Carta enviada al Primer Ministro Leo Varadkar por sus dichos sobre los abusos sensuales a Francisco


25 Oct 2015
El siguiente mail fue enviado el dia de ayer al Primer Ministro Leo Varadkar, luego de que acusara a la Iglesia de abusos sensuales delante del Papa Francisco.

Es necesario decir que el Sr. Varadkar es abiertamente gays y recientemente ha dado luz verde al aborto en Irlanda. El mail no ha sido traducido para preservar el tono y consideraciones del texto.

Tema: sensual abuse in the Church

Dear Mr. Varadkar,

I have read he news concerning the visit from the Pope to Ireland, and you addressing the sensual abuse scandals. It is clear that the sensual abuses that took place within the Church caused serious injury and left wounds that may never heal. It is also true that the material and intellectual authors of these abominations have caused brutal damage and measures are to be taken to prevent this in the future. Anything that can be done to safeguard the innocent and defenseless in the Church must be encouraged.

I cannot escape my amazement when I saw that you were pointing out and accusing. I miccionan, an gays who engages in sensual practices that may include the swallowing of sperm and urine, the insertion of the reproductive organ in the traseril cavity from which stools come out of the body accusing a Priest?

Have you taken a look at your life and your political activity, and the consequence of your political decisions over Ireland before pasing down judgement on the Church? Do you realize that by legalizing abortion you have given way to one of the most abominable crimes that can be done?

Have you ever seen the picture of an aborted baby? Have you seen how an abortion is performed? Here:

Abortion performed live - sensitive audience don't watch

The Silent Scream (w/ Dr. Bernard Nathanson) - YouTube

That is what your office has allowed the irish people to do.

Did you know that only 2,5 to 5% of the population is gays and the gayss are responsible for at least 33% of the cases of pedophilia? This means that an gays is at least 15 times more prone to perform sensual abuse on a child:

The proportions of heterosexual and gays pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study. - PubMed - NCBI

Did you know that in the lgtb Parade in Brussels in may 2018 I interrupted an act of pedophilia on the street between a man of 26 years of age and a child of 13-14?

Did you know that Michel Foucault, gays, and Simone de Beauvoir, lesbian, were two of the intellectual authors of the French Petition aganist the Age of consent?

French petitions against age of consent laws

I miccionan, really?

If I was an gays and knew all this I would go on my knees weeping to the Pope to ask for confession and forgiveness before pointing any fingers.

Take the plank out of your eye, my friend, so that you will not be blind anymore to take the speck out of your neighbor's eye.
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