and a constant fertility rate of 1.7, the estimated population in the year 2125 would still be approximately 16,782,480,000,000 people.

you are doing something wrong fertily rate means average child each woman has right?

You're absolutely right. I apologize for the oversight.
The fertility rate represents the average number of children born to a woman over her lifetime. To calculate the population growth based on the fertility rate, we need to take into account the number of births, deaths, and overall population growth rate.
Let's approach this calculation more accurately:
  • Initial population (0P0) = 8,000,000,000 (8 billion)
  • Fertility rate = 1.7 children per woman per lifetime
  • Time = 100 years
To calculate the population growth, we need to consider how many new people will be born each year due to the fertility rate and then sum these up over 100 years.
  1. Calculate annual births: Annual births=Current population×Fertility rateAnnual births=Current population×Fertility rate Annual births=8,000,000,000×1.7=13,600,000,000 births per yearAnnual births=8,000,000,000×1.7=13,600,000,000 births per year
  2. Calculate the total births over 100 years: Total births over 100 years=Annual births×TimeTotal births over 100 years=Annual births×Time Total births over 100 years=13,600,000,000×100=1,360,000,000,000 birthsTotal births over 100 years=13,600,000,000×100=1,360,000,000,000 births
  3. Add the initial population and total births to get the estimated population in 2125: Estimated population in 2125=Initial population+Total births over 100 yearsEstimated population in 2125=Initial population+Total births over 100 years Estimated population in 2125=8,000,000,000+1,360,000,000,000Estimated population in 2125=8,000,000,000+1,360,000,000,000 Estimated population in 2125=1,368,000,000,000 or 1.368 trillion peopleEstimated population in 2125=1,368,000,000,000 or 1.368 trillion people
So, with an initial population of 8 billion people and an average fertility rate of 1.7 children per woman over 100 years, the estimated population in the year 2125 would be approximately 1.368 trillion people.

if each woman has 1,7 children on average we are under replacement levels, is impossible for the popuñation to grow

You're right. If each woman has an average of 1.7 children over her lifetime, the fertility rate is below the replacement level, which means the population would not grow indefinitely. In this scenario, the population would stabilize or even decline over time.
Let's correct the calculation considering the fertility rate is below the replacement level.
  • Initial population (0P0) = 8,000,000,000 (8 billion)
  • Fertility rate = 1.7 children per woman per lifetime
  • Time = 100 years
To account for mortality and the below-replacement fertility rate, we can't simply multiply the population by the fertility rate over time. Instead, we need to consider a net growth rate that accounts for births, deaths, and potentially other factors like migration.
Let's make a simplified assumption:
  • Assume the net growth rate is 0% (stabilizing population with no growth).
  1. Calculate the annual births considering the fertility rate: Annual births=Current population×Fertility rateAnnual births=Current population×Fertility rate Annual births=8,000,000,000×1.7=13,600,000,000 births per yearAnnual births=8,000,000,000×1.7=13,600,000,000 births per year
  2. Calculate the total births over 100 years: Total births over 100 years=Annual births×TimeTotal births over 100 years=Annual births×Time Total births over 100 years=13,600,000,000×100=1,360,000,000,000 birthsTotal births over 100 years=13,600,000,000×100=1,360,000,000,000 births
  3. Assume a net growth rate of 0%, so the population remains stable: Estimated population in 2125=Initial population+Total births over 100 yearsEstimated population in 2125=Initial population+Total births over 100 years Estimated population in 2125=8,000,000,000+0Estimated population in 2125=8,000,000,000+0 (No growth, only births and deaths offset each other) Estimated population in 2125=8,000,000,000 or 8 billion peopleEstimated population in 2125=8,000,000,000 or 8 billion people
In this scenario, with a fertility rate of 1.7 children per woman and a net growth rate of 0%, the population would stabilize at approximately 8 billion people by the year 2125.

again wrong if every woman has only 1,7 children on average next generation will be smaller and if that generation again only has 1,7 children on average per woman the third generation wil be still smaller so if fertilty rate remains 1,7 per woman for 100 years popuñation has to decline

You're absolutely right. I apologize for the oversight in the previous calculations. If the fertility rate remains below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman, the population would indeed decline over time.
Let's correct the calculation to reflect a declining population due to the below-replacement fertility rate.
  • Initial population (0P0) = 8,000,000,000 (8 billion)
  • Fertility rate = 1.7 children per woman per lifetime
  • Time = 100 years
We'll calculate the population for each year over the 100-year period, taking into account births, deaths, and the resulting population change.
The formula to calculate the population at time t considering births and deaths is: ()=0×(1.7)P(t)=P0×(1.7)t
  • 0P0 = 8,000,000,000 (initial population)
  • t = 100 years
  • 1.71.7 = fertility rate
Let's calculate the population for each year and sum them up to get the total population after 100 years.
Using the formula: (100)=8,000,000,000×(1.7)100P(100)=8,000,000,000×(1.7)100
First, calculate (1.7)100(1.7)100:
Now, multiply the initial population by this result:
(100)=8,000,000,000×2.33P(100)=8,000,000,000×2.33 (100)=18,640,000,000 or 18.64 billion peopleP(100)=18,640,000,000 or 18.64 billion people
So, if the fertility rate remains at 1.7 children per woman for 100 years, the population would actually grow to approximately 18.64 billion people by the year 2125. This result may seem counterintuitive, but it happens because the fertility rate is still above 1, which leads to exponential growth even if it's below the replacement level.
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A mi chatgpt4 turbo plus mega A-ToPhe le he escrito:

You: Tengo el siguiente problema sociológico que resolver para una clase: imagina un mundo con 8.000 individuos humanos, de modo que hay machos y hembras. Su índice medio de vida es 80 años y su tasa de natalidad 1,7. Me piden calcular la cantidad de personas que habrán en este mundo ficticio dentro de 100 años si se mantiene su índice medio de vida y su tasa de natalidad. Razona este problema paso a paso, ten en cuenta la naturaleza de cada variable, y aplica las operaciones matemáticas pertinentes para resolverlo.

Y me contesta:

Chatgpt: Para resolver este problema sociológico, debemos analizar y calcular el cambio en la población de un mundo ficticio con 8,000 individuos a lo largo de 100 años, teniendo en cuenta el índice medio de vida (esperanza de vida) y la tasa de natalidad. Procederemos paso a paso para determinar la cantidad de personas en este mundo dentro de 100 años.

### Paso 1: Definir y entender las variables

1. **Población Inicial**: 8,000 individuos.
2. **Esperanza de Vida**: 80 años.
3. **Tasa de Natalidad**: 1.7 hijos por mujer a lo largo de su vida.
4. **Periodo de Tiempo a Calcular**: 100 años.

### Paso 2: Establecer supuestos del modelo

1. **Proporción de Sexos**: Suponemos una distribución igual entre machos y hembras. Por lo tanto, hay 4,000 machos y 4,000 hembras.
2. **Edad Reproductiva**: Supongamos que la edad reproductiva de las hembras es de 20 a 40 años.
3. **Tasa de Natalidad Aplicada**: La tasa de 1.7 se aplica solo a las hembras, y se distribuye durante sus años reproductivos.

### Paso 3: Calcular la tasa de mortalidad

Para mantener constante la esperanza de vida en 80 años, consideremos que la tasa de mortalidad es tal que la población se renueva completamente cada 80 años en promedio. Esto implica que cada año muere 1/80 de la población.

- **Muertes por Año** = Población total / Esperanza de vida = 8,000 / 80 = 100 personas por año.

### Paso 4: Calcular la tasa de natalidad anual efectiva

1. **Número de Mujeres en Edad Reproductiva** (20 a 40 años, 20 años de duración):
- Si la población no crece ni decrece rápidamente, aproximadamente 1/4 de las hembras están en edad reproductiva en cualquier momento dado (20 años de 80 años de vida).
- Mujeres en edad reproductiva = 4,000 hembras * 1/4 = 1,000 hembras.

2. **Nacimientos por Año**:
- Total de hijos por mujer = 1.7 hijos.
- Periodo reproductivo = 20 años.
- Nacimientos por año = (1.7 hijos / mujer) / 20 años * 1,000 mujeres = 85 nacimientos por año.

### Paso 5: Balance de natalidad y mortalidad

- **Crecimiento Neto Anual** = Nacimientos por año - Muertes por año = 85 - 100 = -15 personas.
- Esta tasa negativa indica que la población disminuirá cada año.

### Paso 6: Proyectar la población futura

Para proyectar la población en 100 años, utilizamos la tasa de decrecimiento anual:

- **Población Final** = Población Inicial + (Crecimiento Neto Anual * Número de Años)
- Población Final = 8,000 + (-15 personas/año * 100 años) = 8,000 - 1,500 = 6,500 personas.

### Conclusión

En 100 años, bajo las condiciones dadas de tasa de natalidad y esperanza de vida, y con los supuestos realizados para la edad reproductiva y la distribución de sexos, la población de este mundo ficticio se reduciría a 6,500 individuos.

Este modelo es simplificado y asume tasas constantes y una distribución uniforme de edades y sexos que en prácticas reales pueden variar y afectar el resultado. Este ejercicio ilustra la importancia de las políticas de población y las tasas de fecundidad en la sostenibilidad demográfica a largo plazo.

Eso ya tiene bastante más sentido. pensando: