
28 Ene 2016
Merkel señala el terrorismo como la mayor amenaza en su mensaje del Año Nuevo

"La prueba más dura es, sin duda, el terrorismo islamista que lleva años inquietando a Alemania", dice el mensaje


BERLÍN (Sputnik) — La canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, señalará el terrorismo islamista como la amenaza número uno en su mensaje del Año Nuevo, según el texto difundido por su servicio de prensa. En 2016, las manifestaciones del terrorismo "afectaron al centro de nuestro país, a Wurzburgo, a Ansbach, y hace unos días, a un mercado navideño en Berlín", señala Merkel al referirse al reciente atentado en la capital alemana que se saldó con 12 muertos. Según la jefa del Gobierno alemán, el Estado hace cuanto es posible para garantizar la seguridad y la libertad de los ciudadanos: "Es un trabajo que no terminará nunca, y precisamente el año que viene los servicios de seguridad recibirán más apoyo", asegura. Otro tema será el futuro de la Unión Europea y de la democracia parlamentaria.

Sin embargo, pese a que hay quienes opinan que el futuro europeo común apenas existe, "nosotros, los alemanes, no debemos vacilar o creer que un futuro feliz sea posible en el contexto de una existencia nacional solitaria", enfatiza la canciller. En su opinión, pese a las dificultades a la hora de buscar una solución europea común, sí se debe buscarla sin aspirar a regresar al formato de las naciones individuales. Merkel mencionará, además, las próximas elecciones al Bundestag, previstas para la segunda mitad del 2017, así como los asuntos relativos a la economía, el mercado laboral, la digitalización y la democracia.

Terrorism is ‘greatest threat’ to Germany says Angela Merkel, months after
letting more than a million Middle Eastern migrants into her country

More than a million asylum-seekers entered the country in 2015

A further 300,000 were projected to have arrived in Germany over the past year

An asylum seeker carried out the deadly lorry attack on Berlin Christmas market

Two attackers in Bavaria this summer also came to Germany as asylum seekers

Mrs Merkel is seeking a fourth term as chancellor in an election next year

She is facing a stiff challenge from Germany's surging far-right party

31 December 2016

Angela Merkel has told German citizens that the biggest challenge the country is facing is from Islamist terrorism. In her New Year message she tells Germans that their country is stronger than terrorism and the government will do everything to ensure 'security in freedom'. In her annual televised message, which is being broadcast today, chancellor Mrs Merkel says 2016 has been 'a year of severe tests', the toughest of them Islamic extremist terror. But she adds, however, that she is 'confident for Germany'. Twelve people were killed in a lorry attack on a Christmas market in Berlin on December 19. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for that rampage, as it did for two attacks in Bavaria in the summer in which the assailants, who, like the chief suspect in Berlin, came to Germany as asylum-seekers.

In the Bavaria attacks the two assailants were killed, while 20 people were injured. 'It is particularly bitter and sickening when terror attacks are committed by people who claim to seek protection in our country,' Mrs Merkel, who has faced criticism for allowing large numbers of migrants into Germany in 2015, says in her address. But 'in going about our life and our work, we are telling the terrorists: you are murderers full of hatred but you will not determine how we live and want to live'. 'We are free, considerate and open,' she adds.

More than a million asylum-seekers entered the country in 2015, while a further 300,000 were projected to have arrived over the past year. In her New Year message Mrs Merkel says that in the face of pictures of the devastated Syrian city of Aleppo, 'how important and right it was for our country to help those who really need our protection find their feet here and integrate'. Her country's democracy and values are the opposite of 'the hate-filled world of terrorism, and they will be stronger than terrorism', she adds. 'We are stronger together. Our state is stronger. Our state is doing everything to guarantee its citizens security in freedom,' she continues. Mrs Merkel also took the opportunity to pledge that in 2017 the government will take action quickly 'where political or legal changes are necessary'.

Mrs Merkel is seeking a fourth term as chancellor in an election expected in September, and has already said that she expects her toughest campaign yet. She is facing a stiff challenge from Germany's surging far-right party, which is rapidly gaining ground, in the face of Mrs Merkel's unpopular open door immigration policy. In her address she calls for 'an open view of the world and self-confidence, in ourselves and our country' and attacks 'distorted pictures' of the European Union and parliamentary democracy. She acknowledges that Europe is slow and difficult and says it should concentrate on 'what it really can do better than the national state'. 'But, no, we Germans should never be deceived into thinking that a happy future could ever lie in going it alone nationally,' Mrs Merkel adds.

Angela Merkel says 'Islamist terror' is Germany's greatest threat | Daily Mail Online
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(((Rebbekah Kasner Jentsch))), la mayor amenaza para Alemania eres tu y tus amos que buscáis el genocidio del pueblo alemán promoviendo la oleada turística de marrónidos