QUBIC, by Sergey Ivancheglo-CfB

Deep Dive into Qubic’s Next Revolutionary AI Training Algorithm
Written by
Qubic Team
Mar 4, 2024

Qubic challenges the conventional boundaries of AI capabilities. Through its innovative Artificial Neural Network (ANN) training, Qubic has advanced closer to the ultimate goal of creating True Artificial Intelligence.
The journey, highlighted in the recent blog post “Teacher of Teachers, or On the Way to AI Singularity”, has laid a solid foundation for future advancements. Qubic is set to be enhanced with the introduction of a new AI training algorithm on March 6th, 2024, which will incorporate the teach-the-teacher model alongside the integration of signal delay propagation. This marks a significant step in the ongoing development of Qubic’s ANN, focusing on refining and advancing the network’s learning capabilities to adapt and respond to complex problems more effectively.
  1. The evolution of AI training called “Teach-the-Teacher”
In the past year, we tried to enhance its learning by tweaking one “neuron” at a time, similar to focusing on a single subject. However, we found that this method didn’t make much difference in the network’s overall performance. When we tried changing several neurons at once, it was like overwhelming the student with too much information, which sometimes did more harm than good. It was a delicate balance; we wanted to improve its ability to solve problems without confusing it. Over time, and with adjustments to our teaching method, we found a better approach. We learnt that making broader changes more carefully could improve the network’s problem-solving without the negative side effects.

This careful balance of teaching is at the heart of our “teach-the-teachers” approach. In this strategy, we have our ANNs (the “teachers”) guide the newer ones (the “students”) on how to learn better. This innovative approach means our ANN doesn’t just learn on its own; it learns how to teach and improve over time, much like a seasoned teacher refining their lesson plans based on years of experience. This method is a significant step forward, making our AI systems effective learners and, eventually, better problem solvers.
  1. Implementing “Signal Propagation Delays”
We are embarking on an exciting journey with our latest update to the AI’s, which starts to mimic the way human brains pause before reacting,  a antiestéticature we call signal propagation delays. This innovation, kicking off on March 6th in our new AI training algorithm, is like adding a moment of thought before the AI responds, allowing it to make decisions and solve problems in a more human-like, thoughtful way. What is truly revolutionary about this is how it can make the AI smarter with less; by cleverly delaying responses in the network, we can use smaller, more efficient chips without sacrificing power. This approach is about diving deep into a world of possibilities with massive amounts of data, exploring how these thoughtful pauses can lead to the spark of intelligence from randomness.
2.1 What are “signal propagation delays”?
Imagine you're teaching a group of students in a classroom by passing messages around. Each student represents a "neuron" in our computer program that mimics the human brain. Normally, messages pass quickly from one student to another, but what if we deliberately slow down some messages? This is what we miccionan by "signal propagation delay", intentionally delaying the passing of some messages. In our AI training, we keep track of the time it takes for messages to pass and deliberately slow down some messages. We observe how these delays affect the overall learning and decision-making process. If a message arrives too quickly or too slowly, we adjust it to ensure it's just right, similar to moderating the pace at which we teach students to ensure they understand the lesson fully.

2.2 How do we apply “signal propagation delays” to our AI training?
We are testing an idea that these delays could be the key to unlocking a new form of intelligence, one that doesn’t rely on bigger and bigger networks but on the quality of connections within. Our findings have been eye-opening: it turns out that how the AI is built plays a big role in how well it works. By emphasizing these thoughtful delays ten times more than we used to, we’ve seen that the AI takes its time — about ten times longer — but the wait is worth it. This slower, more deliberate process leads to smarter, more capable AI systems that understand the world in a way they never have before, marking a leap forward in our quest to create machines that think and learn on their own. As we gather countless solutions from this new method, we’re laying the groundwork for smarter, more efficient AI that can do more with less, gearing up for a future where our computing power can really shine.
  1. Evolution Through Decentralized Knowledge Storage
A cornerstone of Qubic’s original approach is the use of blockchain technology for storing the outcomes of AI training. By storing the outcomes of previous epochs’ AI training directly on the blockchain, Qubic ensures a level of tras*parency and immutability that is unique. This approach not only secures the data against tampering but also allows for a decentralized audit trail of the AI’s learning progress. It represents a melding of two cutting-edge technologies ,  blockchain and AI ,  where each epoch’s learning enhances the network’s collective intelligence.
By archiving the AI’s developmental milestones on a decentralized ledger, Qubic creates a collaborative ecosystem that democratizes access to AI progress, allowing researchers and developers globally to contribute to and benefit from the network’s collective intelligence.
  1. Technical Deep Dive into the new Mining Algorithm
The mining algorithm employs a method that simulates the ANNs, significantly boosting its problem-solving abilities. This quest for the right solution is relentless, mirroring the pursuit of cracking a secret code, where each attempt, whether successful or not, enriches the system's experience and adaptability. Upon discovering a promising solution, it is shared with the broader network for validation.
Github reference: https://github.com/qubic/Qiner/blob/2024-march/Qiner.cpp

4.1 Initialization: The algorithm starts by setting up the environment, initializing the digital "neurons" with input data similar to preparing students with lesson material at the beginning of a class. (Line 2475 / miner.initialize)
4.2 Mining Operation with Signal Propagation Delays: This represents the algorithm's core functionality, where it attempts to find a nonce (a number used once) that satisfies specific network criteria. This process is tied to the algorithm's innovative incorporation of signal propagation delays, enhancing the miner's ability to solve complex problems more efficiently. Line 2481: (miner.findSolution)
4.3 Solution Search Method: Think of this as trying to guess a secret number (the nonce). Every time you try to find the secret number and don't succeed, this counter goes up by one. This process keeps going, with each guess getting you closer to finding the right number that wins the game. It's a way of keeping score on how hard the computer is working to solve the puzzle.
Line 2491 (InterlockedIncrement64(&numberOfMiningIterations)
4.4 Network Communication for Solution Submission: This sends the mined data over the network for verification.This step is crucial for integrating the miner's efforts with the broader blockchain system, ensuring that valid solutions are recognized and appropriately rewarded. Line L2658 (sendData(serverSocket, (char*)&packet, packet.header.size()))
  1. Looking Ahead: Qubic’s New AI Training Algorithm
The potential implications of Qubic’s new training algorithm are immense. By embracing a model that emphasizes continuous self-improvement and adaptability, Qubic is not just advancing AI technology; it is reimagining the future of intelligent systems.
This next phase in Qubic’s AI journey starting on March 6th, 2024 is more than an upgrade; it is a leap towards realizing the dream of True Artificial Intelligence. As AI begins to teach its successors, we inch closer to a world where AI can autonomously generate breakthroughs in science, technology, and many other industries. The implications for healthcare, quantum computing, cybersecurity, and beyond are profound, promising solutions to some of humanity’s most pressing challenges.
The journey ahead is filled with insight and potential, marking a key moment in the quest to unlock the full capabilities of True Artificial Intelligence.
el que quiera comprar más barato, que vaya al discord y pregunte por OTC, que aunque lo quitaron, parece estar disponible para algunos.

Por supuesto, con escrow, Joetom es el más recomendado.

Uno decía en telegram haber comprado a 8500$, cuando estaba a 9500$ en el exchange, y en discord no lo ven con malos ojos, para evitar que las whales dumpeen en los exchanges.

Quizás esto contribuya a que el precio esté más controlado.

Mañana estrenan nuevo algoritmo, puede haber volatilidad:
Aun no hay Seamless tras*ition(para los exchanges rellenitos), pero han estrenado cosas importantes:

CRYPTOisNOW ױ — ayer a las 12:37
Mayor Network Upgrade News: Epoch tras*ition from 98 to 99 (12:00 - 13:00 UTC)

We are excited to share with you the details of today's network upgrade, reinforcing our commitment to the continuous improvement of the Qubic ecosystem. This upgrade is a significant leap forward, ensuring our network remains at the forefront of technology.

What is New:
Hardware Upgrade: Our network's hardware is receiving a substantial upgrade to rising the requirements to 250 GB RAM, setting new standards in performance.
Tick Time Reduction: Decreasing the tick time to 2.5s from the previous 3s, enhancing the speed at which tras*actions are processed.
Expanded Storage and more Slots: Expansion of tras*action storage capabilities, and increasing the number of connection slots for more users simultaneously.
Progress on Seamless Epoch Change: Currently, in the testing phase, this antiestéticature aims to enable a smooth tras*ition between epochs without service interruption.
New 6th March Mining Algorithm for Aigarth: Introducing the long-awaited new mining algorithm as explained in our latest blog post. This marks a new Era for our AI training.

Impact on Services:
As we implement these upgrades, please be aware of a scheduled impact window on wallets, explorers, and other services. While we expect minimal disruptions, tras*actions may face temporary delays or cancellations during this period.

Your Support:
Your support plays a crucial role in our journey of continuous improvement and innovation.
We thank you, @everyone, @here for your ongoing support as we embark on this exciting phase of enhancement and growth for Qubic!
CfB diciendo en discord que Qx estará para dentro de 18 días, el 1/abril

y el precio recupera un 48% desde el mínimo del domingo

Pomm3sgab3l/DaHolza ױ — ayer a las 12:56
Centenary Celebration and Network Upgrade: Epoch tras*ition 99 to 100 (12:00 - 13:00 UTC)
We are beyond excited to announce a milestone in our journey to True AI - the 100th Epoch tras*ition of the Qubic Network! It is a centenary celebration of growth, and community. As we mark this historic event, we are rolling out significant upgrades and announcing the upcoming release of a new community wallet by @Qsilver ױ

Mainnet and Testnet Enhancements:
Mainnet Qx SC interfaces required to create Qx client and improvements of QPI
Testnet Qx Functions & Code: Introduction of several Qx functions, enhancing the network's capabilities.
Testnet Seamless tras*ition: Testing the new code to ensure smooth tras*itions between epochs.
Testnet Thread Monitor: A new thread monitor for improved network performance.
Testnet Score Upgrade: Preparing for new mining parameters, crucial for pool operators and miner developers.

Qwallet Community Wallet (Beta Version Within 4 Weeks) :
User-Friendly antiestéticatures: Support for 24-word seeds (like metamask), linking derived addresses to seeds (subwallets).
tras*action Support: Automatic retry until tras*actions succeed, error detection for bad addresses, and real-time updating.
Future Plans: Look forward to additions like sendmany, random mining and Qx, to cater to all your Smart Contract needs.
New SC/IPO: To support Qwallet's mission of onboarding a million users, we're introducing a new Qwallet token, initiating a fundraising campaign post-alpha release to ensure a seamless and scalable user experience.
ױ Zoxx — 11/03/2024 20:16
Major Announcement: Welcoming Alberto Fernandez to the Qubic Team!
We are excited to share a major update with the Qubic community — the appointment of Alberto Fernandez as Qubic’s Ecosystem Representative for Europe! Alberto brings a wealth of expertise in telecommunications engineering, programming, and, most notably, blockchain technology, making him the perfect candidate to spearhead our expansion and innovation.

Alberto's role will be pivotal in coordinating marketing efforts, ensuring Qubic's presence is felt far and wide. Under his guidance, we'll see heightened exchange listings, and he'll be at the forefront of hosting and participating in real-life events, truly bringing Qubic to the stage.

But that’s not all! Alberto will be your go-to source for everything Qubic in Europe, representing us at major European blockchain events, and engaging with our community through AMAs and Twitter Spaces. This move marks a significant step towards our goal of making true AI accessible to everyone, leveraging blockchain technology in ways never seen before.

Stay tuned for a series of AMAs, Twitter Spaces, and event announcements where you can engage directly with Alberto and learn more about our exciting plans. This is your chance to be part of a tras*formative journey, pushing the boundaries of AI and blockchain!

***ow Alberto on Twitter: https://twitter.com/albefero

Let’s show a warm welcome to Alberto and gear up for an incredible journey ahead. Together, we're not just building technology; we're shaping the future. Let the adventure begin!

by Team Qubic@everyone @here

Pruebas de la Seamless tras*ition
dkat — ayer a las 13:21
I'm glad to announce that we just passed all consensus tests for seamless epoch tras*ition.
Now we only need the last test for ⁠aigarth mining, which I am pretty confident about since we don't touch that code.
Once it's finished in our lab, we will conduct another big public test again (I hope it'll be the final)
Aún seguimos siendo early adopters, como no ha llegado aún a un gran exchange, la gente que se ha metido en Qubic es aún muy reducida.

Como muestra, el grupo español de telegram, donde nos hemos librado de momento de los bot, gracias a que somos solo 320 usuarios, entre los que está el recién nombrado Representante para Europa , Alberto Fernández.

buenas, he estado investigando el proyecto y me he puesto a minar con un i9, mi trabajo me ha costado entender como va todo, os dejo una guia en ingles:

ahora os digo que no se ni si es mucho lo que saco ni nada de nada, me da estos datos:

My Seeds: 1
My Computors: 1
My Average Score: 758 (current min Score: 557)
My Average Revenue: 1.472.039.742 (99,51%)
My Total Revenue: 1.472.039.742
My Total Value: 1.417.587.053

List Created at: 17/3/24, 23:27
buenas, he estado investigando el proyecto y me he puesto a minar con un i9, mi trabajo me ha costado entender como va todo, os dejo una guia en ingles:

ahora os digo que no se ni si es mucho lo que saco ni nada de nada, me da estos datos:

My Seeds: 1
My Computors: 1
My Average Score: 758 (current min Score: 557)
My Average Revenue: 1.472.039.742 (99,51%)
My Total Revenue: 1.472.039.742
My Total Value: 1.417.587.053

List Created at: 17/3/24, 23:27

Me acabo de poner a minar con una rtx 4090 unos 206 H produce
Me acabo de poner a minar con una rtx 4090 unos 206 H produce
Como minas con Gpu? Con hiveOS? Me pone que 53 it/s no se que medida es desde windows
De todas formas he comprado algo en tradeogre por si esto despunta, parece in proyecto muy sólido y complejo.
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