Blackstone, Cerberus , Bain , Lone Star, preparándose para vender sus carteras de propiedades en España antes de otoño,


15 Feb 2010
No está demás que volvamos a los orígenes del floro.

La fuente es un diario gratuito guiri del levante español y cita a personas que estarían trabajando en este asunto, hay que cogersela con pinzas.

Se trata de grandes carteras de viviendas, por lo que hasta que lleguen al mercado tradicional puede pasar un tiempo y no tan fuertemente rebajadas.

REAL ESTATE funds have been working on accelerating the sale of their portfolios, for as soon as the market reopens, they will be forced to apply price adjustments ranging from 15 per cent to 50 per cent.
Undoubtedly the cobi19 crisis will cause a paradigm shift in the Spanish real estate market. The large international funds , which in the previous crisis funded massive purchases of portfolios from the banks, reversed the sales policy that they had until now and, due to the economic crisis that the cobi19 has brought. Now these funds find drastically adjusting prices and speeding up divestments a much safer bet in these times of uncertainty.

According to various sources involved, these funds are already working to launch several real estate portfolios onto the market, a decision they want to enact as soon as the state of alarm ends and execute, hopefully in the summer, with the idea of being able to close the agreements before autumn

In order to achieve this level of speed, they are willing to drastically adjust prices, which will entail puncturing the bubble that they themselves had created and that throughout 2019 made it difficult to close operations, since aspirations of sellers were well above the offers of buyers.

An example of this imbalance was carried out by market leader, Blackstone, who, both in offices and in homes, renounced their intentions to sell large lots. To achieve this high price expectation, they chose to withdraw them from the market and chop. Now, both the American giant and the rest of the players in the market – Cerberus , Bain , Lone Star … – are aware that the tables have turned and it is time to activate the sales button.

“The markets are closed until July but advisers are cleaning and preparing ‘data tapes’ to launch portfolios as soon as it opens, both NPL [loans] and REO [assets]”, acknowledges a large investment fund which asks for safeguard anonymity. On the other hand, these companies will find opportunistic funds that have once again flown over for the Spanish market, attracted by the call of an economic crisis.

Spain’s Real Estate Market Estimates That This Summer Will See Massive Price Slashes as Housing Bubble is on The Brink of Bursting - Euro Weekly News Spain Spain News Article
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Los que están encima de la pirámide ponzi ladrillera, se largan por patas, y con la pasta.

Cojan palomitas.

Dudo mucho que se lleven mucha pasta. No va a haber crédito solvente, y sin crédito solvente no van a poderlas colocar en el mercado.

Y peor aún si se les meten Okupas, lo cual deseo con todas mis fuerzas. Imagina intentar vender una casa con un okupa dentro, y ojalá que les suban el IBI.