Brutaaaal!! FILTRACIÓN AUDIOS administración OBAMA

Sky King

Ex Cathedra
30 Ene 2020
Ya han salido los audios de los que hablé en mi anterior hilo. A la espera de examinarlos. Conversaciones entre un oeprativo de la CIA y el abogado de Biden, donde se da cuenta de la estancia de Bin Laden en Irán. Es decir, la fin de Bin Laden fue una fruta estafa de principio a fin, porque los audios demuestran que se encontraba como pseudorehén de Irán. Es decir, ¿Obama llegó a un acuerdo secreto con Irán para que le entregarán a Bin Laden o se callaran y por eso les envió ese misterioso avión cargado de dinero en efectivo?

El famoso avión que se mandó a Irán cargado con 400 millones en efectivo:

US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran


Examinaré los audios y ampliaré el post.


Lo jugoso de la 1era parte del audio:

Le dice el agente Parrot (el filtrador) al abogado de Biden en 2011:

“He (Governor Richardson) was all excited and he said "I can become", you know his Staff advisor (Mrs. lgtb Dillingham) was saying "you can become the next President" if you get, if you help Alan bring bin Laden back. Um, you know we discussed that we were going to give him a share of the Rewards for Justice money which is $50 million dollars, uh he was all excited but then he said, he said um, twice, he said “I cannot ask permission from Leon Panetta to work with you to get bin Laden out of Iran, but I can ask my good friend Leon Panetta if he has any objections”. And so he spoke to Leon Panetta on two occasions, we got it back in writing and verbally, that Leon Panetta told him, "focus on North Korea only", and in the second conversation he said "do not pursue bin Laden in Iran."

Lo jugoso de la segunda parte:

Dice Parrot (el agente de la CIA que ha filtrado los audios):

“recently between November 2004 and up until recently my team members have met Usama bin Laden six times inside Iran. We have repeatedly notified the US government and only received, uh first we were ignored, then we were obstructed, and then we were threatened.”

"04:25: PARROT: “Here’s the problem Sir: Ahh, we have identified with documentation, three mechanisms used by the Bush administration to covertly engineer Bin Laden’s house arrest inside Iran, we have identified two mechanisms used by this administration ahh, to continue the legacy, and Hillary Clinton’s fingerprints are all over this, and Leon Panetta’s fingerprints are all over this. We will have tremendous opposition.”

05:00: ETTINGER: “Well yeah, 'cause he’s being, I told Curt today, I said he, he’s being pro’ ah uh, he is being protected by us. We don’t really want to get him . . . we want him under the radar screen because he basically made a deal that he’s not gonna ah . . . hit us here in the U.S"

Hilo antiguo:

Última edición:
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