"Amnestía para todos los pagapensiones" (Tory MP, UK)


9 Ene 2011
Igualito que en EEUU donde se vota por intereses de razas (incluido las reformas para importar 'más de los suyos'), ahora en Reino Unido ¿Quién es el siguiente? A decir por los brutales comentarios :tragatochos: el globo sonda no ha tenido mucho éxito, pero nada que no se pueda ignorar en estas maravillosas ****o "democracias" capitalistas occidentales como viene siendo habitual.

'Give illegal immigrants an amnesty' MP calls for migrants to stay to boost ethnic vote | UK | News | Daily Express

"Se debería pemitir permanecer en Reino Unido a todos los pagapensiones ilegales para ayudar a aumentar la popularidad del Partido Conservador entre los votantes 'étnicos', según dice un Parlamentario Tory."

Muñequito-útil Iraquí <strike>integrado</strike> infiltrado de segunda generación y lealtad aloctona pensando en el bien de sus iguales.

Nadhim Zahawi made the controversial comment after the Tories attracted just 16 per cent of black and Asian voters at the last election - 50 per cent less than Labour.

He welcomed steps taken by the Tories to broaden their appeal but warned a "seismic shift" in attitudes was needed. Mr Zahawi, who was born in Iraq to Kurdish parents who fled Saddam Hussein's regime, said: "We shouldn't be afraid to think outside our comfort zone.

"Unless we act now this electoral penalty will only get worse." Mr Zahawi, who is MP for Stratfordupon-Avon, said an influx of immigrants would help boost Britain's economy :XX:. But despite winning backing from London mayor Boris Johnson he faces strong opposition from his own party.

Los comentarios no tienen desperdicio.

Realist100012:32pm on Sunday, 30th June 2013Report This Comment
Idiot. Illegal is criminal we don't need more criminals in the UK.

Zordana11:18pm on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
Why on earth would we want to do that? Helping you with our own demise is not on the cards you muppet.

I suggest that the voters give him the boot ASAP.

Changing the face of this country through unwanted and illegal immigration without the consent of the people is TREASON.

I'm surprised he hasn't been told this.

Zordana11:18pm on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
Why on earth would we want to do that? Helping you with our own demise is not on the cards you muppet.

I suggest that the voters give him the boot ASAP.

Changing the face of this country through unwanted and illegal immigration without the consent of the people is TREASON.

I'm surprised he hasn't been told this.

Pianoplayer11:03pm on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
I read some extremist views in these Comment columns, to which I will have no part of. But let me say this:- the Silent Majority may not always actually remain silent. Politicians need to realise this, and the sooner the better.

Fouleye9:24pm on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
Boost the ethnic vote? The way it has boosted the Labour vote? I doubt his motive for this outrageous proposition. Maybe he has another reason?

AlM7:10pm on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
Islamic infiltrator well placed in politics to learn the ropes on behalf of his own kind, paving the way for Sharia Law. I've never seen such a shifty looking character, he has dangerous, untrustworthy eyes. What on earth were the citizens of Stratford on Avon thinking when they voted for him? He has no allegiance to Britain, he should go back home and take the rest of them with him.

Abe4:36pm on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
They are "ILLEGAL" immigrants and have therefore broken the law. They should be removed from British soil and returned to the country of origin irrespective of any European Human Rights. The rights they have not earned as they are not European and certainly not British.

All Immigrants should not be able to obtain British citizenship nor be able to received social benefits until they have worked, paid into the public coffers, and have committed no criminal offence for 5 years before they can apply for British citizenship let alone get any rights in Britain.

This fool not only cannot understand British-ness, but wishes to make all Britons look the same fool as he does.

THD4:35pm on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
". Mr Zahawi, who was born in Iraq to Kurdish parents who fled Saddam Hussein's regime"

I have news for Mr Zahawi the war is over in Iraq and its safe to go home now, he can take the illegal immigrants with him when he leaves if he is so fond of them.

MancTom10:57am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
The problem is britannica, I agree with you, but he has no loyalty to this country - he's born in Baghdad, Iraq, to Kurdish parents, he's not British in any sense of the word, he's done well for himself, but his loyalty is to people like him who he'd like to see here enjoying jsut as nice a life... In my opinion first and second, maybe even third generation immigrants shouldn't be ALLOWED to be MP's and I think this would be a popular decision among the electorate.... What do people that are born somewhere else have to be patriotic about?? Like it say's he's going after the ethnic minority vote.. not ours.... Disgusting...

simmo27:39am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
hes just plain stupid thousands more would come looking for their same amnesty,

Then of course they would claim its against there human rights ohh and want a pension

britannica5:32am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
This person is a traitor, and he should be treated as one.

Veteran444:16am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
Fire this dork. NOW!

MerlinPendragon3:14am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
Just what we need ,more gerrymandering,been there ,done that with the last lot of idiots in govt courtesy of Bliar and no mates Brown thanx

league132:40am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment

1:09am on Saturday, 29th June 2013

Report This Comment

NO F.U.C.K.I.N.G WAY and while you are on with it this is a Christian country and that is the way it needs to say.

Won't be so when they get the majority vote.

Jonte1:26am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
Time for this weirdo to be voted out. Those who live in Stratford Upon Avon need take notice before their cute little town becomes full of illegal - now legal immigrants.

If you entered this country illegally you should be made to leave it. No one has a remote idea just how many illegals are in this country and worse, no one seems to care.

Apart from this ugly idiot who wants to legalise them all in the name of the conservative party.

Vote conservative - gets loadsa immigrants. . . . . .

qckfox1:25am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
whats the guy's name again? oh yeah, Nadhim Zahawi

LOL *HE'S* going to have an impartial view on this subject isn't he!!

apart from anything else where has he been living the last 10 years? under a stone? talk about OUT OF TOUCH

Contax1:09am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
NO F.U.C.K.I.N.G WAY and while you are on with it this is a Christian country and that is the way it needs to say.

Wildhorses2712:38am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
He is just another Muslim infiltrator the PC Whitehall crowd will indulge. Just getting more and more so called ethnics there is only one God but Allah and they live to takeover the world. Should we be worried with him and his like in office of course we should. he will not be happy until the whole of the Muslim world is here. The country has 200 people going for every job now. And still more are being allowed in and he is asking for more and to let all the illegal be here AND START CLAIMING BENEFITS, HE IS NOT DELUDED AT ALL IT JUST PART OF THE MASTER PLAN FOR THE TAKEOVER OF THE UK why should they BE ALLOWED TO STAY HERE. Great reward for them coming here uninvited he is like the other Muslim OBAMO he want s the same.

Wildhorses2712:30am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment

Rayjon12:09am on Saturday, 29th June 2013Report This Comment
Deluded and certifiable!

george123411:00pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Forget about giving these illegals the vote. Round up every black face in the country and let them prove they are entitled to be here. When the first boatoad are kicked out just make sure that Nadhim Zahawi is amonst them. We don't need cretins like him in our country.

Pete221010:58pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
No you've got it wrong again! Deport illegal immigrants.

paul0910:29pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
The Tory buffoon Boris Johnson has advocated the same thing as that moon worshiping vermin!

props200910:21pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Roust and deport.Can,t. Afford to look after our ,own never mind supporting illegals

MancTom9:43pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
We need a new Oliver Cromwell, the parliament of now is worse than the monarchy of then.... there's going to be civil way before long, and this issue will be one of the bigger reasons behind it...

Imagine what Mr Cromell would think of this... battle lines would be drawn..

Lex508:39pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
So now illegal immigrants are influencing political party policy , I bet politicians never saw this coming.

Daveyboy8:35pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
......and is that the best this MP can do.....prostitute himself for a few grubby votes, even if it meant ignoring the laws on immigration......don't worry about laws if it means a few more votes. I suggest he puts his efforts in helping to get the country back on it's feet, I can just imagine the rubbish he came up with to get elected....like 'I wish to serve the people and make it a better place to live'....I just hope the voters remember his priorities come election time!!!.....I think the tory leadership should divorce the comments from a perversos chancer.

loucooper8:35pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
The biggest problem this Country faces is that British people hate what is happening in our Country but we do nothing about it except moan. We fail to accept that we no longer have an NHS. We have an international health service paid for mainly by nationals. We do not get to know the full costs of having an open door to EU migrants + immigration from across the rest of the World. The cost of the NHS, education, social services, increased crime, free tras*lating, working tax credits, family allowance, housing benefit, tax refunds, the cost of all the extra administration and the list goes on!! If every British person who does not want this to continue were to stand up and be counted by attending mass peaceful demonstrations in every major city on the same day perhaps and only perhaps it might make Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem MPs take notice and we might get somewhere. Until then we will continue to get what we have always got. Government that will not listen!!

ekimwar8:21pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Those who do not respect the laws of land do not belong in a society of law-abiding citizens. We have enough criminals who regard other-people's property as their own by cheating, stealing and lying.

MancTom7:55pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
First and second generation immigrants shouldn't be allowed to be MP's they don't really give a crap about this country, they care more about the people where they came from, wanting to let them all come here and enjoy the nice life they have - well we got news for you.... A - We're overflowing already and B - we do not want it, nor will will allow it anymore...

Grow some balls government...

MILA1237:39pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This Islamic torie,he is out to ruin Britain. Does he intend to accept first class-flights and accommodation for him and his Wife like Jack Straw did funded by the Saudi Arabians.And then came back with a £1,5 million funding to build an other Mosque in Blackburn. That is how they are getten this money in-to Britain. Mosque's all over Britain Cameron has got to put a stop to this or does he want to be an-other Blair.We will get out of this corrupt EU

rSquared7:38pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This Nadhim Zahawi bloke might as well ask for a paedophile amnesty.

Not much of a difference after hearing of the latest grooming news.

And he'll get lots of support from every inner city in the country.

NoToTheEUSSR7:25pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
To the people of Stratford-on-Avon, why did you vote for him??????????????????????

NoToTheEUSSR7:18pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
illegal immigrants should be found and forced back to the dumps they came from asap.

rosebud757:08pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Illegal immigrants should be rounded up and sent back to where they came from. Border controls have got to be tougher - let no more immigrants in. I do not want to be a minority in my own country as I am sure millions of english born citizens would agree - and no I am not racist. This country has been ruined by Blair and Brown

MackemEd7:03pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment

steviebaby6:59pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
And, no, illegals should not be given an amnesty. They should be rounded up, one by one if necessary, and sent back from where they came.

What part of 'illegal' don't you understand, Mr. Zawawi?

steviebaby6:56pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Ethnic minorities, and especially those from the muslim countries, do not with to be a part of this great country. They sit on the sidelines, causing whatever violence they can, and wait for the time islam and the muslim takes over this country.

Mr. Zahawi should throw himself to his knees and thank his god that he is living in such a wonderful country, and has escaped the madness that comes with every islamic country.

But I suppose he won't. Like every muslim, he seems to forget very quickly just how dreadful islamic countries are, and begins to look at them through rose-coloured glasses.

Velocette6:30pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Nadhim Zahawi - the name sounds about right. We'll soon have to take back our country by force

johnathon5:56pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment

MILA1235:47pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Now at last we are getting answers, Why is it, our Borders are not working?. Answer =With an idiot'ic mo'ron who happens to be a Con/MP. Thinks it-is a good idea to let the **** of the earth flood Britain. Just to obtain VOTES. He is going down the same path as Jack Straw and the rest of them, Who the f@@k picks these people as M/Ps

annemac5:44pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
You couldn't make it up, here we have an immigrant telling us the Poor done by Bits that we should allow all the undesirables who has sneaked into the country to have a very easy life on benefits, bring all their relatives and we are supposed to be ok with that. If Cameron even considers this then be prepared because there really will be rivers of blood mark my words. It proves that immigrants are fast tracked into top positions this guy should not be allowed to be an MP just because he has a British passport doesn't make him British been here five minutes and dictating to the Indigenous people

annemac5:35pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
You couldn't make it up, we have an immigrant telling us we should welcome all the illegals because it would get votes for the tories, and we the poor Brits are left to have to live next to these people who have no intention of integrating into British way of life oh no. They would have us all praying to Allah.

If Cameron and his cabbages even consider this then there will be rivers of blood mark my words

Treason5:31pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
No wonder the law of the land is disrespected when you have people making statements like this.

And this guy is an MP....the mind boggles.

Take heart UKIP, if this is the standard of opposition you should walk it.

johnathon5:01pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment

Pegasus2164:55pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
The clue is in the name, another nob head who wants this country to drown in Islam.

But wait...this is worth millions of votes to UKIP so rock on Nadhim...



mogmad4:49pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Another totally out of touch politician, and he learnt his craft quickly, not being from the "establishment".

So let me understand this. The Tories should appeal to the illegals and bu--er the rest of us. Sound politics? I think not, MORE LIKE THE LOGIC OF THE POLITICAL MADHOUSE.


DEN104:43pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Zahawi being an immigrant himself would very much like to flood the UK with immigrants and give amnesty to the millions of illegals that LibLabCon have just let walk in .He says an influx of immigrants is good for UK when were in so much debt hahahahaha. usual insane remarks from LibLabCon. There a far better solution Zahawi go back to Iraq take your relations with you along with all the illegals.One more reason to vote UKIP.

DEN104:29pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Zahawi being a immigrant himself theres no surprise he wants to flood UK with immigrants and an amnesty for the millions of illegals already here. An influx of immigrants will boost the economy ,hahahahaha, talk about mindless insanity. However theres a much better solution go back to Iraq and take your immigrants with you. Just one more reason to vote UKIP

IhatetheEU4:21pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
All I can say to him, Camoron, Ken Clarke and others, is to carry on right up to the 2015 general election as they are, for they are doing just fine to ensure all with any grey matter within the Tory party deserts them to UKIP

happygran4:19pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Many Jovenlandeses already have more than one wife and of course more than one family, just let them all in and destroy our culture completely. We are short of water, power, hospital beds, places in schools and prisons, need I go on. Policing all these extra people is immpossible as it is, give them the right to stay and they will bring all their never ending relatives also. ONE CAN THEN SAY GOODBYE TO FREEDOM OF THOUGHT ESPECIALLY FOR THE WOMEN OF THIS COUNTRY. Just sen this man back to where he came from and if he was born here send him back to where his parents came from.

4204024:17pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Rubbish. Send them back from whence hey came. Half of them are crooks anyway.

mandrake19524:11pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
While I,m on the soap box,I just looked at zahawis picture,and he has the face you just want to punch,and keep punching,and then put cameroon behind him,so every time I punch him,his head goes back and gets cameroon wright on the nose.

mandrake19523:58pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
nadhim zahawi,who the hell do you think you are,you want to give amnesty to illegal immigrants who have broken the law,they should not be here,we should be seeking them out,with police dogs,round them up,and handcuff them,put them in a secure place,before we send them on their way,and then we should arrest you and put you against a wall and blindfold you.

Would you like a cigarette?

EmperorMing3:44pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Only 1 comment comes to mind. ( R S Ole )

ForestRunner3:40pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Hmm, just look from who's lips this came from. Nuff said!

THD3:36pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
"We do not want any illegal third world **** here, so they should be removed and any person or family helping them should have their British passports revoked and citizenship.

I am sick of our children being raped by Pakistanis, our streets polluted with medieval dress codes, no-go areas for white people, race hate Jovenlandeses being allowed to laugh at us, and black gangs with their rotten culture."

I and millions of others second this so Mr Zahawi, go to whence you came and take your friends with you we do not want them here.

CPP3:26pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Here's a free tip for any MP or political type out there.

The party who shows respect to British people and voters by detailing the police and army to round up all illegals and asylum seekers an impound them at airports until the next flight out will win a landslide victory for many elections to come!

No appeals, no soft sob stories, Handcuff them and fly them all out.

it's a disgrace that a non Brit is an MP in the first place, Stratfordupon- Avon Conservatives and voters should be ashamed of themselves! Nadhim Zahawi needs deporting along with the illegals.

Blimey2:26pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment

If you want to fill your country, then get ye back from whence ye came and do it there.

**** cheek.

Rick22:14pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
We do not want any illegal third world **** here, so they should be removed and any person or family helping them should have their British passports revoked and citizenship.

I am sick of our children being raped by Pakistanis, our streets polluted with medieval dress codes, no-go areas for white people, race hate Jovenlandeses being allowed to laugh at us, and black gangs with their rotten culture.

Britishworker1:47pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
So this "Member of Parliament" wants amnesty for criminals? For people who have broken the law, entered illegally, do not pay tax and degrade this country and its society, have not contributed in any positive way and also get free health care? "Think outside the box"? Maybe this man should be placed in a large padded one!

Mallydee1:47pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment

Kugelschreiber1:42pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
As a BNP (ex Labour) supporter, I agree with the poster who says we want jobs for the workers of BRITAIN, but personally I would not JUST include "white" people in that category...............

...........for I feel we also have a duty of care & responsibility towards those of ETHNIC MINORITY who have been living in this country for generations (since the 50s, 70s etc) now

Yes, I was against the MASS IMMIGRATION, but I understand that it must feel like HOME to them now, & I would very much like us to , then, look after THEM as well

SirMichael1:33pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Who voted this terrible man in ? In fact how was he ever allowed to become an MP. I'll give him ideas for his think tank "Right Revival " kick anyone out who is not here legally and kick anyone out who doesn't obey our laws.

SirMichael1:31pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Call me old fashioned but I don't think that handing out the right to vote to all and sundry is a good idea.Personally I'd restrict it to tax-payers and anyone here illegally should be booted out.

People don't think further than the middle of next week in politics. Suppose some ethnic minority politician then suggests grants from your taxes to build more mosques,or even more foreign aid to muslim countries. Your taxes will be spent on this type of thing,not on our defence budget or things for the benefit of this country.

A trojan horse,that should be stopped immediately.

Sunworshiper1:22pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This is not a muslim country and never will be so f off you stupid ****. You should not even be a MP in this country.

league131:03pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
If I lived in the UK I would vote BNP.The only party with policies to sort out the countries problems.

league131:00pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
If I lived in the UK I would certainly vote for the BNP..They are the only party with policies that would soon straighten the country out.

Rayjon12:47pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This man is nothing other than an ill informed buffoon. He clearly wants to turn Britain into the next Islamic state aided and abetted by a PM who has been promoted well beyond his capabilities and intellect. What Zahawo fails to grasp is the British taxpayer, who is fast becoming a rarity, is footing the bill for hundreds of thousands illegal immigrants who are not paying tax. Not contributions anything to the country but being adept at claiming as many benefits as possible. Both these idiots, Zahawi and Cameron will do is to turn Britain into a third world cesspit. However on the bright side all this is achieving is polarising people's minds into realising UKIP is the only way forward. Taxi for both Zahawi and Cameron please!!!

bounceer196612:30pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
We don't want or need any more immigrants!

What we want is jobs for british white workers who have worked all their lives but now due to the uncontrolled immigration and recession just cannot get work!

Why can no political party achieve this?

Truther12:27pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
I guess it's time to synchronize with the UN-NWO again ...first we had lgtb marriage without a vote or any mention in a manifesto, and we have an amnesty for illegal immigrants. Personally, I don't have a problem with either of these, or foreign aid, so long as we the people can have a vote. What comes next - first night rights for the super rich elite? Surely it must be time to vote all these fake Conservatives out of office?

antieudictatorship12:24pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
The only thing they should be given is the orer of the boot back to their own countries.

Keep Great Britain for the British.

Vote UKIP.

BBodkin12:11pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
The Labour Party put their needs before those of the country with their open door policy are the Tories now to do the same. It is the poor old citizen who has to suffer from all these dubious tactics. Labour may benefit from our superfluity of immigrants but these same will share in the horrors that ***ow and may well think better in the future.

Kugelschreiber12:05pm on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
As a BNP (ex Labour) supporter, while I am in favour of being very kind & welcoming to our EXISTING (pre 1997) ethnic minorities, since it must seem like HOME to them now & we should RESPECT that .............

(of course WE did not receive the same RESPECT about matters of HOME COUNTRY when our politicians forced MASS IMMIGRATION upon us, but I cannot become BAD & WICKED like them)

....I feel very strongly that it is WRONG for a 1st generation immigrant to be allowed to rule over us in our Parliament . Someone should have to be at least of 3rd generation immigrant stock.

Unfortunately, our FIRST PAST THE POST electoral system gives the public little say in this matter.

Anyway, the words above of this Tory MP , for me , only CONFIRMS that what I have said in this post is a sensible approach.

For 1st generation immigrants (& even 2nd generation such as Ed Milliband) obviously have NO SENSE OF LOYALTY towards the people of this country

MancTom11:58am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Are we sure this bloke is even here legally? (born in Baghdad, Iraq, to Kurdish parents)..

When it's immigrants talking about this sort of thing, I honestly don't think they should have a voice, be happy we took them in in the first place...

First Keith Vaz talking up - Born in Yemen to Indian parents... now this bloke... winds me up

How about the government actually do what they're paid to do (or should be paid to do) which is work for us, not against us!

Kugelschreiber11:56am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
I voted Labour for 35 years but now support the BNP

If you want the truth, I could NEVER vote Tory.

My MAIN reason for this is that I hate the way Thatcher flogged off our country's assets for peanuts or offered them up for the PROFIT of a handful of international economic mercenaries.

And Cameron most certainly appears to be the son of Thatcher , in that sphere of activity , most certainly, for they are STILL doing the same thing, but even WORSE actually!

Thatcher's Tories received huge DONATIONS from foreign businessmen, which for me raises a lot of questions. .eg, John Latsis the Greek shipping billionaire gave them £2 million. See for yourself by going to p. 7 of the ***owing document (note, Cameron's govt operates similarly)

http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/bitstream/2438/3527/1/Political donations to the conservative party.pdf

rSquared11:45am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This Nadhim Zahawi bloke might as well ask for a paedophile amnesty.

Not much of a difference after hearing of the latest grooming news.

And he'll get lots of support from every inner city in the country

rSquared11:44am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This Nadhim Zahawi bloke might as well ask for a paedophile amnesty.

Not much of a difference after hearing of the latest grooming news.

And he'll lots of support from every inner city in the country

rSquared11:44am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This Nadhim Zahawi bloke might as well ask for an paedophile amnesty.

Not much of a difference after hearing of the latest grooming news.

And he'll lots of support from every inner city in the country.

DesJ11:40am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
99.9% of the tens of thousands of "refugees" and "asylum seekers" swarming around the French Channel ports trying to break into Britain are Jovenlandeses.

Why don't we send thousands of buses to Dover and bring all these Jovenlandeses over to boost the Torry vote????

While we are about it, we can strip pensioners, the disabled and unemployed of all their rights and benefits and use the money to build Mosques for the new Torry voters so they will feel at home in their new Islamic country.

IhatetheEU11:27am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This must be another measure in Camoron's detoxification of the Conservative party. First came the introduction of candidates from the gays and minority communities to become MPs, then came the redefining of marriage and gays marriage and now an amnesty to all illegal aliens so to boost the Conservative vote.

If you love this country, your children and you want to keep your jobs, then all you have to do is to join UKIP, get members of your family and friends to do the same and then vote for UKIP at every election so to ensure a UKIP government in 2015

jollyroger11:15am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
These Muslim dirtbags have absolutely no shame! The only reason this slimeball wants illegal immigrants given amnesty is because they are overwhelmingly Muslim and will increase the Muslim immigrant population.

Next there will be a call to allow family reunifications too. These third world communities really do treat the native British population like we are the immigrants to our own land, while they are some entitled "native minority" like the Moari of NZ or the Aboriginals of Oz, ETC.

I bet Cameron put him up to it, too?! As a way of testing the waters. America is legalizing millions of illegal immigrants, so typically, the government believes we should ***ow suit. It's yet another nail in the Tory coffin.

Vote UKIP!

mandrake195211:14am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Give an amnesty to illegal immigrants! Has this muslim craphead lost the plot.Oh I see, just to get more votes,remember at the next election vote UKIP and get rid of this heartless goverment,and send this shite back to iraq where he belongs.

Colourblind11:14am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Just how many illegals are we looking at 3,000, 300,000, 3,000,000. Once the amnesty goes through they have direct access to the NHS, Social Security, and no doubt free prescriptions. All for the anti British vote. We cannot afford it !!!!!!!!

Loyaltouk11:11am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
It just highlights the fact that most M P's could not give a hoot for the country. Tony Blaire has already allowed mass immigration to bolster the Labour Party vote. We are being told that the health service is in crisis, we may have to have power cuts. The government want to cut benefits. This means that U K citizens will get nothing but immigrants will get whatever benefits they want. The country cannot sustain another drive of mass immigration. It is going to be a very bad situation already when Romanians and Bulgarians start swarming into the UK

paul0910:58am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Another Muslim parasite trying to bring in the rest of his "brothers" to infest this country. 50% of Muslim men dont work and most of the rest do cash in hand businesses,like taxis,markets,kebabs,mobile phone stalls etc.They contribute nothing and destroy our trade balance by importing foreign goods to sell then exporting our currency to their third world relatives before they too come!

BillyBones10:50am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Get rid of this traitor idiot at the next election

deg10:33am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This is just plain evil but what else should we expect from these new type politicians?

'Cash for questions' comes to mind. To cost the country - the tax payers, £Billions just for votes a diabolical outrage. Buying votes is in the realm of socialism and the mainstay of 3rd World Countries. Quite!

And this man purports to be a Tory? God help us!

TheGeneral10:09am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Nadhim, I diss-agree with you

happygran10:08am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
We are told that there will be power rationing in the next two years, but hey what the heck just allow millions more into this overcrowded island until we are almost standing on each others heads. How can they be so stupid, there is no room in the schools, hospitals, prisons, or London, where most of these immigrants want to go. Our culture has been decimated, which incidentally is agains EU law, no one can cope with this increase and there is still more to come later this year from Eastern Europe, what are they thinking of.

Those who run this country are just stark staring mad. I don't belive they have more than one brain cell each and that is focused on the money they can make for themselves.

TheGeneral10:07am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
I dissagree.

Peterboroughboy10:05am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
He doesn't look he has paid as much Tax and NI into the pot as I have and I was born here. So another freeloader. He would say that wouldn't he....

What would Iraq say to me if I told them how to run their benefit system? Opps, they dont have one.

Bul ***t

Peterboroughboy10:03am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
He doesn't look English or has paid as much Tax and NI into the pot as I have. So would say that wouldn't he....

What would Iraq say to me if I told them how to run their benefit system? Opps, they dont have one.


sonofglendower10:03am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
only a muslim would make a ridiculous suggestion !

decoded9:58am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment

decoded9:58am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment

charlie2089:55am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Here we go again another rich Con who wants to fill the country with cheap labour to fill his pockets.Maybe he should tell us why we have millions unemployed Hospitals falling apart and schools which are second rate.I suggest if he wants them in then may be we should cut MP,s Golden Pensions and large salaries to help pay all the benefits we will have to pay out. If he continues with these stupid ideas maybe we should stop oversea aid to pay pay for them all.Final words sum it all up in to days news our schools can not cope now Please when we get a Government who listen to the people who elected them

JackSmith9:55am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Maybe WE should look after OUR own..!

If the millions of White British people choose not to vote Conservative, it is because they are not satisfied with the way government is being run. If the Tories feel they need to get votes from the Black or immigrant communities, then it's time they are kicked out, for they are not serving the people of this country.

korky9:48am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment

Overtaxed9:48am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Would someone tell Nadhim Zahawi that new immigrants vote Labour so what is his true agenda here? Illegal immigrants have already broken the laws of this land and this idiot thinks that they should be rewarded for that? No wonder all these immigrants flock to Britain they know that they will be looked after by the idiots in power. Please vote UKIP to help stop this mess.

Overtaxed9:47am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Would someone tell Nadhim Zahawi that new immigrants vote Labour so what is his true agenda here? Illegal immigrants have already broken the laws of this land and this idiot thinks that they should be rewarded for that? No wonder all these immigrants flock to Britain they know that they will be looked after by the idiots in power. Please vote UKIP to help stop this mess.

John_Bull9:44am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
A treacherous Tory MP - shortly to lose his seat to UKIP. Sooner the better methinks.

Anonymouse9:42am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
This just about sums up the mentality of the 'Con' Party, Nadhim Zahawi has given no thought to who pays for these ILLEGAL immigrants. No wonder the country is in such a state, for gods sake someone explain to him the difference between an island and a continent

Maybe Nadhim Zahawi has strong feelings of patriotism for his motherland, however he should realise England is not the same as Baghdad, Poland, Romania, Somalia or any other country passing thought the mists of his imaginary Arabian fantasies.

ivan239:27am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
The clue is in the name!

vicarjim9:25am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
always thought he sounded intelligent. just goes to show? by the way why are our primary schools short of 1/4 million places . British white child birth is down every year?

benmass9:21am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Maybe Nadhim Zahawi could return to his native Iraq and help his country recover instead of trying to destroy ours.

ghettouk9:12am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
sack this traitor,we have more than enough of these vile vermin here,there will be a revolution next year when the next wave of **** arrives....

Dave779:10am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
Nadhim Zahawi MP along with Keith Vaz MP and other etnic MPs are causing outrage and Anger with their contempt for the Indigenous White people of Britain !--Do these foolish people who only speak for their own Ethnic electorate -believe British people really want "More" hostile immigrants arriving here !--the absolute truth is--We want many of those unwanted and unloved immigrants who already over run Britain to "Go Back To Where they Came From" !--This comment from an Ethnic Iraqi Immigrant MP defies everything Genuine Britons believe in--We reject any and all immigration from Hostile and belligerent nations !--Keith Vaz MP as seemingly got "too Much" power when a personal letter from him can Stop Two Speakers who support the majority right wing view in Britain --from coming here and be placed on a Banned List !--Vile and disgusting comes to mind !--The major party's need to connect with the white voters first--Before fawning over and patronising unwanted hostile immigrants --SHAME !

JohnFromLincolnshire9:10am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
IF that is the case, WHY NOT give all who commit criminal acts amnesty. The swivel eyed wonders could then claim Britain has the lowest prison population in all Europe!

Therepublican9:08am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
If we really want to attract the Asian vote we need to stop all further immigration into the UK as the generally very hard working established Asians in the UK can see the extremists and unemployable asians damaging their status in the UK

Therepublican9:06am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
You can see where this idiots loyalty lies, IE in self promotion, he wants thousands of grateful immigrants to pander to his needs, We need to greatly REDUCE the numbers of foreigners living in the UK. Mass deportations are the order not amnesties.

Negotiator3218:59am on Friday, 28th June 2013Report This Comment
All part of the same corrupt establishment LABLIBCON which is probably controlled by EU, Bilderberg, Media, BBC, EBU, Stonewall, Muslim council......they are not listening !!!!

We want all immigration stopped. No more Europeans driving down wages of labourers, taxi drivers and stopping our kids from getting a jobs....no more Asian immigration taking the public sector for a ride...no more African immigration all sucking the welfare budget and taking public sector jobs and all immigrants using our public services to breaking point.

Enough already...... U K I P is the only SOS on our corrupt establishment to listen to what people want.....we want our traditional Britain preserved

Está claro que esta pantomima ****o "democratica" capitalista que padecemos no sobrevivirá a la oleada turística multicultural que ésta misma nos impone. ¡¡ ALEGRAOS, porque EL FÍN está cerca !! :tragatochos:

"Europa está siendo, lenta pero incesantemente, limpiada étnicamente de europeos". (Eurodiputado Andrew Brons)

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Paco Umbral dijo:
La raza blanca solo se redimirá mediante la cesión de su solar a otras razas , las cuales han sufrido sistematicamente la esclavitud y la servideumbre de los blancos.

Vaya, pero ¿no decías que las razas no existen?¿no decías que no eran más que falsas construcciones sociales promovidas por el capital para dividir y enfrentar a la humanidad?.
Pero ahora parece que sí que existe la raza blanca y otras razas como dices. ¿En qué quedamos pués?.

Respecto a lo de la esclavitud y servidumbre los neցros y los jovenlandeses han tenido esclavos desde hace siglos y se han servido de ellos de todas las maneras. De hecho los blancos compraban esclavos a esta gente.

En cuanto a que los blancos tenemos que redimirnosrespecto a lo que supuestamente hicieron nuestros antepasados...pues va a ser que no.

O sea que según tú todos los blancos debemos ser castigados por los "pecados" cometidos por nuestros ancestros. Es decir, cualquier blanco europeo debe dejar su casa y su trabajo porque su tatarabuelo pudo haber practicado la discriminación racial, aunque quizá no la practicó ni nunca tuvo nada que ver con ella.
Por cierto los arabes tenían también esclavos y esclavas blancos. Estas últimas eran las más apreciadas.

¿Y tú dices estar en contra del racismo?. Si, hombre sí. Es imposible luchar contra el racismo sucumbiendo ante él.
